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ibmitted by: Name: Kazi Sabbir Hossain ID: 202024 2™ Year, 1 Term Course No: Stat-2103 Course Title: Sampling Technique Assignment-01 Date of submission: 25/01/2022 1. Why we have to learn sampling technique as a subject? Mention its advantages and disadvantages. 2. Define and give five examples of each: Population, Sample, Sampling frame, Sampling unit, Study -population, Target population, Pilot survey, P-value, Significant level, Parameter, Statistics, Confidence interval. 3. Explain sample survey and census survey with real life example. Answer (1): Definition: Sampling is a scientific process of selecting a part from a statistical population and may also embrace the derivation of estimates and any inference derived from them for that population. A sample is taken almost always to provide statistical data on an extensive range of subjects for both research and administrative purposes. For this, we have to learn sampling technique as a subject. The following examples are designed to illustrate the importance of sampling in real life: © In opinion poll, a relatively small number of persons are interviewed, and their opinions on current issues are solicited in order to discover the attitude of the community as a whole. © Marketing and advertising agencies conduct countless inquiries to determine customer's expectations, attitudes, buying habits or shopping patterns. These informations are useful to the manufactures of goods for sales promotion. © Large lots of manufactured products are accepted or rejected by purchasing departments in business or government following inspection of a relatively small number of items drawn from these lots. * At border station, customs officers enforce the laws by checking the effects of only a small number of travelers crossing the border. © Information may be needed by concerned authority how families of different size, composition and social status spend their incomes. A small number of city dwellers may be asked to provide information this © Ministry of health and family welfare might be interested to know the status of knowledge among the adult population in a city on the danger of environmental pollution by interviewing a few selected adults of the city. Countless measurements of the economy, health, labor force, contraceptive use, immunization, unemployment, income, export, import, industrial production and the like rely on samples, rather than on couple enumeration, In a word sampling is very important topics. So, we have to learn sampling technique as a subject. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Advantages of sampling: It is now widely agreed that sampling is the most popular and scientific technique of data collection. The following are some of the considerations that dictate the use of sampling in place of complete count: * Cost: By comparison with a complete enumeration of the same population, a ample survey may be based on data for only a small number of the units comprising that population. A sample survey may be very much less expensive to conduct than a comparable complete enumeration. It is very big advantages. Time: Being small in scale, a sample survey is not only less expensive than a census, the desired information obtained through a survey is obtained in much less time. © Scope: The smaller scale likely to permit the collection of a wider range of survey data and allow a wider choice of method of observations, measurements or questioning than is usually feasible with a complete enumeration. Labour: Sampling saves labour. A small staff is required both for fieldwork and for tabulation and processing data. © Respondent’s confidence: The sample survey considerably reduces the overall burden of the respondents in the way that only a few, not all of the individuals in the population are put to the trouble of having to answer questions or provide information. * Flexibility: In certain types of investigation, highly skilled and trained personnel or even specialized equipment are needed to collect data. A couple enumeration in such cases is impracticable and hence sample surveys, being more flexible and greater in scope, will be more appropriate for these types of inquiries. * Data processing: The data processing requirements for a sample survey are likely to be much less than for a complete count. Whereas a complete count may be required a computer to process the data, a sample survey can often be processed manually with fewer people and less logistic supports. * Accuracy: A sample survey employs personnel of higher quality equipped with intensive training and more careful supervision in possible for fieldwork. As a result, observations, measurements, for questioning for a sample survey can be carried out more carefully and thus yields results subject to smaller non-sampling error than is generally practicable in a more extensive complete enumeration, usually at a much lower cost. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Disadvantage of sampling: Despite several advantages of sample survey over complete count, it has some disadvantages too. The results of a sample survey are subject to sampling error and on that account are less precise than those of an otherwise comparable complete enumeration. Moreover, by chance alone, a sample may seriously over-represent, under-represent or even fail to represent in frequently occurring sub-groups of a population. In such in instances, the estimates provided by surveys are liable to larger margin of errors. There are also many some disadvantages, * Chance of bias: This is the most significant limitation of sampling. © Difficulties in selecting truly representative area. © Sufficient knowledge in the subject. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Islam, M. Nurul (2014). An Introduction to Sampling Methods (Vol. Three). Mullick & Brothers. Answer (2): Population: A population is the collection or aggregate of all elements or items of interest in a particular study about which we wish to make an inference. A population should always be defined in terms of its content, units, coverage and time of reference. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) Total number of students in a university. 2) All products in a factory. 3) Total fishes in a river. 4) All people in a country. 5) All people in a religion. Sample: A sample is a collection of sampling units hopefully representative of the total population or universe that one desire to study. In other words, it is a subset of the population, which is the entirety of some class of units, human or otherwise. