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The flow chart illustrates the process by which deep-fried salted peanuts are produced. Overall, the
process involves seven steps which can be grouped into two main stages: preparing the peanuts for
storage, adding the ingredients.

In terms of preparing the peanuts, the are first harvested by hand. Following this, the shells are
removed to be placed into 50 kg boxes which are then taken into a storage.

As far as the second stage of adding the ingredients is concerned, some oil is added to peanuts so as
to fry them deeply to 190 degrees Celsius for about five minutes. After the peanuts have been fried,
they are cooled in a cooling tray by adding some salt. Subsequently, cooled peanuts are packed into
four various sized boxes from 100 kg up to 1000 kg. The final stage is to transport the ready-made
deep-fried salted peanuts to shops and small traders to reach their customers.

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