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MGT101 Final Revision Areas

1. Describe the main activities in the human resource management (HRM).

 Identify & select competent employees  HRP, recruitment and
 Provide employees with necessary KSA  orientation & training
 Retain competent and high-performing employees  performance
management, compensation and benefits & career development.
Specific details:
(a) HRP
 Forecast organisation human resources needs (right number of people
with the right KSA); why? Avoid liability [cost]; avoid poor
performance; avoid poor reputation.
(b) Recruitment announcing a vacancy
 Locate & attract suitable applicants
 Job analysis [defines jobs & behaviour needed to do the job]; job
description [summary of duties and responsibilities for specific job]
& job specification [person specification; attributes  qualifications
a person must have to do the job]
 Various sources for recruitment
1. Internet: reach to a vast pool of potential workers [+large number
of people; - many unqualified candidates]
2. Employee referrals: current employees in organisation
recommend prospective employees [+generate strong candidates
 recommended], - may not increase diversity mix of employees]
3. Company website: company is used to announce vacancy [+wide
distribution; + target specific groups; - many unqualified
4. Professional recruiting organisations: professional companies
assist in getting employees for the organisation [+good industry
knowledge  know challenges & requirements; - limited
commitment to specific organisation]
5. College recruiting: career fairs in universities  company makes
itself available in universities [+large body of candidates; - limited
to entry level positions]

(c) Selection
 Filtering of job applicants  ensure appropriate candidates are
 Selection Measures:
1. Application form = collect valuable info about the applicant
(education; previous work experience & other background
2. Written tests = aptitude test (IQ test); personality test (behaviour
analysis  MBTI [how one deals with the world] & OCEAN
[openness to experience, diligence, sociability, ability to get along
with people & emotional stability)
3. Performance simulation tests = examine actual job behaviour i.t.o
work sampling [task related to the job]; assessment center [work
4. Interviews = allow applicants to express  types of interview:
structured interview [standardised questions for every applicants];
unstructured interviews [open-ended questions probing]; panel
interviews [several interviewers take turns asking questions]
5. Background investigations = verify application data

(d) Orientation & Training

 Orientation = induction  introduce the organisation, introduce
organisation culture; introduce organisational processes, SOPs;
introduce to co-workers duration : 1 week
 Training = upgrade the employees KSA
1. On Job Training (OJT)  workers experience hands-on approach
and learn through job rotations; mentoring; trial-error
2. On site but not OJT = computer-based training & Webinars
3. Off Job Training = involve formal classroom training,
simulations, outdoor training.

2. What is the difference between leaders and managers?

 Leaders: focus on people; define the purpose of the organisation;
promote innovation (change) in organisation
 Managers: focus on organisation; assign task to workers; maintain

3. Elaborate behaviour of effective leader.
 Ability to direct subordinate work (leader demonstrates task oriented
behaviour)  University of Michigan [work centered]; Ohio State
University (OSU) [initiate structure]; University of Texas [concern for
 Ability to provide support to employees (like respect and care for
workers)  University of Michigan [employee centered]; Ohio State
University (OSU) [consideration]; University of Texas [concern for

4. What are the main leadership theories. Explain

Answer: (TBS)
 Traits  GREAT MAN THEORY  qualities eg drive [effort];
honesty & integrity [build trusting relationship]; intelligence [ability
to analyse information, solve problems and make appropriate
decisions]; job relevant knowledge; extroversion [sociable]
 Behavioural: ability of the leader to get work done & ability of the
leader to manage people  University of Michigan [work
centered/employee centered]; Ohio State University [initiate
structure/consideration]; University of Texas [concern for
production/concern for people]
 Situational: leader abilities to understand the circumstances [readiness
of workers; nature of task, leaders relationship with members, leaders
position power; goal settings] and leaders ability to change the
leadership style [ telling, selling, participating, delegating]

5. Identify and clarify the different sources of power leader use in organisation?
 Power is to leverage influence.
 Position power =power that comes from the organisation = eg
legitimate power (formal position and authority); reward power
(ability to bestow rewards); coercive power (punish/recommend
 Personal power = refers to unique traits of the leader = eg expert
power (special knowledge & skills); referent power (personality)
 Other sources of power = multitude factors eg effort; relationships;
control and share information.

