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Wearable Breast Cancer Detector

Submitted By: Azwer Raza

Class: BS-SE-IV

Roll No: 2125165016

Subject: Entrepreneurship

Submitted To: Ma’am Rabia




Executive Summary
Around the world, breast cancer is a serious health issue that many women must deal with. For a
successful course of treatment and recovery, early identification of breast cancer is essential. The
creation of wearable breast cancer detector smart bras is one possibility for enhancing breast
cancer detection.

Wearable technology called the "smart bra" is intended to find breast cancer in its early stages. It
tracks changes in breast tissue using sensors and algorithms and notifies users of any potential
issues. The smart bra gives women a more practical approach to keep track of their breast health
than regular mammography because it is discreet and comfortable.

Women over 30 who are more likely to get breast cancer will be targeted by the smart bra
campaign. The product will be sold online and at a few particular retail establishments. In
comparison to conventional mammography and other breast cancer detection techniques, the
smart bra will be reasonably priced. The smart bra is designed to be comfortable and
unobtrusive, allowing women to wear it all day without discomfort.

The smart bra's business strategy will combine direct sales with collaborations with healthcare
organisations. Social media initiatives and focused web advertising will promote the direct-to-
consumer sales paradigm. In order to supply patients with the smart bra as part of their routine
breast health screenings, the partnership model will entail collaboration with healthcare

Depending on the project's complexity, constructing a wearable breast cancer detector smart bra
could cost anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of Pakistani rupees. The price of
marketing and production could also increase the overall cost of the good.

Our wearable breast cancer detector smart bra is an innovative product that has the potential to
save lives by detecting breast cancer at an early stage. We are confident that our production,
marketing, and pricing strategies will enable us to reach a wide audience and make a positive
impact on women's health.

Table of Contents

A. Background 1

B. Description of Project 1

C. Nature of Business 2

D. Vision 2

E. Mission 2


A. Future Outlook and Trend 3

B. Industry and Market Forecasts 4


A. Product and services 5


A. Materials 6

I. Smart Fabrics 6

II. Sensors 7

III. Circuit Boards 7

IV. Batteries 7

V. Conductive Threads 7

VI. Adhesives7

B. Manufacturing Process 7

I. Design and Prototyping 7

II. Sourcing Material 8
III. Assembling the bra 8
IV. Quality Control Testing 8
V. Packaging and Shipping 8

C. Machinery and Equipment 8

I. Smart Fabric Manufacturing Machines 8
II. Automated Sewing Machines 8
III. Cutting Machines 9
IV. Testing Equipment 9
V. Quality Control Equipment 9
VI. Packaging Equipment 9


A. Location 10
B. Suppliers 10
C. The Production Process 10


A. SWOT Analysis 12
B. Demographic Profile 12
C. Features 12
D. When to use smart bra? 13
E. Precautions and Limitations 14
F. Pricing 14
G. Promotion 15


A. Legal Form of Ownership 16

I. Partnership Agreement 16
II. Why partnership? 16
III. Benefits of Partnership 16


A. Space Requirement 17
B. Furniture and Fixtures17
C. Production Equipment 18
D. Office Equipment 18

E. Human Resource Equipment 19

F. Total Project Cost 19

CHAPTER 9 – Financial Plan 20

A. Income Statement 20
B. Cash Flow Statement 21
C. Balance Statement 22
D. Break-even Sales 23
E. Break-even Units 23

List of Tables

Table 1 Pricing 14

Table 2 Space Requirement 17

Table 3 Furniture and Fixtures 17

Table 4 Production Equipment 18

Table 5 Office Equipment 18

Table 6 Human Resource Equipment 19

Table 7 Total Project Cost 19

Table 8 Income Statement 20

Table 9 Cash Flow Statement 21

Table 10 Balance Statement 22

Table 11 Break-even Sales 23

Table 12 Break-even Units 23


A. Background

Wearable breast cancer technology typically refers to devices or systems that are designed to
detect or monitor breast cancer using wearable sensors, imaging technologies, or other types of
devices that can be worn on the body. One example of wearable breast cancer technology is a
smart bra that incorporates sensors to detect changes in breast tissue temperature and other
indicators that may be associated with the early stages of breast cancer. The bra can transmit this
information to a mobile app or other device for further analysis and interpretation.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women with 129,000 new cases
diagnosed in 2020. Only around half of women here live for more than five years after being
diagnosed, with late diagnosis a major factor. Hence, wearable breast cancer technology has the
potential to revolutionize the way breast cancer is detected and monitored, allowing for earlier
detection and more personalized treatment options.

