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University of Southeastern Philippines

College of Agriculture and Related Sciences

Tagum-Mabini Campus

LE 3 – Reflection Paper


Submitted to:
Rotchen D. Yntig

Submitted by:
Mary Jane L. Sabidolas

December 19, 2023


As a student navigating the academic landscape, ethical considerations have been a

constant presence in my educational journey. One profound aspect of ethics in my
experience is the acknowledgment of the importance of academic integrity. Adhering to
ethical standards means valuing honesty and maintaining the integrity of my course. This
principle not only shapes my character but also ensures a fair and just academic
environment for all students.

Ethics extend beyond the realm of academics, influencing interpersonal relationships within
the student community. Respecting diverse perspectives and fostering a collaborative
atmosphere are essential ethical values. Engaging in open dialogue and embracing
differences enriches the learning experience, promoting a culture of mutual understanding
and acceptance among peers.

Furthermore, my exposure to ethical dilemmas has been instrumental in honing critical

decision-making skills. Confronting situations that require ethical discernment has
empowered me to weigh options, consider consequences, and make principled choices. This
aspect of my education not only contributes to my personal development but also equips
me for the ethical challenges that may arise in my future professional endeavors.

On a broader scale, ethical considerations are crucial in addressing societal issues. Through
coursework and discussions, I've explored the ethical implications of various topics, such as
technology, the environment, and social justice. This awareness propels me to think beyond
individual perspectives, encouraging a broader understanding of the impact of our actions
on the world around us.

My journey as a student has been deeply intertwined with ethical reflections. Embracing
integrity, fostering a respectful community, honing decision-making skills, and addressing
broader societal issues have collectively shaped my understanding of ethics. As I continue to
learn and grow, these ethical foundations will undoubtedly guide my path, influencing not
only my academic pursuits but also my contributions to a global society.

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