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All right.

So picking up where we left off, we're now going to take a look at

manage legal entity HCM information. So when you set up the legal entity, if you
turned on the checkbox for legal employer, then you've got this link and all of
this information to be defined.

If you also turned on the checkbox for payroll statutory unit, you got this
second link. So if you hadn't turned on either when you brought this up, you
would just see the top portion. So again, you're not using the legal entity in
HCM. Maybe you're using it in financials.

And this is the final object to bring all of this legal entity information
together. So I'm going to go into the system, and I'm going to go ahead and come
out of our legislative data group. I'm going to say Done. I'm going to come back
here and set this back to legal structures.

And you can see that my scope has been set, so then I'm going to go to manage
legal entity HCM information. So since my scope was set, I didn't have to do
anything. It's going to bring me right into my legal employer. If you need to
change the scope, I've already walked through how to do that.

And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up here, I'm going to do edit
and correct. And so once you've set it up, you can come here and do some
overrides of what you saw on the enterprise level. Once it opens up, we can see

So do you want different work day definition? Do I want to do 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

instead of 8:30 to 5:30 with 40 hours? And we'll finish that within a week. So
just a different definition. Am I going to override my employment model? So we've
got that field over here. So on the enterprise level, it was set to contract
information. I'm going to maybe set this to 2 tier multiple without contract.

So if I hire someone into this legal entity, I can have multiple assignments, but
I'm not viewing contract information. Another thing I could point out is, are we
going to be using position synchronization? So is it just going to use the
settings that are currently on the enterprise? We don't want to use positions for
this legal entity, or we do, but we're going to do different things with
synchronization methods.

And the last thing that we have here is in order for me to be able to hire
someone into this legal employer, I have to associate it with a payroll statutory
unit. So I'm going to come to the payroll statutory unit tab. And what I'm going
to enter is a legislative data group.

Now that has to be done. If you don't attach this, then even though the legal
entity said it employed people and we got the legal employer if it's not attached
to a legislative data group, you could pick this from a list. But it actually
give you an error because this wasn't displayed or assigned I should say. And
then you've got the rest of this that will be covered in payroll.

So shows you we can do some overrides of information on the enterprise level. And
then we talked about some of the fields down at the bottom of the page as well.
There are links for federal and some additional information on the payroll
statutory unit that would be applied and discussed in the payroll training.

So that's going to take us to the end of this session, where we took a look at
everything around legal entities. If you've requested an environment as part of
this training, right after this particular slide, there's a series of activities
that you can perform.
So I've done demonstrations, legal address, legal entity, managed legal entity
HCM information. And then you'll define your own legal address, your own legal
entity, your own legal entity HCM information. So please go ahead and do those
activities now. Else if you're continuing to listen to the videos, move on to the
next topic. So hopefully, you have an understanding now of how we utilize legal
entities within HCM Cloud.

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