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Visual Arts
Term 1
Grade 4
Visual Literacy

Activity 1

For this lesson you need to bring pictures of statues of humans in movement to school. Small figurines of
humans will also do.
- The pictures of the statue must be about movement, e.g.
 people running,
 people dancing
 people walking
 people waving their arms, etc.

Evaluate the pictures you brought to class with the following art elements and design principles. Complete the
activity using the following guide.

Evaluating a 3-D picture of a statue / figurine of the human body in action

A. Art elements
- Texture: The definition of texture - this refers to the way a three-dimensional work actually
feels when touched.
 Identify texture used in the pictures of statues / figurines.
 Is the texture:
 Rough or smooth?
 Spiky (sharp) or silky soft?
 Soft or hard?
 Bumpy or slick?
- Forms/ shapes:
 Identify two different geometrical shapes that one would use to create a 3D model of a
human figure.
 Are the shapes
 Circular
 Square
 Triangular
 Oval

Evaluating the pictures of the human body in action

Paste your Picture here:


A. Art elements
- Textures:
 Identify the textures used in the pictures.
 The textures used in my picture are: ______________________________

- Forms/ shapes:
 Identify two different geometrical shapes that one would use to create a 3D model of a
human figure.
 Draw the 2 shapes:

B. Design principles:

- Contrast:
 Contrast is created by using elements that conflict with one another. Often, contrast is
created by using different colours e.g. purple and yellow or colours with extremely light
and dark values. Contrast can also be created by using sizes of objects and different
shapes, e.g. circle and triangle, etc.

 Remember the 2D lesson: using the art elements to compare, e.g. the difference in colours
creates contrast, the difference in lines create contrast, the mood, etc.

Discuss in groups the contrast evident in the following pictures (take notes in your book)

- Proportion:
 Your head is a measuring unit for the shoulders, arms, legs and body.
 Look at the distance between the eyes, eyes and mouth, the mouth and nose. See that the
sizes “fit” the face.
 Look at the body – compare the sizes of the arms, legs and rump.
 Compare the length of the arms to that of the legs.

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