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Dysfunctional Thinking About Mom

If I am her confidant, then she will be able to show up for me.

If I lie for my mom, then she will know how much I love her.

If I show her enough love, then I can help heal my mother.

If I am kind enough to my mom, then she will learn to be kind to me.

If I never confront her, then she will know how much I love her.

I really don’t need my mother.

It’s not important that I love my mother.

If I help rescue her, one day she’ll be the mother I always wanted her to

I can’t live without my mother.

It’s o.k. if I treat my mom like a child because basically she is a child and
she has had a hard life.

Now that I’m an adult, I can help my mother find her way.

If I hold my mother responsible, she will ultimately reject me because she

can’t handle the truth of who she is.

If I take care of my mom, one day she will be able to take care of me.

If I can just get her to see how irrationally she thinks, I can convince her to
seek help.

My mother is not a strong person—she just can’t handle life very well.

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