B. Description of Project

Smart bras incorporate sensors to detect changes in breast tissue temperature and other indicators
that may be associated with the early stages of breast cancer. Embedded miniaturized echo
graphic transducers in the underwear sends ultrasounds from multiple sources to create a 3D
picture of inside the organ or tissue using sound reflections from the cells' density variation. The
device accurately and safely detects and monitors potential cancerous cells at an early stage from
the comfort of home. Our target market will be expanded to include women with a genetic
predisposition to developing cancer. Eventually the Smart Bra will be marketed to all women.
The bra can transmit this information to a mobile app or other device for further analysis and


C. Nature of the business

The business would involve developing and manufacturing a smart bra, investing in research and
development, and developing a marketing strategy to target women at higher risk of developing
breast cancer. Partnerships with healthcare organizations, social media and online advertising,
and influencers would help reduce the financial burden of product development. So the nature of
the business would be partnership.

D. Vision

Our vision is to provide a more convenient, accurate, and accessible way to detect and monitor
breast cancer.

E. Mission

We are striving to reduce the number of affected women by providing Smart bras for detection or
monitoring breast cancer.


Industry analysis is the process of examining and evaluating the current and potential future state
of a particular industry or market. It involves gathering and analysing data on factors such as
market size, growth trends, competitive landscape, customer behaviour, and regulatory

A. Future Outlook and Trend

Wearable technology has advanced quickly in recent years, and smart clothing is becoming
increasingly popular. Healthcare, particularly early illness identification, is one area where smart
clothing might have a huge influence. Breast cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in
women globally, so a smart bra that detects it might be a game changer. Wearable breast cancer
detectors have been in development for some time, and various studies have been conducted to
assess the efficacy of employing sensors placed in garments to identify early indications of breast
cancer. We should expect to see increasingly sophisticated and accurate wearable breast cancer
detectors as technology advances. With sensors that are seamlessly integrated into the fabric,
smart bras may become more comfortable and discreet. They may also become more available to
a broader spectrum of women, particularly those in low-income communities and developing

When it comes to the future, it's difficult to say when a wearable breast cancer detector smart bra
will be readily available. However, given the potential benefits of such a device, significant
investment in research and development in this area is likely.

Overall, wearable breast cancer detector smart bras are an exciting and hopeful advancement in
healthcare technology, and it's likely that they might play a role in saving lives.

B. Industry and Market Forecasts

In recent years, the wearable technology industry has expanded fast, with a wide range of
products available, including smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart clothes. The global
wearable technology market is estimated to reach $93.4 billion by 2027, with a compound yearly
growth rate of 15.9% from 2020 to 2027, according to MarketsandMarkets.

Breast cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in women, with an expected 2.3 million new
cases identified globally by 2020. The importance of early identification in enhancing treatment
results and survival rates cannot be overstated. Mammography is now the main screening
technique for breast cancer, however there is significant interest in developing non-invasive
alternatives for early diagnosis.


A description of venture is a summary of a business or entrepreneurial idea that provides an
overview of the business and communicates its value proposition to potential investors,
customers, and stakeholders. It should be tailored to the audience and objectives of the
communication to effectively communicate the value and potential of the business.

A. Product and Services

Our main product is a wearable smart bra that uses sensors and algorithms to detect changes in
breast tissue that may signal the presence of malignant cells. The smart bra is non-invasive and
pleasant to wear, allowing women to monitor their breast health at home with ease. In addition,
we intend to provide a suite of data analysis and monitoring services, including personalised
health advice based on the monitoring data of the user.


Production planning is the act of developing a guide for the design and production of a given
product or service. Production planning helps organizations make the production process as
efficient as possible.

A. Materials

The primary raw materials utilised in the

manufacture of a smart bra:

I. Smart Fabric:

A significant material utilised in the manufacture of

a smart bra is smart fabric. This fabric comprises
microsensors that detect changes in breast tissue and
provide the information to the monitoring system.
The smart fabric is often composed of a blend of
cotton, polyester, and spandex.

II. Sensors:

The smart bra's sensors are tiny, flexible components that are
embedded in the smart fabric. They are intended to assess and
analyse changes in breast tissue in order to offer reliable data to the
monitoring system.

III.Circuit boards:

Circuit boards are critical components of the smart bra's monitoring system. They offer a
platform for sensors to transfer data to software, which analyses the data and displays it to the

IV. Batteries:

The monitoring system of the smart bra is powered by batteries. The batteries are generally
compact and lightweight, with enough power to run the
device for several hours.

V. Conductive Thread:

Conductive thread is used in the smart bra to link the

sensors and circuit boards. Because it contains small
amounts of metal, this specialised thread can conduct
electricity and transmit data between components.

VI. Adhesives:

Adhesives are utilised to connect sensors, circuit boards, and batteries to the smart fabric. These
adhesives must be strong enough to hold the components in place while still allowing the smart
fabric to move and stretch with the wearer.

B. Manufacturing process

Manufacturing process transforms raw materials into finished products.