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) Among all the university students, one department can be a sample. 2) Alll products in a factory, one category product can be a sample. 3) Total fishes in a river, a portion of fishes can be a sample. 4) All people in a country, adult people can be a sample. 5) All people in a religion, a specific age people can be a sample. Sampling frame: A sampling frame is a list of units or group of units of the population to be sampled, organized and arranged in such a manner that every unit occurs once and only once in the list and no unit is excluded from the list. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) List of total sample students in the class. 2) List of total sample people in a country. 3) List of sample adult people in a country. 4) List of sample Muslim people in a society. 5) List of sample player in a cricket squad. ‘Sampling unit: A sampling unit or simply unit is a well-defined distinct and identifiable clement of group of elements on which observation can be made. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) Name of student in the class. 2) Name of people in a country. 3) Name o adult people in a country. 4) Name of muslim people in a society. 5) Name of cricket player in a cricket squad. Study Population: A study of a group of individuals taken from the general population who share a common characteristic, such as age, sex, or health condition. This group may be studied for different reasons, such as their response to a drug or risk of getting a disease. (cancer. gov, n.d.) Example: 1) All children under 2 years of age in a society. 2) All adult people 18-20 year of age in a community. 3) All covid patients in a community. 4) All cancer patients in a community. 5) All male in a society. Target population: A target population is the entire group about which information is desired and conclusion to be made. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) All children in a country. 2) All adult people in a country. 3) Alll covid patients in a country. 4) All cancer patients in a country. 5) All female in a country. Pilot survey: Pilot survey is small scale replica of the main survey who is goes beyond pre-tests by linking documents and procedures, which have already been individually pre-tested. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) Test drive before new car launch. 2) Mock interview before main interview 3) Promotion of new product. 4) Artificial gravity training before astronaut go to space. 5) New vaccine test before launch, P-value: The p-value is a number, calculated from a statistical test, that describes how likely you are to have found a particular set of observations if the null hypothesis were true. (Understanding P-values | Definition and Examples, n.d.) Example: 1) Drug test between two groups. 2) Factory products made by two groups. 3) Examination test between two groups. 4) Driving test between two groups. 5) Art test between two groups. Significant level: The significance level, also known as alpha or a, is a measure of the strength of the evidence that must be present in your sample before you will reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the effect is statistically significant. The researcher determines the significance level before conducting the experiment. (Significance level by jim, n.d.) Parameters: The population characteristics about which inference are made are called parameters. A population is characterized by a number of its value such as the mean, variance etc. these characteristic values are referred as parameters. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) Mean. 2) Mode. 3) Median. 4) Standard deviation. 5) Variance. Statistics: Statistics is concerned with scientific methods for collecting organizing, summarizing, presenting and analyzing sample data from a specified population of interest as well as drawing valid conclusion and making inference about the population characteristics and final reaching a reasonable decision. (An Introduction 10 Sampling Methods, 2014) Example: 1) Census. 2) Pharmaceutical company experiment test. 3) Farmer’s profit. 4) Survey. 5) Businesses planning. Confidence interval: A confidence interval is the interval or range of values which is most likely to encompass the true population value. The lower and the upper limits of the interval are termed confidence limits. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) (n.d.). Retrieved from cancer. gov: terms/def/population-study?redirect=true Islam, M. Nurul (2014). An Introduction to Sampling Methods (Vol. Three). Mullick & Brothers. Significance level by jim. (n.d.), Retrieved from Understanding P-values | Definition and Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved from Answer (3 Survey is a general term that refers to the collection of data by means of interviews, questionnaires or direct observations. The entities surveyed could from a ‘whole’ when it is called a census or a ‘part’ when it is called a sample survey. A sample survey is a study involving a subset of individuals selected from a larger population by accepted statistical methods. It is an alternative to complete count of a population serving as a basis for estimates or inferences for that population. The census is an operation that is generally confined to inquiries that are more or less straightforward counts like censuses of population. Manufacturing industries, live stocks, etc. while the term survey being applied to inquiries, which goes beyond simple counts. From this point of view, it is sensible to speak of sample census. Traditionally, a sample census is a large sample survey that is undertaken after each population census using a long questionnaire. This sample census is integrated with the population census for detailed data on such events as birth, death marriage and migration. Many people now regard a census as a special case of sampling when all the units of the population are included in the sample. This appears to be a meaningful concept, because, except for sampling error, the same sources of error that pertain to a sample also pertain to a census. In fact, non-sampling error can often be more adequately controlled when using a small sample. Therefore, the combined error from all sources is not necessarily less for a census than for a sample. (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Example of census: Census of Bangladesh (2010). Example of sample survey: Population in a city, Drug addicted people in a society. Islam, M. Nurul (2014). An Introduction to Sampling Methods (Vol. Three). Mullick & Brothers. Assignment-02 Date of submission: 26/02/2022, Saturday 1. Mathematical problem of sample size determination for known population and unknown population. 