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EDUC 65 Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education

Name: Lagura, Tristan S. Score: _________

Course: BSED Science 1-B Date: ________

Activity 4: If The Story of Victory d’Aveyron the Wild Child by Eloise Montalban

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions after reading the story.

1. When and where did Victor d’Aveyron live?

Saint-Sernin-sur-Rance, 1788 – 1828

2. Why did some people wonder whether Victor was a human being?

Victor only ever spoke a few words, sometimes crawled on all fours, and was used to sleeping
outdoors on the ground in all seasons.

3. How successful was Victor at learning language and empathy?

Victor showed significant early progress in understanding language and reading simple words, but
failed to progress beyond a rudimentary level.

4. Why do doctors today think Itard’s lessons didn’t work very well?

Because Victor did only showed progress in the start of their lesson but failed to progress.

DIRECTIONS: Respond to these questions. Use textual evidence to support your responses.
Making inferences –

(1b) What does this preference tell you about Victor’s access to fire?

Victor grew up living in the wild, isolated from civilization and its culinary practices.
In this harsh environment, the concept of cooking was entirely foreign to him. While he had
occasional encounters with fire, he lacked the understanding that fire could be harnessed for
cooking purposes. Victor's diet primarily consisted of raw food. His meals often consisted of
freshly hunted game or foraged fruits and vegetables, consumed in their natural state—his
digestive system adapted to this diet.

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