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PLATE NO.: Sheet No.

1 1
ENGG 0314 Time & Date
Time & Date Submitted: 3/20/2024

2ND Semester S.Y. 2023 - 03/19/2024

Prepared by: Ellah Cielo Sabo
Plate Title: Instructor: ENGR. LARRY JADE G.

1. Differentiate the sources of water:

Sources of water Advantages Disadvantages

Farming promotes the Food and Agriculture's
availability of food. effect. Frequent rainfall can
Rainfall replaces soil cause crop failures,
moisture, which is jeopardizing the availability
important to food of food. To avoid
production and supply. It is contamination, it must be
naturally soft, avoiding the collected and stored
requirement for chemical properly.
treatment to ensure safe

Health and security are Pollution from crop waste

both benefits. Surface can decrease water quality,
water sustains a variety of compromising wellness and
habitats and is used for biodiversity.
irrigation in agriculture. It Changing weather
is available for community conditions can cause
usage and, with treatment, movements in water
can provide drinkable availability, affecting
water. supply.

Groundwater is often The excessive use of

cleaner, making it a stable groundwater can cause
supply of water for erosion and damage to the
drinking and agriculture. environment, limiting water
It is less prone to supply. Accessing
contamination and subsurface water may be
evaporation, ensuring a expensive, necessitating
consistent supply even in drilling and pumping
PLATE NO.: Sheet No.:
1 1
ENGG 0314 Time & Date
Time & Date Submitted: 3/20/2024

2ND Semester S.Y. 2023 - 03/19/2024

Prepared by: Ellah Cielo Sabo
Plate Title: Instructor: ENGR. LARRY JADE G.

dry situations. equipment.

2. Define the following terms:

a. Upfeed System
- Reduces the cost of pumps and tanks. The pressure from the water main
is insufficient to service towering structures. Water delivery is disrupted
during high demand hours.

b. Pneumatic Tank
- Pneumatic tanks are containers that store water and air under pressure.
The tanks lack a bladder, thus air comes into direct contact with water.
The compressed air forms a cushion that can absorb and apply pressure as

c. Downfeed System
- Downfeed systems are those that pump water from the utility main to
storage tanks at the top of a structure. It is then supplied to fixtures using
gravity. The amount of pressure per zone (at about 138 feet) is the
system's constraint.

3. Enumerate the materials available for plumbing installations. Define each material's
composition and usage.
- Copper: Copper is a robust metal that is commonly used in plumbing since it
does not corrode quickly. It is widely used for water pipes in homes and
buildings because to its dependability and long life.
- PVC: PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a form of plastic pipe. It is compact and easy
to work with, making it ideal for drainage systems and underground
- CPVC: CPVC, meaning chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, is tougher than PVC
and can withstand hot water. It is utilized in both residential and commercial
plumbing for hot water lines because of its corrosion resistance.

PLATE NO.: Sheet No.:
1 1
ENGG 0314 Time & Date
Time & Date Submitted: 3/20/2024

2ND Semester S.Y. 2023 - 03/19/2024

Prepared by: Ellah Cielo Sabo
Plate Title: Instructor: ENGR. LARRY JADE G.

- PEX: PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) is a versatile plastic tubing used in

water supply systems. It's famous since it's simple to set up, resistant to
freezing, and doesn't rust like metal pipes.
- Brass: Brass is a copper-zinc metal alloy that is commonly used in plumbing
fittings and valves. It is long-lasting and corrosion-resistant, making it ideal
for both residential and industrial uses.
- Polypropylene: Polypropylene pipes are comprised of a durable, chemically
resistant plastic. They are widely used for both hot and cold water supply
lines, as well as drainage systems, because to their dependability and
inexpensive cost.

4. Enumerate and define the methods of purification of water.

 Sedimentation: Sedimentation is the function of enabling water to rest
quietly in huge tanks while heavier particles such as dirt and sand fall to the
bottom. The cleaner water above is then gently drained, leaving the silt
behind. This approach is often used in water treatment plants to eliminate
visible contaminants prior to subsequent purification stages.
 Filtration: Filtration is the process of circulating water through several
layers of materials such as sand, gravel, and charcoal that function as filters
to catch pollutants. As water passes between these layers, particles and
impurities are physically separated, resulting in cleaner and safer water. This
approach effectively removes both visible and unseen contaminants, making
it an important stage in water purification operations.
 Disinfection: Disinfection is the procedure of destroying hazardous bacteria
in water so that it is safe to consume. Common ways include adding chlorine
or other disinfectants to the water or exposing it to UV light or heat.
Disinfection serves to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses by killing
bacteria, viruses, and parasites, ensuring that we consume safe water.
 Coagulation and Flocculation: Coagulation and flocculation are processes
that involve adding sticky substances to water to cause dirt to clump
together. It's like putting glue on little pieces of paper to make them stay
together so we can simply remove them from water.
PLATE NO.: Sheet No.:
1 1
ENGG 0314 Time & Date
Time & Date Submitted: 3/20/2024

2ND Semester S.Y. 2023 - 03/19/2024

Prepared by: Ellah Cielo Sabo
Plate Title: Instructor: ENGR. LARRY JADE G.

 Softening: Water softening is the process of eliminating hard minerals such

as calcium and magnesium. Special filters or chemicals are used to make the
water friendlier on our skin, as well as gadgets such as kettles.


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