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Building Your Buyers Roadmap: Part 2

First ChatGPT Request: Buyer’s Roadmap Pre-Prompt + Positive Hook Prompt

[Primary Goal]=
[Primary Complaint]=
[Secondary Goals]=
[Secondary Complaints]=
[Ultimate Fear]=
[False Solutions]=
[Mistaken Beliefs]=
[Expensive Alternatives]=
[Positive Hook]=

> Give me 10 examples of unique mechanism hooks for [Positive Hook], given SEARCH 1
above. This should not sound like a product or a book title, and needs to be 3 words or less. This
needs to be mysterious, and serves as the reason my offer works so well (the secret sauce if you


Second ChatGPT Plus Prompt: Hook Definition Prompt

> Great. I like “HOOK YOU LIKE HERE”. Now give me a 150-word definition of it.

[Positive Hook Details]=


Third ChatGPT Request: Buyer’s Roadmap Pre-Prompt + Negative Hook Prompt

[Primary Goal]=
[Primary Complaint]=
[Secondary Goals]=
[Secondary Complaints]=
[Ultimate Fear]=
[False Solutions]=
[Mistaken Beliefs]=
[Expensive Alternatives]=


Metabolic Adaptation
Leptin Resistance
Blank Page Paralysis
Opposition Obedience
The Heart-Stopper Gene

[Negative Hook]=

> Give me 10 examples of unique mechanism hooks for [Negative Hook], given SEARCH 1 and
EXAMPLES above. This should not sound like a product or a book title, and needs to be 3 words
or less. This needs to be mysterious, and serves as the “primary cause” of the complaints my
avatar is facing.


Fourth ChatGPT Request: Hook Definition Prompt

> Great. I like “HOOK YOU LIKE HERE”. Now give me a 150-word definition of it.

[Negative Hook Details]=

Paste your completed answers in the document ChatVSL: Your Completed Buyer’s
(located in the prompts and assets area) for use in the rest of the training, and proceed to Part

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