6. Explain, Maslow content theory, of motivation.
 Needs of workers – arranged from LON  HON; step-like
progression towards motivation.
1. Physiological = basic needs eg rest; appropriate break time; fair
basic salary in commensurate to inflation levels; amenities
2. Safety = protection from physical and emotional harm
3. Social = belongingness; friendly work climate
4. Esteem = confidence building for employees
5. Self-actualisation = make workers to be best in their job

7. Explain equity theory.

 Process (thinking)
 Deals with aspect of fairness; one compares their ratio of
input/outcomes with others ratio of input/outcomes in the
 Input = effort, education, experiences  capital one invests in their
 Outcomes = pay, recognition, benefits provided by the organisation
(sweeteners provided by the organisation to worker’s input)
 Correct inequity (unfairness)  balance ELVN
1. Change work effort (input)[ >; <; neglect]
2. Change outcomes (voice)
3. Leave the job (exit)

8. What is the difference between job enrichment, job enlargement and empowerment?
 Job enrichment (vertical loading) = high level motivators are included
in the job eg more responsibilities; more recognition; more
opportunities to grow and learn; more opportunities to achieve
 Job enlargement (horizontal loading) = job scope is widened; more
work activities
 Empowerment = employees are given freedom to achieve
organisational goals; some of the ways to empower employees is to
provide them Information; Training, Decision Making, Rewards:
1. Information = share important and strategic information (financial,
operational) with employees, so that they can make better
2. Training = provide workers with appropriate KSA so that workers

can carry put their work efficiently for the organisation
3. Decision making = allow workers to make important decisions eg
in terms of quality management through quality circles; create self-
directed teams
4. Rewards = reward workers for their contributions/efforts, as this
will encourage them to repeat their behaviour.

9. Describe the difference between upward, downward, horizontal (lateral) and

informal communication
 Upward communication = communication flows from workers to
managers  purpose to interpret work environment and provide
suggestions for improvements; report problems; provide financial
and accounting information
 Downward communication = communication flows from managers
to workers  purpose to influence workers by providing work
instructions; SOPs and performance feedback
 Horizontal (lateral) communication = communication flow between
departments (inter-departmental) and communication flow within
department (intra-departmental)  purpose to coordinate to solve
problems and do changes in the organisation
 Informal communication = involves grapevine (gossip);
management by wandering around (MBWA); and nonverbal
communication (impression management, gestures and verbal

10. Examine nonverbal communication and its benefits to the organisation.

 Nonverbal communication = wordless; communication based on
behaviour (action)
 Eg: facial expression; voice intonation; mannerisms; posture, dress
and even office arrangement (office layout, furniture)
 Benefits:
a. When there is a contradiction between verbal and non-verbal
messages; a receiver will give more weight to the non-verbal.
b. By understanding non-verbal, managers can coordinate their
verbal and non-verbal messages accordingly
c. By understanding non-verbal messages, managers can reduce
conflict in organisation

11. What is the feedback control model?
 Purpose of feedback control model is to know whether organisational
goals are being met
 Several steps in the feedback control model:
Step 1: Establish standards of performance (target) i.t.o quality;
financial, budgetary, information
Step 2: Measure actual performance i.t.o. quantitative measurements
Step 3: Compare actual performance to standards  deviations, reason
behind the deviations.
Step 4: take corrective action

12. What are the different types of control used in organisation?

 Budgetary control  set targets for expenditure; examine
anticipated/actual expense; anticipated/actual revenue; planned
investments; justifications for every line item in the budget.
 Financial controls  so that profits and other sources of revenue are
sufficient to cover cost and routine business operations.
 Manage total quality  refers to culture, attitude and organising of
company’s products and services that satisfy customer expectations.
 Information control = refers to conclusions derived from analysis of
data that relate to the operation of the organisation  information is
valuable to an organisation when the information is appropriate
(useful in carrying out task in a workplace); information has quality
(when the information shows what is happening in reality);
information timeliness (allows decisions and actions to be taken
immediately); information quantity (sufficiency of information =
complete and necessary).

