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Slide 1: Introduction

Title: "Environmental Pollution”

Trả lời câu hỏi: The environment is essential for human existence, providing necessities like clean air,
water, and food. Its health directly affects human well-being and quality of life. Neglecting
environmental conservation not only endangers our health but also compromises the stability of
ecosystems and the planet's future. Therefore, safeguarding the environment is paramount for
sustaining life on Earth.

Slide 2: Environmental Definition

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful or toxic substances into the natural
environment, causing adverse effects on ecosystems, wildlife, natural resources, and human health. This
pollution can take various forms, including air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, and noise
pollution, among others.

Slide 3: Types of Environmental Pollution

Air pollution: Smoke, exhaust gases from vehicles and factories.

Water pollution: Waste, chemicals from industries and agriculture discharged into rivers, lakes.

Soil pollution: Use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, causing soil contamination.

Slide 4: Things that can happen if we can't protect the environment

Natural Disasters : There are many kinds of natural disasters, one of which is flooding. Floods occur
because humans cannot maintain cleanliness properly. throwing garbage anywhere to make the

Away from disease : If our environment is dirty, several diseases will arise, for example dengue because
there is a lot of garbage that can hold stagnant water. And many other diseases that can arise due to
dirty environment.

Slide 5: Measures to Reduce Environmental Pollution

Use of clean energy sources: Solar energy, wind power.

Strengthening waste management: Recycling, reusing, and environmentally-friendly waste disposal.

Development of green technologies: Environmentally-friendly and high-efficiency technologies.

Provide specific examples and numerical data to illustrate the effectiveness of pollution reduction

Slide 6: Examples of Efforts to Reduce Environmental Pollution

Using public transportation systems to reduce vehicle emissions.

Limiting the use of single-use plastic bags and products.

Slide 7: Individual Responsibility

Self-awareness: Minimizing unnecessary consumption, recycling, and reusing.

Community education: Increasing awareness of environmental pollution and ways to minimize its

Provide specific examples of how individuals can contribute to reducing environmental pollution.

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