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Oe ITO GEENTOT? LS somplting technique i echni Somel 7A technique ling te Population EB, charaderishias posses WU Samele- representative patel of population blasness Sampling unit. Re household survey the ore Ae ore ONS Gea = house / opted Vnit of énquirey » Pertson Target populotion + : . _ ¥ 2 + why soompling vs not .-census % Census- Every element of population is undere deal Soample ing, Census 1. Mompower 7 L. Rast ro 2. Money 2, Low wst - oe . 2. BFicient S 2. Time - Sample size(n), populotion size (WAhe number af anit whieh population constitute of. Teandom sample, parcameterc yao 2>- _ . . Tuitsery * - Population 4N) - Tareget population Tange : Ni ame (dist of, population) Sampled populate ong > someling Frame ( do find Unknons Sample Stace = (Size of sp~380) etimacorz (Croremule. mene Population size” -Estwnote (valve of unknown Patan Sompling” anit - Bias Cemex) Preecision (s Unit - of enquiry “Unbiased estimatore CE@= =) Rondom sample : Census / complete” survey © Parcosieter~ --. Survey . Sompli'n Pilok survey em Lape te Sludent Cp) Vv Preabability a5 ku student: (TR) ening ae Non-presbotilt ay Co _ Population Wa unknown ee 3 “ch arzactercishies C parameters) somele wy -aeky a inforemadion QT - Stadistic confidence intercvol ~>[Run- 200-400} Q5rh ox. [Run- 210-420) >Preasion %20- Exact mun Prob! sonpling +}——> Smple random sompling ( LeHery > > Systematic ~ ° H > Cluster y / L—-> stratified 4 (Someling with strata) Non- preob® sapling _ Convenience sampling tairrcer= cen FED 3 a) Quote sampling (comets once Kg, RIE) Purcposwe Judgemental quota o ames eH ONE) Snow bol sampling Lehoin sampling) Sompling wrthout replacement and wih replace ment Non-probability somelings, Non- pre bability _soompling san the probobility somnpliing 1S a NoT-random and Subject the selection of the Method of sampling where ao sample depends Population elements comprising the On the personal jidgemant on te -discrelien of the Somplere. 1. Convenience sampling - Non-probability somples thot. one unneckicled arte known aS convenience sameles, Researcé herts Pore Geld workers Viéve the Fradkoem +o ehosse whomey: they find. This ts used especially Im market Ieesearech ond public opénion. surveys. 2+ Accidental Somplings An acacidental type sormpling is one [n whieh, the selection of the cases tg made Whatever happens +0 be available instonlly,, Example + chosse diabehe patients from a queue in frrord of a hospital counter. 3. Purcposive Sampling sampling method shat conkiems to A non-probobility. called purposive sampling . aertoin criteria |S trvo. major, types of purposive There oe -gamplr 4 : savnpling: . UTuagem evtol ; » oust: saynpling- ) Judgevnertl sampling sTadgemertal sampling in which eases MES on expert choice Is one included Sore investigation reough planned labour. preoble™ , Selection procedure. In Oo to tlk only with these who have deci ding : diserurinodion whik the were '7 Job expraienced sampling is norprobability strodified sownpling, e told + contact individuol: Y Quota sampling: Qucta sampling 5 eouiva lent +o 4 in whieh the mterviewerss ae number of frzom cemtoin sub-groups OF strofa oF the populalion to make Up the otal samele- ond \mberview & cercton A. Snowball Sampling: is a non-preobabi lity Somes Im which “perrecins intially chosen for the somple arte used as imforcmants +o locate oer “persone howing Mecessatty ehanracterust. making ‘hem eligible for the somple Hrough Reterral network. srowbaell “sameling, has been PerHeulorly used to study drug cultures , heroine daldiction, teenage gong activities and community trelations. qo” 480" Hn Ce a Convenience sampling ; A non-precbokility mondom sampling +eehnique thot works with the Conventenae of the sampler’ This the convenient, wollable port of +he populotion - is its. sampling Population. sees oor Feacurces « D Unreesttachied method strotegy . ') Freedom 40 select sample - ,, Accidental — instontly er-wi salnar Convenience - ahi Most of the time accidental sampling \s like Cmvenience sampling « Ffreci dental sompling: he selection of -the cases based on mstank ovailobility . Rdvontages > ) Vow cost WY Easy o'r esllect 5 ) AvdiVable--sample Ww) Réqui reds Short time Dow smonpower.