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● Elbow Joints and Muscles:

o Explain how the elbow joint functions in bending and straightening the arm.
o Name two muscles involved in the movement of the elbow joint and describe their roles.
→ Elbow joints function in bending the arm by muscles known as tendons, since bones cannot
move themselves, these strong tendons make the bones move, they contract and relax making a
bending and straightening motion.

→ Biceps and Triceps

● Joints in the Arm and Skeleton:
o Differentiate between a hinge joint and a ball-and-socket joint, giving examples of each found
in the arm.
o How does the structure of joints contribute to the flexibility and movement of the arm?

→ Hinge joints can only move like hinges back and forth, ball and socket joints can rotate the
entirety of the bone.
→ The different structures of joints contribute to making the joint either a hinge or a ball and
socket, this results in a flexible and movable joint and muscle.

● Exercise and Health:

o Why is regular exercise important for maintaining good health?
o Describe two exercises that specifically target arm muscles and explain how they benefit
overall health.

→ Regular exercise helps get rid of excess fat and also makes the heart and muscle stronger
which helps in the long term.
→ Dumbbell curls, Overhead presses affect both tricep and bicep muscles as well as the overall
shoulder group, this helps the arm muscles become stronger and grow more.
● Growth and Development:
o Discuss how bones grow and develop from childhood to adulthood.
o How does regular exercise contribute to healthy growth and development during adolescence?
→ Bones grow and cells divide, specific minerals such as Calcium help the bones and teeth grow
strong through childhood to adulthood.
→ Regular exercise contributes to healthy and strong muscles which leads to more development
in adolescence.
● Food Groups, Fibre, and Different Diets:
o List three food groups and give an example of a food item from each group.
o Explain the importance of including fiber in the diet and give examples of fiber-rich foods.
→ Carbohydrates : Bread, Rice
Protein : Fish, Beef
Fats : Avocados, Cheese

→ Fiber should be in the diet, as it helps the body digest all the foods and nutrients down in the
digestive system and goes down as feces.
→ Fiber is mostly made of cellulose which means you should eat plant-based foods for fiber
such as bananas, oats and broccoli just to name a few.

● Diet, Energy, Water, and Minerals:

o Define what a balanced diet is and why it is essential for maintaining health.
o Discuss the role of water and minerals in the body and why they are necessary for overall
→ A Balanced diet is a diet that contains every part of nutrients your body needs to develop and
function properly and healthily. It’s essential for maintaining health as your body needs the right
amounts of nutrients and food to function and develop.

→ Water and minerals such as calcium and iron are essential as they make our bones stronger
and provide hemoglobin, water is essential for survival and growth as it dissolves the different
minerals and nutrients into the blood and transports it.

● Vitamins, Energy Stored, and Carbohydrates:

o Name three vitamins and describe their functions in the body.
o Explain how carbohydrates provide energy to the body and give examples of carbohydrate-
rich foods.
→ Three vitamins are Vitamin D (essential for growing strong bones), Vitamin C (to make our
skin stronger and keeps bones and blood vessels healthy), Vitamin A (the vitamin that helps our
eyes and also helps us to see in the dark)

→ Carbohydrates provide us with energy as our body breaks down the carbohydrates into a type
of sugar called glucose which uses a short temporary source of energy. The best carbohydrate
rich foods are Bread, Rice and Starch.
● General:
o Why is it important to have a balanced diet rather than relying on a single type of food?
o How does understanding the relationship between diet, exercise, and health help in making
informed lifestyle choices?

→ Balanced diet helps us reach all our nutrient development, eating only one type of food will
not help us grow or develop as we are getting only one nutrient.

→ understanding relationships between diets, exercise, and health help will make us make better
informed lifestyle choices as it will help us grow, develop and make our body more fit and

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