I. Design and Prototyping:


The smart bra is designed and prototyped as the initial stage in the production process. This
entails constructing a 3D model of the bra as well as adding the required sensors, circuit boards,
and software to monitor breast tissue for changes that might signal malignant cells. Once the
design is finalised, a smart bra prototype is created to test and refine the design.

II. Sourcing Materials:

After the design is complete, the materials required to make the smart bra are sourced.
Specialised fabric materials, sensors, circuit boards, and batteries are examples of this. To ensure
the accuracy and reliability of the monitoring system, the materials utilised must be of high

III. Assembling the Bra:

The smart bra is next put together, beginning with the fabric. The sensors and circuit boards are
sewn to the cloth, and the battery and other components are built in. After that, the bra is sewed
together, and the monitoring system is calibrated and checked for accuracy.

IV. Quality Control Testing:

Before the smart bra can be sold, it must go through comprehensive quality control testing. This
includes testing for monitoring system accuracy, material durability, and overall smart bra
operation. Any problems discovered during testing are resolved, and the smart bra is retested
until it passes the required quality requirements.

V. Packaging and shipping:

After passing quality control testing, the smart bra is packaged and sent.

C. Machinery and Equipment

The manufacturing of a wearable breast cancer detector smart bra requires specialized machinery
and equipment to ensure accurate assembly of components and efficient production. Here are
some of the key machinery and equipment required in the production of a smart bra:

I. Smart Fabric Manufacturing Machines:


Machines are utilised to produce the smart fabric that is used in smart bras. These machines
incorporate microsensors into the fabric, resulting in a high-quality material capable of detecting
changes in breast tissue.

II. Automated Sewing Machines:

The smart bra is assembled using automated sewing machines. These machines are made to sew
the fabric and components together accurately, resulting in a high-quality finished product.

III. Cutting Machines:

Cutting machines are used to cut the smart fabric to the desired size and shape. These machines
employ exact measures to ensure correct cutting and avoid waste.

IV. Testing Equipment:

Testing equipment is used to check the accuracy and functioning of the smart bra. This
equipment contains specialised sensors and software that can detect and analyse changes in
breast tissue.

V. Quality Control Equipment:

Quality control equipment ensures that each smart bra satisfies the required quality requirements.
Cameras, sensors, and software can be used to identify faults or mistakes in the manufacturing

VI. Packaging Equipment:

The final smart bras are put together using packaging equipment. This includes machines that
can fold, stack, and seal bras into shipping packaging materials.


Operational plan outlines objectives and goals to ensure team understanding.

A. Location

All items will be made and processed in Lahore, Pakistan. There are several prospects for
entrepreneurs to run their firms in Lahore. Smart Bra company would first target clients in
Lahore. We will manage the firm from home because we have not yet decided on a specific site
in Lahore.

The wearable breast cancer detector smart bra company will be located in a conveniently
accessible commercial location for staff, suppliers, and consumers. The facility will have enough
room to support the production process, which will include assembly, quality control, and
packing. It will also have access to transportation and logistical infrastructure to ensure effective
product distribution.

B. Suppliers

In Lahore, Pakistan, we get materials needed for the production of the wearable breast cancer
detector smart bra from:

Local Fabric vendors: Lahore has a number of fabric vendors that offer a wide range of
materials, including the specialised textiles required for the smart bra. Liberty Market, Anarkali
Bazar, and Shah Alam Market are some of the most prominent fabric marketplaces in Lahore.

Electronic Components providers: Electronic components for the smart bra may also be obtained
from local providers in Lahore. Hall Road and Hafeez Centre are two major electrical
marketplaces in Lahore.

C. The Production Process

 Thermal imaging sensor operates on the principle that emissivity of human skin is high and
infrared radiation emitted by the skin can be converted directly into temperature. Thus,
infrared imaging is a method of evaluating surface temperature of a body [36].
 To detect pathology within the human breast (such as cancer), the temperature difference of
an area of the breast is measured.
 Sensor (AMG8833) is capable of detecting tiny differences in temperature within the breast.
It collects infrared radiation from objects in an area and creates an electronic image based on
temperature differences because objects are rarely of precisely the same temperature as
object(s) in their neighbourhood.
 The Smart Bra with temperature monitoring function, comprise of a left and right bra cup (in
which the infrared sensor is embedded), a battery assembly, intelligent image acquisition
system and the display.


system architecture is shown.




 The device is powered using direct current (from a rechargeable battery source). The device
can detect differences in temperature within the breast and these differences appear as
distinct colours on the thermograph as shown in the results


A marketing plan is an advertisement strategy that a company will use to sell its product or
service. The marketing strategy will assist in determining who the target market is, the best way
to contact them, the price point at which the product or service should be marketed, and how the
firm will assess its efforts.