13. What are the factors in the external environment (general environment & task
environment) of the organisation?
a.General environment surrounding the firm. The general environment will
encompass an understanding of the political/legal, economic, social and
technology and they influence the firm indirectly.
=Political/Legal =government regulations at local and federal level  impact of
legislation on business strategies.
=Economic considerations would be consumers purchasing power, unemployment
rates, inflation, exchange rate.

=technology developments that could influence business. Like the use of online
=Social = refers to values, beliefs, attitudes, and lifestyle. Eg: consumption of halal
b. Task (operational) environment of the firm refers to factors that affect
organisation directly. This includes customers (acquire good and services from
the organisation); competitors (organisation in the same type of business that
provide goods and services to the same set of customers – collaboration; early
mover strategy), suppliers (people and organisation that provide raw materials
that the organisation uses to produce its output – online seminars/discussion),
business partners (trade partners – strategic alliance (joint-venture), and
regulators (impact business through rules and regulations).
 An understanding of external environment allows the organisation to predict
environmental changes, increase successful innovation, increase trust among
stakeholders & increase greater organisational flexibility.

14. What is Organisational Culture?

 Organisational culture is the organisation’s personality.
It relates to organisational values, principles and ways of doing things

15. What is the difference between Clan culture and Adhocracy culture.
 Clan culture emphasises on collaboration. Family oriented and employee
involvement and engagement is seen as being of significance. Clan culture
emphasises on internal focus and is flexible and adaptable.
 Adhocracy culture is based on creation. Organisations take risk and innovate.
Motivated to adapt. Emphasise teamwork; multi-skilled and multi-tasking. Thrive
in uncertainty. Adhocracy culture emphasises external focus and is flexible and
adaptable (Simple structure/no structure).

16. What is exporting; importing; licensing/franchising; joint-ventures & foreign

 They are all market entry modes of MNCs.
 Exporting = making products domestically and selling them abroad.
(+no need to invest for facilities, mass production in one place; - transportation
cost, - face risk of accidents, - cost in terms of tariff barriers).
 Importing = acquiring products made abroad and selling them domestically.
 Licensing/franchising =one organisation giving another organisation the right to
use its brand name, technology or product specifications in return for a lump sum
payment or annual fee based on sales (+quick way for expanding, lack capital to
expand internationally, - licensor stress; imitation by licensee).
 Joint-ventures = partners agree to form separate, independent organisation for
some business purpose (+foreign companies can learn and adapt; + share risk of
venturing; - partners exploit business venture; conflict regarding control of
 Foreign subsidiary = directly investing in a foreign country by setting up a
separate and independent production facility/office (+ full DM authority; retain
profit; -cost/losses born fully by the company)

17. Why is there a need for foreign investment and what are challenges?
 To reduce/eliminate high transportation cost.
 Participate in the rapid expansion of a market abroad.
 Provide services, skills [technical, designing & marketing].
 Earn higher profits.
 Challenges = political instability; groups in host country prevent company from
achieving desirable outcomes.

18. What are the different categories of organisations that do business at international
 The different categories of organisations refer to the different type of
organisations that are involved in doing business at the international level.
 Domestic organizations operate within a single country. Acquire necessary
resources within a single country but also sell their goods or services within that
same country.
 International company = take products produced in home country and sell them
internationally with minimal local customisation  e.g. R&D centralised in home
country; duplicate manufacturing & marketing in host country. They are more
extensively involved in the international arena than are domestic organizations,
but less so than transnational organizations.
 Multi-domestic corporation = company decentralises management & other
decisions to the local country  polycentric attitude  local employees hired to
manage business & marketing strategies tailored to country’s unique
 Global company = centralizes its management and other decisions in the home
country. Focus on the need for global efficiency & cost savings = reflects
ethnocentric attitude [management decisions made from HQs in home country];
subsidiaries dependent to home country for knowledge, facilities & financial
 Transnational company (borderless organisation) = balances the need to reduce
cost & localise products; operations and assets dispersed worldwide. =
subsidiaries rely on each other in terms of knowledge and resources; reflects a
geocentric attitude. takes the entire world as its business arena. It transcends any
single home country, with ownership, control, and management being from many
different countries.
 In summary, domestic organisations representing the least and transnational
organisations the most international involvement.

19. Why is ethics important to business?

20. What is CSR?


21. What is the difference between utilitarian view, rights view and integrative social
contracts theory?



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