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Subject: Music

Grade Level: Grade 7

Objective: Identify the so-fa syllables on the staff and read piano notes

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Understanding note values and rhythms in music can be related to

fractions and counting.

2) English - Reading sheet music involves understanding symbols and notations,

which can be connected to reading comprehension.

3) Science - Exploring the science behind sound and how it is produced can deepen
students' understanding of music.


Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials:

1) Musical staff chart

2) Flashcards with different piano notes

1) Idea - Divide the class into teams and conduct a quiz where students have to
identify the correct so-fa syllable or piano note based on the given staff chart or

2) Idea - Play a popular song on the piano and ask students to guess the so-fa
syllables or piano notes used in the melody.Explore:Explore:

Activity 1: Staff Relay Race

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning


1) Staff charts with missing so-fa syllables

2) Answer sheets

Significance: This activity allows students to practice identifying so-fa

syllables on the staff in a fun and collaborative way.


1) Divide the class into teams.

2) Each team will have a staff chart with missing so-fa syllables.

3) One member from each team will run to the front, identify the missing so-fa
syllable, and write it on the answer sheet.

4) Once the correct answer is written, the next team member can take their turn.


- Correct answer: 5 pts

- Incorrect answer: 0 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the so-fa syllable for the note on the second line of the staff?

2) Identify the so-fa syllable for the note on the first space of the staff.

3) Write the so-fa syllables for the notes on the fourth line and third space of the

Activity 2: Piano Note Memory Game

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification


1) Flashcards with piano notes

2) Timer

Significance: This activity helps students associate piano notes with their
corresponding so-fa syllables and improves their memory skills.


1) Lay out the flashcards with piano notes face down.

2) Students take turns flipping two cards at a time, trying to match the piano note
with its correct so-fa syllable.

3) If a match is made, the student keeps the cards and gets another turn.

4) The game continues until all the matches are found.


- Correct match: 5 pts

- Incorrect match: 0 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the so-fa syllable for the piano note C?

2) Identify the piano note that corresponds to the so-fa syllable "sol."

3) Write the so-fa syllable for the piano note E.

Activity 4: Melody Matching


1) Flashcards with different melodies written in sheet music notation

2) Answer sheets
Significance: This activity allows students to practice identifying and matching
melodies written in sheet music notation with their corresponding so-fa


1) Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

2) Distribute the flashcards with melodies and the answer sheets.

3) Students must match each melody with its correct so-fa syllables by writing the
corresponding syllables on the answer sheet.

4) Encourage students to discuss and compare their answers within their groups.


- Correct match: 5 pts

- Incorrect match: 0 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify the so-fa syllables for the melody written in the given sheet music.

2) Write the sheet music notation for the so-fa syllables "do," "re," and "mi."

3) Create a new melody using the given so-fa syllables and write it in sheet music

Activity 5: Note Naming Relay


1) Piano or keyboard

2) Note flashcards

Significance: This activity helps students practice identifying and naming

piano notes on the staff quickly and accurately.

1) Divide the class into teams.

2) Set up a piano or keyboard at the front of the room.

3) Place note flashcards on the piano keys or around the keyboard.

4) One member from each team will go to the front and take turns naming the piano
notes as quickly as possible.

5) The team with the fastest and most accurate responses wins the round.


- Correct answer: 5 pts

- Incorrect answer: 0 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Name the piano note corresponding to the so-fa syllable "fa."

2) Identify the so-fa syllable for the piano note D.

3) Write the piano notes for the so-fa syllables "la," "ti," and "do."

Activity 6: Composition Challenge


1) Blank sheet music or composition software

2) Pencils or electronic devices for writing music

Significance: This activity allows students to apply their knowledge of so-fa

syllables and reading piano notes in a creative and practical way by
composing their own music.

1) Explain the concept of composing music using so-fa syllables and piano notes.

2) Provide students with sheet music or access to composition software.

3) Instruct students to create a short composition the given so-fa syllables and piano

4) Encourage students to experiment with rhythm, melody, and harmony.

5) Students can perform their compositions for the class or share their sheet music.


- Creativity and originality: 5 pts

- Correct use of so-fa syllables and piano notes: 5 pts

- Overall musicality: 5

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe the process you followed when composing your music using so-fa
syllables and piano notes.

2) Explain the choices you made in terms of rhythm, melody, and harmony in your

3) How did understanding so-fa syllables and reading piano notes contribute to your
ability to compose music effectively?


The teacher will explain the concept of so-fa syllables and how they are used to
represent different pitches in music. They will provide examples and demonstrate
how to identify so-fa syllables on the staff and read piano notes. The students will
have opportunities to ask questions and clarify any confusion.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Compose a Melody

Students will compose a short melody using the so-fa syllables and piano notes they
have learned. They can use a musical staff or create their own notation system.
They will perform their compositions in front of the class and explain their choices.

Task 2: Music Analysis

Students will choose a popular song and analyze the so-fa syllables and piano notes
used in the melody. They will create a presentation or poster showcasing their
findings and present it to the class.


Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: Sample sheet music

Question 1: Identify the so-fa syllables used in the given sheet music.

Question 2: Write the piano notes for the given so-fa syllables.

Question 3: Create a short melody using the given so-fa syllables.


1) Assignment Overview: Research and write a short essay discussing the

importance of understanding so-fa syllables and reading piano notes in music
education. Include examples and personal insights.

2) Essay Question: How does understanding so-fa syllables and reading piano notes
contribute to a

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