-- ™) Fewer teules to Lllow ‘ID Gon be used ag bose oF pilot exploratory Sutvey- Exomele . “MAS Y) Polls / opinion » Quote Soomplingy A pr nporedion of He sample is given quote ( special edtention/ benefit) from % popul™ sinatihied Sampling - sornphe. preoporctiondl 4o the pop” * Symilow to . Tres +o build a 4 / | Strode, cluster Pevantages : Ya sAaircabely trepresents the popl” ") Soves time %) Soves ‘money ) . Y Convenient Dig ovo. mages D Tnhoceuracy - 1, A Snowball [cok calling chain rrebrcead/ sampling reSerrof [cold Snowhall sampling, is ner preobodbility som pling Wheres dhe poreson bitin chosen arte Used As informants -fo loeabe the other person , howing similar characherdshis he -forem the entire sample Harough referer, Advantages . D Requines were ) Sove ‘Money WN) Sove me ')) Sove nonpower planning, a E+ sf Vy erteabaliby Sampling, Vosimgle random sampling « A mMAdhod seleeling ‘ elements ffrom N objects where cach eambination of on element, has Same Chance ON prrobobilily. ™ Gyo Fy Fa Her %T MIP Xe ™s Spe X21 Ke Mag? Mer’ 99 % LoHery method “ 7 AHepst 4. Tdentify populostion 2: @ Define areal perl” %. Prepare sampling Sreame by enlisting every vember of the tanget orl” with respected Serio] numbert- A. Entry all Ane seriol numbers +o the Smoller piece of papers ond Gilg in sucha ‘way thot Ahe numbers ate aot visible. 5. Pud oll the prper Geld im a box Of glass jw MS Pick one folded paper ot a time T Reapeat step-6 until desired sample () is obloined. swith replece man! > \ecep the folded popere ' back! im tne far. withoced rceplacement > Diseotzd the paper oben leing, the sample - Disadvartague — 69 page n:..5 (9. 0b 2? aeyuies8™ oy eins - Properties + , 4. : . : (sete) Tn sampling with eplacement-, the preobt¥ of any Specified element uy on each of the n dows ‘Seorn nw ” popl . . : of N is Plui)aqp 5 fHloaB ve 2. Sampling withot replacement (snaz) numberc of differcent aombinotion is Ne sur —> no %. Rr sworn przobt® of selecting ony. element in the first drow, W aon | @ are Ie et ge- N p= tay xPt@) = SG ahs 7k ‘ on etar> a element omer dram © Bi = Plax P(B) KPCC = NO x Ne xt Da S oa Noa ON nd nor gy co BAe cameras faba gy @ m Meer ide > mm HeThe Prolby op y sens of elements drown Lio omy element of being selected in N- being mot selected > I-23 = ae A. N=4 Somily AbD members MEO (worn Fs Nae Aus t : Aik) oe a a , 2 ea t : lag) 2 s (ez) eee + ‘ (4 8 (319) b Te "Os 2-5-2. om : N 5. Pe swe —> N2n Fer $wore —> VN tom be more than N &. SRS With rondem number toble YD Assign serial to the Units of the el? Geom len " Deatde on the run table +o Use. ") Qhoose O Ne digt en from omy point In the = Ot en is _ less on equol do 0 “his “youre | First element: vertically X) Meve. onde next net exceedin : 2 Move = | ee 8S Hori ental on any ote direction. WYtun is lawger then N then discard. v . YAN is Teepeated discord, Vm) @ontinue umbill desired sample iSsize Is oahieved, nher doable. Lin reandom ely yher a nye yor aA ie ope Aho OD 7 AG 404 Ala, / OAK ’ in Ob GO 999, 7¥9 194, Oy Mep-4 y oe1 909 \A9 Iso . “Pes = ay Page Tandon number table. go, DOE P| a4 39%, fog As 4y ov? 99 ed) ied So one ner EW) =2 9 Fa) w population = Theoreum-9-42 ECG)=¥ We know, oe £9. B= wat Y= oN E(gp= Zvi PW Grete ararte preb No 4 . ‘ = 20-4 ma oo Fi oy = N fi > api eny =a NY =V e (60) =2 EC! Ei) =Y Z,0i ; e5--) Ep" ; s+ e(@)= 7s (#85) . oe he A n ane = le Zvi = & (ey) = Liq =4% =t.ny¥ —_—™n)N CE(D=AY =¥ viyys Eley) ~(Etyys - =E( a Ely) THheoren= He! ig E(w) = 7 Ela = Ew FD VQa = Nn ng 7 ove eu)" ve E(wi- 9)” w= . ; evs = (yi-9)Y N00) = ety Ete” 2 