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Self-assessment Child Labour

Please take the time to reflect on your current performance. Go through the list and and tick where your
company currently standards: YES, NO, or PART (stands for "partially"). If you tick NO or PART, please
write the required action in the comment section.

Question YES NO PART Comments

Does your company have a policy commitment on

preventing and addressing child labour? If you
have a policy commitment in place:

i. Does it include a reference to relevant international


ii. Is it publicly available?

iii. Is it approved at most senior level of the company?

iv. Does it make clear the company’s expectations

toward personnel, business partners, and other
parties directly linked to its operations, products or
services; and does it clarify what types of support
and resources are available?

v. Has it been developed involving labour rights

expertise from inside and outside the company?

vi. Does it have appropriate internal accountability for

its implementation?

Does your company have ongoing human rights

due diligence processes in place to identify and
assess where and how children may be at risk of
child labour through your company’s own
operations or business relationships? If you do a
risk assessment, does this include:

i. mapping your entire supply chain to obtain

detailed insights and understanding of the
particulars of the workforce and the working
conditions at supplier level?

ii. conducting supplier assessments to gather


iii. engaging relevant staff internally as well as drawing

on external expertise as needed?

iv. engaging with affected stakeholders or their

legitimate representatives to fully understand the

v. a continuous process in order to allow for changes

over time?
Question YES NO PART Comments

Has your company taken any action by putting in

place effective prevention and mitigation
measures associated with child labour? If so,
please identify which of the measure below were

i. Providing internal training/capacity building on

child labour for the direct workforce

ii. Building capacity among relevant business

relationships (e.g., partners, suppliers, clients, etc.)
on child labour

iii. Conducting an audit process and corrective action


iv. Taking action to address the root causes of child


v. Taking collective action with peers or other

stakeholders, in particular workers’ organizations,
to address the issue

vi. Working in collaboration with governmental or

regulatory bodies

Does your company have an effective tracking

system in place to review whether your efforts to
prevent and address child labour impacts are
effective over time?

Has your company been involved in providing or

enabling remedy where it has caused or
contributed to the adverse impact associated with
child labour?

Has your company established or participated in

an effective, operational-level grievance
mechanism that can help identify and address
instances of child labour?

Is the company publicly reporting on action and

progress made in addressing child labour?
Question YES NO PART Comments

Does your company engage collaboratively with

other stakeholders, including but not limited to,
international organziations, workers’
organizations, civil society, educational
institutions, local communities and children, to
address child labour?

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