2. Difference between: i) Stratified sampling and Cluster sampling. ii) Simple random sampling and systematic sampling. iii) Simple random sampling and Stratified. iv) Stratified and Systematic sampling. Answer (1): Mathematical problem of sample size determination for known population and unknown population: i) How large a sample without replacement should be taken of N=50000 households in a district so that the estimate of the proportion of households buying a given product is within +0.01 of the true proportion with 95% probability? (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Sol": We know the formula, no= (@*anpqyid? For this problem, we have d=0.01, p=0.40, 1 Here N being large, the require sample size no= (2anpqy/d? = (1.96°0.40%0.60)(0.01)? = (3.8416x0.24)/0.0001 =9220 =0.95, so that Z)2=1.96. If we incorporate the fpe, no n= we 9220 “tT 0000 = 7784 So, the sample size will be 7784 ii) How large a random sample of records from a hospital admitting 20,000 patients during a year is required if we want to be 95% confident that our estimate of proportion of patients with hypertension is on by less than 0.02? (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Sol": We know the formula, no= (Z°aapqyid? In the example we have d= 0.02, ze2=1.64 and p= 0.35 Now, n= (Zanpaqy/d? (1.64?x0.35x0.65)/(0.02)? = 1530 Later, no n= Frail 1530 - ae = 1421 So, the sample size will be 1421 iii) How large a sample would be needed in order to be 95% certain that the estimated prevalence does not differ from the true prevalence by more than 0.05? (An Introduction to Sampling Methods, 2014) Sol": We know the formula, ny= (Z7wapqy/d? Here z= 1.96, d=0.05 and since p is not known, we assume its value to be 0.5. Thus ng = (1.96?x0.5x0.5)/(0.05)? = 385 So, the sample size will be 385 Islam, M. N. (2014). An Introduction to Sampling Methods (Vol. Three). Mullick & Brothers. Answer (2): i) Difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling: increased efficiency. Factors for Stratified sampling _] Cluster sampling comparison Definition Stratified sampling is a | Cluster sampling refers method of sampling to a sampling method from a population which | wherein the members of can be partitioned into __| the population are subpopulation based on_ | selected at random, from members shared naturally occurring attributes or groups called cluster. characteristics known as strata. Purpose Cost reduction and Enhanced precision and population depiction. ‘Sample selection Selection of the sample is done by randomly selected clusters and including all the members from these clusters Selection of the sample is done by randomly selecting members from various formed strata. clusters. Selection of ‘Conjointly. Distinctively. elements that form a sample Division type Naturally formed. Depends on the researcher. Heterogeneity Internally, with the Externally, between various strata. ii) iii) Homogeneity Externally, between various clusters. Internally, with the strata. (Cluster Sampling vs Stratified Sampling, n.d.) Difference between simple random sampling and systematic sampling: Simple random sampling ‘Systematic sampling Asimple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. ‘Systematic sampling is defined as ‘a probability sampling method where the researcher chooses. elements from a target population by selecting a random starting point and selects sample members after a fixed sampling interval. Simple random sample requires that each individual is separately selected. ‘Simple random sample does not require that each individual is separately selected. In simple random sampling, for each k, each sample of size k has equal probability of being selected as a sample. It is not so in systematic random sampling. Simple random sampling is best used for smaller data sets. ‘Systematic sampling is best used for larger data sets. (Difference Between Simple Random Sample and Systematic Random Sample, 2011) Difference between Simple random sampling and Stratified: Simple random sampling Stratified sampling A simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the Stratified sampling is a method of sampling from a population which can be partitioned into subpopulation based on members iv) subset has an equal probability of being chosen. shared attributes or characteristics known as strata. ‘A simple random sample is used to represent the entire data population and randomly selects individuals from the population without any other consideration, Therefore, a stratified sampling strategy will ensure that members from each subgroup are included in the data analysis. More chance of bias. Less chance to bias. There is no need to define categorical variable Need to define categorical variable by which subgroups should be created. (Hall, 2021) Difference between Stratified and Systematic sampling: Stratified sampling ‘Systematic sampling Stratified sampling is a method of sampling from a population which can be partitioned into subpopulation based on members shared attributes or characteristics known as strata. ‘Systematic sampling is defined as a probability sampling method where the researcher chooses elements from a target population by selecting a random starting point and selects sample members after a fixed sampling interval. Need to define categorical variable by which subgroups should be created. ‘Simple random sample does not require that each individual separately selected. Less chance to bias. ‘More chance to bias. A stratified random sample divides the population into smaller groups, or strata, based on shared characteristics. There is no need to divide the sample (Cluster Sampling vs Stratified Sampling, n.d.) (Difference Between Simple Random Sample and Systematic Random Sample, 2011) Cluster Sampling vs Stratified Sampling. (n.d.). Retrieved from httpsi// Difference Between Simple Random Sample and Systematic Random Sample. (2011, 10 30). Retrieved from between-simple-random-sample-and-vs-systematic-random-sample/ Hall, M. (2021, 10 08). Simple Random vs. Stratified Random Sample: What's the Difference? Retrieved from ‘sample-and-stratified-random- ‘sample asp#:~:text=A%20simple%20random%20sample%20is,strata%2C%20based%200n%20sh ared%20characteristics. ifference-between-simple-random-

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