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Management of Islamic education consists of three syllables namely, management,
education and Islam. The term management comes from the word manage which
means control. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary it can be interpreted as implementing
management, carry out management. According to Sahertian (1994), management
comes from the word manage or manageiare which means to train a horse to move
its legs. Why horse? Because horses have great abilities. In the sense of management
contained two activities, namely thought (mind) and action (action). (Sulistyorini, 2009)
Both of these activities show management functions such as planning, organising,
directing, coordinating, controlling, and others. Meanwhile, seen from English, the word
management is a verb to manage which means to manage, organize, implement and
manage. Synonymous with the word to hand which means to manage, to control which
means to check and to guide which means to lead. (Baharuddin dan Umiarso, 2012)
Therefore according to the origin of the word and lexical, the word management has the
meaning of managing, controlling, leading or guiding.
The second syllable is education. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary,
education is the process of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group of
people in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training efforts. Education
can also be interpreted according to Henderson in sadulloh (2009) as a process of growth
and development as a result of individual interactions with the social and physical
environment, lasting throughout life since humans are born.
The third word is Islam, which according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary means
Islam, the religion taught by the Prophet Muhammad. guided by the holy book of the
Koran which was revealed to the world through the revelation of Allah SWT. From
these several definitions it can be concluded that the notion of Islamic education
management is a process of structuring or managing Islamic educational institutions that
involves Muslim human resources and drives them to achieve Islamic education goals
effectively and efficiently.
In the development of Islamic education management, it is necessary to have two
integrated aspects, namely uniting the attitudes of managers and leaders who are
characteristic of Islam or who are imbued with Islamic teachings and values. 2011)
Some Islamic teachings and values related to the development of Islamic education
(Muhaimin,management are as follows:
Managing Islamic education starts from intention, intention is something that is planned
in earnest to be realized in reality (deeds). This intention must come from a clean and
pure heart, because it hopes for the pleasure of Allah SWT. After the intention is then
followed by muhasabah, which is to control and evaluate the plans that have been made.
Islam is a religion of charity or (practical) work. The essence of his teachings is that the
servant approaches and earns the pleasure of Allah through work or good deeds and
by purifying the attitude of worshiping Him alone. The Word of God in QS. Al-Kahf:
110. This implies that Islam is a religion that always teaches "work orientation"
(achievement orientation). Whether or not a person's degree is high is also
determined by work performance or the quality of good deeds as the actuality of the
potential of his faith. These values should become the driving force and work ethic
for the development of Islamic education management. Ethos comes from the Greek
"ethos" which means "character or character, attitudes and habits". From the word
"ethos" are also taken the words "ethics" and "ethics" which refer to the meaning of
"akhlaq" or are "akhlaqi", namely the essential quality of a person or a group including a
nation. (Muhaimin, 2002)
The description on the second point underlines the existence of essential values that need
to be upheld or made into the character, attitudes and habits of a person or group at work
(including in the management of Islamic education), namely: "work (managing Islamic
education) is a form of worship which must be accompanied by sincere intentions for
seeking the pleasure of Allah".


Analisis ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Dosen pengampu : Lucia Hanyswati Teniawan, M. Pd


Yudiestiera Arie Septian (23.1.2788)

Jl H. Maksum No.23, Sawangan Baru, Kec. Sawangan, Kota Depok.


-Present Simple Tense

-Present Continuous Tense
-Present Perfect Tense




-Word order


The concept of Islamic education management is a multifaceted process that encompasses
the interplay of management, education, and the principles of Islam. This involves not
only the structural and organizational aspects of Islamic educational institutions but also
the infusion of Islamic values and teachings into the management and leadership within
these institutions

1. Management in Islamic Education: The term "management" in Islamic education,
derived from the word "manage," encompasses the ideas of control and guidance. It
involves the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling of educational

activities. The underlying concept here is that management should be rooted in the values
of Islamic teachings, resulting in effective and efficient attainment of educational goals.

2. Education in Islamic Context: Education within the context of Islamic education

refers to the process of molding individuals' attitudes and behaviors to mature as humans
through teaching and training. It's not limited to a specific phase of life but extends
throughout one's existence. This holistic perspective on education aligns with Islamic
teachings that emphasize lifelong learning and development.

