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Dear Sir,

I hope this message finds yoıu well. I am Neslihan Kurt P2861254, a pre-master student. I am
writing to make a request to you. Although my master's program is Design Innovation and
Management , I have to take the IHRM and Fundamentals of Marketing courses that business
students take, even though I had nothing to do with them during my pre-master period. These
subjects are entirely new to me, and I am struggling to understand the material and focus
during classes. Additionally, I find it exceptionally difficult to complete my homework

Compounding these challenges is my diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, which further

impairs my ability to concentrate, particularly on unfamiliar topics. Despite receiving
individual support therapy, I continue to experience difficulty in comprehending these

I recently reached out to request a class transfer to be placed in the same class as my friend,
Shobek Doi, who has been a source of support and assistance in previous courses. However, I
was directed to College Welfare and I did not receive another option.

I am writing to you again, urgently and sincerely, to request your assistance in facilitating a
class transfer to align with Shobek Doi’s class. Without this accommodation, I fear that my
academic performance will suffer, and I may be forced to reconsider my enrollment at DMU.

I have worked diligently to pursue my dreams at this university, and I am determined not to
let these challenges deter me from achieving my goals. Your support in this matter would be
greatly appreciated and would make a significant difference in my ability to succeed

Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to your prompt response.

Neslihan Kurt

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