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Hello everyone!

My name is Diana, and this is my monologue about maturity and blooming to our fullest
First and foremost, I’ll start by showing you this picture that illustrates the growing process of a
However, you might be wondering (and with good reason) : ,,Why on earth am I talking about
how flowers grow in an English class?!”
Well, I think we’ve all learnt about the process in school when we were little, so you are familiar
with the subject on a biological level.
BUT If we look deeper, I can’t help but think how similar it is to a person’s journey in life.
Let me explain…

#1 Beginning of the journey

From the moment a seed is planted, it begins its quest in life, just as we do when we come into
this world. It starts small, vulnerable, and uncertain, much like a child marking his appearance in
the world.

#2 Pushing through
But for the small flower to grow and spring up its leaves, it will need proper conditions like
enough sunlight, water and, of course, lots of love and attention, just like people. However, the
process isn’t always easy; the path to blooming is full of obstacles and setbacks, both from
external sources, AND internal struggles.
Yet, the small flower pushes through by sheer will power or perhaps an innate instinct to thrive.
Similarly, as we grow up, there will be many memorable moments of happiness, but we will
unavoidably face obstacles that try to test our resilience and mental strength, all thrown in our
way to shape who we are meant to be and toughen us. Sure, it will be hard, but it is the only
way to gain experience.

#3 Only a matter of time…

Now, that the little flower has finally risen up from the ground, with each passing day it gets
taller and stronger, much like the growth and transformation we undergo as individuals.
Both the flower, and people learn to adapt to its surroundings and survive outside their comfort
It is now that we realize who we truly are as individuals and are finally prepared to accept our
truest selves, to spread our wings.

#4 Blooming !!!
And then, finally, the moment arrives when the flower blooms in all its glory, being more
beautiful and full of life than ever. All the struggles, the moments of desperation, and patience
have paid off.
Similarly, when we reach our full potential and acceptance with ourselves, we too bloom
showing our true colors to the world. The journey, despite how hard it may have been, was
worth it, especially because you have reached a new chapter in your life, a chapter of beauty
and love and most importantly, happiness.

So don’t rush the moment, as it will come in its own time, when you are ready.
I’d like to think that fate can be controlled if we manage to make the right choices, but truly you
never know what life throughs at you and where it decides to take you. All you can do is to live
in the moment and never lose hope; sooner or later it will be your moment to shine, to
bloom. ,,We cannot choose the day or time when we fully bloom. It happens in its own time.”

Thanks for your attention!!

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