3. Islam as a Guiding Force: The third element, "Islam," represents the religious and
moral foundation of Islamic education management. It signifies the role of the religion
taught by Prophet Muhammad, guided by the Quran, and the teachings revealed by Allah.
This spiritual and ethical dimension underpins the values and principles that govern
Islamic educational institutions.

4. Integration of Islamic Values: To effectively manage Islamic education, it's essential

to integrate Islamic values and teachings into the ethos of the institution. This involves
aligning the attitudes and behaviors of managers and leaders with Islamic characteristics.
The process starts with a sincere intention, follows with self-evaluation (muhasabah), and
emphasizes the importance of "work orientation" and good deeds in serving Allah and the

In conclusion, Islamic education management is a dynamic process that melds
management principles, education philosophies, and Islamic teachings. The integration of
these elements results in educational institutions that not only excel in academic pursuits
but also foster the development of individuals who embody the values and ethics of Islam.
It's a comprehensive approach that combines structured management with a deep
commitment to faith and service, ultimately shaping the leaders and learners of tomorrow
within the Islamic context

Management of Islamic Education in the Family to Grow
Children's Personality

Children are a mandate from God, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala (Saeidi et al., 2014;
2019; Riadi, 2021). Therefore, children must be cared for and nurtured to become good people.
His heart is pure, like a costly gem (Khaerudin & Supriyanto, 2015; Santoso, 2020; Widodo &
Nurhasim, 2020; Asnafiyah, 2020). If a child is accustomed to evil and left like an animal, he
will be wretched and perish. At the same time, they maintain it by managing Islamic education
and teaching it with good morals. Therefore, parents hold factors that can make children grow
and develop with Islamic souls and values. Nevertheless, some children grow and develop
outside of Islamic values. It is alleged that various factors can interfere with its growth and
In the family, parents are the first personal coaches in their children's lives. The
parents' personality, attitude, and way of life indirectly affect the child's personality (Widita
et al.,
2022). Some research results also reveal the importance of parent s in developing their
children (Campaert et al., 2018; van Bergen et al., 2022). Research van Bergen et al. (2022)
examines the importance of religion in the moral upbringing of children. Religious education
is essential for children through family education (Rufaedah, 2020). In line with this,
Khaironi (2017) wrote that moral education for children should be applied from an early age.
Even so, some parents in the family seem negligent in forming and developing
their children's character. They are more concerned with work than caring for their children
The family is an institution that plays a role in laying the foundations of religious
education (Bafadhol, 2017; Haryanti, 2021). The habit of parents taking their children to the
mosque is a wise step for the family to form children as spiritual beings (Salsabila et al.,
2022). Education in the family environment can guarantee the child's emotional life to grow
and develop. It means that the emotional life formed in the family environment is essential in
forming a child's personality. However, some families, such as grumpy and indifferent, seem
out of control in their children's emotional lives (Hasiana, 2020). Based on these problems, the
formation of a child's personality needs serious attention from parents as a family. Therefore,
this study aims to analyze the management of Islamic education in the family to develop
children's personalities.


Analisis ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Dosen pengampu : Lucia Hanyswati Teniawan, M. Pd


Yudiestiera Arie Septian (23.1.2788)

Jl H. Maksum No.23, Sawangan Baru, Kec. Sawangan, Kota Depok.


-Present Simple Tense

-Present Continuous Tense
-Present Perfect Tense




-Word Order


-Thesis Statement (Pernyataan Pendapat):

 "Therefore, parents hold factors that can make children grow and develop with Islamic
souls and values."
 "Nevertheless, some children grow and develop outside of Islamic values."
-Arguments (Argumentasi):
 "In the family, parents are the first personal coaches in their children's lives."
 "Some research results also reveal the importance of parents in developing their
-Reiteration (Penyimpulan):
 "Based on these problems, the formation of a child's personality needs serious attention
from parents as a family."
 "Therefore, this study aims to analyze the management of Islamic education in the family
to develop children's personalities."

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