aR] Qe ee =e {v- eleva §” ga Zt = ef o- ZEC) F” ses w- Zy} = E (o-n¥)” =a €( 2%i “ny =e Yor PE GPM OPE _ [= Cor) CoB) ek Cb “J E 2,0°9) ty’ \v -e [Ee] + =.” E (vist) (y-7) . . terms , Thus ze(aed)” consists of M varuance oe fon each of His terom. thus, we qet, Vv: Zwey) ne " Vee gs Tw ia et drow > WH E (w-¥) C8s-¥) Owes ee. Le Legg Se SHY Aro > NE] = ela )- 7” rer > = & wig eB p(ovie7 ory . . Mi = 5 vy. wa) 3 (a2 i) 5 0 WY WaT 3") | A iti lv Zi Yj = =u) a Ceo Nw aa a 237) @ 9) y f : N N-l : zy \¥ oN vy. - Yo n(Z x) l an _ A 2 -L. 4 2 a = ( a ¢ ‘) ; = oa aI =(xi) ae = ™= | = €8)”. wwsy way Now > = aut reel sr ” ~ REY wa, 2c)” 2(9i-1)™~ N ate 7 —~_ ti. =- WG vy = =. N-\ — ~ aN 1) er] =~ eos | ae ae +e” = sen)” = 2 (oi) aayr- 2e0i+e¥ ey lanTer any = yi NY" =20'- NERY = au (22) 2 EH) -Y) Hs = nr) & (ai-¥) (-Y) - eX Lo eye EMG. a = pa gs . eee VQ) = MO ye 2 net{ner) — AOE : N-\ . ' 2 == v Oe eee n oN ph — no + ~ a NZI Foti os wo" (N-1) ~ N-\ sv (N-1) = oe N wy) N-| = ae ns’ 1.02.-2- _ wednesto/ heorem-2:3.In ses of 1 element naithout replacement (wo < is an unbiased estimate of 8%- Ets) =s¥ 5 wi-¥)~ - 200ep% _ pee aT Ss = ~ N-] Hence.» E(SY = “Be 201 ay peo =k wei ery" ote vGe) ~ ay ‘ $ vo SE(wi- Eo) ae lz Or -Y- ay} = ee {=e )-G- a a) _ 0. N (n=!) eubitste ts. Tt NTI vw. 2CMi-¥)* a NI ae zeae¥y ~ Nie” Vong’ = Wa as (N-\) s%=No=™ v : of r “se Now =s = N-I - EGY) = s¥ SS OE “Hh replacement . So Fai ay. . 2(9i-9)” 2 E(s)= E TD a =ol, ge fs yay = meelzfory-Bay)* i =i ES Zly; -y -nt8)} = i2 EWi-Y)” —nE(g- we = ye “Ove E()= $a [now nv(a)) aay [pe ne ways = =x eo% (nt) = oY EG) =07 re Popl™ size N AY . Cotegordes . 00% N= ge of unit under © Ee P= Proportion of units under C} t wes Bay Y= NP 1 yen’ - He — oN sv NE PO N-I Yi a is 0/1. za wir= Y= NP fF Vy yy Lf . are ue ge Nay vep-NP™ ~ N-\ = Ne UP) N-1 Ss = war PO For sample nelice) , Pr M1 nos = mPa n = PL SY XP 2 sa atte loreqe “727 nen aor Sacer 96.072.” “mon de. ee 7 or. Mom day (1902-99) Baste ond SRS e 3 Vab~ 94105 2415 20192 211% E(s) = 6%= oF” Here, F =F Dr 196 (Ey | ave A LeL=Lowern eonfident level Uv me CL = Upper confident level TOE OCNEECE) = ar tony A a (see 2) =9-%0 Th-3.2 Hw v(g)- Den NE os ) Re oN POH sv- tL Pa N-) Ectimotion of sample size-... why? Yevel of precigion trequined u)stze of dh slalion Ww) confidence ‘ e POP' : ence of required W) Voted ability is the pop v /) Finance and manpower ) level of deteiled reeslls = wean, PILOPOHON » TOT population parzametert(9) > estimale 6 error —a}|6- olf 4 vag Xd =level of significance sF A a P {18 ~elt ) daimargin of errore Ho = Preegnent o Hy = Not preg 6 ere ge _wetevel of sign pl \3- = as {\8 aieat Slr : ; “y= margin, of efecor pj-3 46-8 salad : 4 d= Bos we know, w-n Pa - Vip)= G%= Wey OY = Ve 2. A 3 4 \ , ‘of - n . ay np ~oNn 2 Boa NPAT FS - Zz 1 ~ ~ Z & = . 3 - _ ann 2a we jd vp he = Fs and denom,. oe eu. ahviding with wa, Ex 3.10% How lareay 6 a somple wer should be? Grive the pop of G0000 household in a somrnunity 3° that She eclimate of earl proportion «f household buying Pepsi with To. of of the treuc proportion with 95-7. confidence -A surcvey gimiblce. nodutre taken Some two years bacle fund the purpose oF pepsi 1's 4o7o at thot time. on d=0.0] |-n = 95%7/o P=o4d ‘ S&S SH =HOS THOR 2 =196 _- ne. 24 PO/aY : a - iek Ex pr . : oe a . = eer i+ O19 9% 04x06 50000 wey = 9220 he 9220 328 pete yp 22 N Bp 000 N= =778S [> 9g 0% yoy S nnedne “3 | ese , Tatcoliied, Smsing” ssrdrat Everts tar et Ropreesertt BwTt 9 3294 5 /Cbaias are exausti¥? som Event Represen*+ “Std Wr UST exdusive- We Arp, Avy Poge- 2-113 alien ferture- - ~ ee fargo Fareors tafearty Compare sis oad SE A Ey whet situation you @hoose- srs OVE STRE -ond Wiee-Ver sRs | stes Ay i 4h stroda = : ae J tn unit a fe Ay Ny 1 Set _ 1 ae =N; z% y (>= 4, \j =-_4 Sy Ye = Ry =, 2 Natdonee t N i “— —\__ ss ES 2 (ar %) Population can taker weighted ynean

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