A. SWOT Analysis

STRENGTHS a) Growing market for smart wearables and healthcare
a) addresses a critical need in women's health technology
b) a non-invasive and convenient method for breast cancer b) Increasing public awareness of breast cancer and the
detection importance of early detection
c) Has potential to become a leading brand in the smart c) Potential to expand the product line to include other
wearable market health monitoring features
d) Can differentiate the business from competitors by d) Partnerships with healthcare providers and insurance
offering a unique and valuable product companies to promote the product


WEAKNESSES a) Competition from established players in the wearable
technology and healthcare industries
a) High production costs may result in a higher price point
for the product b) Regulatory hurdles and potential liability issues
associated with medical devices
b) Limited awareness of the product may make it difficult to
generate demand c) Public skepticism of new technology or concerns about
privacy and data security
c) Complex technology may result in a longer learning curve
for customers d) Economic downturn or changes in consumer spending
habits that could impact demand for non-essential products

B. Demographic Profile
 Women over the age of 40

 Women with a family history of breast cancer

 Health-conscious women
 Tech-savvy women

C. Features
 Non-invasive:

A non-invasive breast cancer detector bra would be more comfortable and easier for regular

 Early detection and Automated detection:

The bra would be designed to identify breast cancer in its early stages, perhaps improving
treatment outcomes. The bra would have an automated detection system that would continually
monitor the breast tissue for anomalies and warn the wearer or a medical practitioner if any were

 Integration of a mobile app:

The bra may be linked to a smartphone app that allows the wearer to track and monitor their
breast health over time, as well as get notifications and reminders for frequent check-ups.

 Design that is both comfortable and stylish:

The bra would be created to be both comfortable and stylish, with a stylish design that looks and
feels like conventional underwear.

 Washable and long-lasting:

The bra would be built of high-quality materials that are both washable and long-lasting,
guaranteeing that the product lasts a long time.

 User-friendly:

The bra and its associated smartphone app would be user-friendly and simple to use, especially
for non-technologists.

 Cost-effective:

The bra would be moderately priced and cost-effective, making it accessible to a wide spectrum
of people.

D. When to use smart bra?

Here are some situations where a wearable breast cancer detector bra may be used:

 As a regular part of breast health monitoring, especially for women with a higher risk of
breast cancer.
 To complement regular breast exams performed by a healthcare professional.
 For early detection of breast cancer in women who may not have easy access to regular
mammograms or other screening tests.
 To monitor changes in breast tissue over time and detect any abnormalities early on.
 As a way to enhance peace of mind and reduce anxiety about breast cancer.
E. Precautions and Limitations

Here are some potential precautions and limitations that may be associated with the use of a
wearable breast cancer detector bra:

 The bra should not be considered a substitute for regular breast cancer screening or medical
advice from a healthcare professional.

 The wearer should be aware of the limitations of the technology and understand that it may
not be 100% accurate.

 The bra should be worn according to the manufacturer's instructions and not for longer than

 The accuracy of the breast cancer detection may vary depending on factors such as breast
density and size.

 False positives and false negatives may occur, leading to unnecessary stress or delayed

F. Price

Product Price in PKR

1 unit 10,000

Pack of 3 30,000

Pack of 5 45,000

G. Promotion

Promoting a wearable breast cancer detector bra can be challenging, but there are several
effective strategies to get the word out and raise awareness. These include social media,
influencer marketing, content marketing, events and sponsorships, advertising, public relations,
and referral marketing. By using a combination of these strategies, our company can effectively
promote their product and raise awareness about the importance of early detection and breast
cancer prevention.


An organizational plan is a method for planning the future goals of an organization to be sure
everyone on the team understands what management expects.

A. Legal Form of Ownership

Individuals who have agreed to share profits and liabilities will own and run Smart Bra. The
collaboration will be broad. The partners run the business and are personally liable for the
partnership's debts and other responsibilities. The general partners own and manage the firm and
are personally liable for the partnership, whereas the limited partners are merely investors with
no influence over the company and are not subject to the same obligations as the general
partners. A contract governs the collaboration.

I. Partnership Agreement

A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a
partnership between two or more individuals or entities who agree to collaborate and share
profits and losses in a business venture.

II. Why partnership?

Partnerships allow individuals with different skills, expertise, and backgrounds to come together
and share their knowledge and experience. This can lead to better decision-making, more

creative ideas, and more efficient use of resources. Partners can also share risk, increase
resources, divide labour, and have flexibility.

III. Benefits of Partnership

 Partnerships allow individuals with different skills, expertise, and backgrounds to come
together and share their knowledge and experience.
 This can lead to better decision-making, more creative ideas, and more efficient use of
 Partners can also share risk, increase resources, divide labour, and have flexibility.
 However, partnerships come with challenges and risks, such as potential conflicts,
disagreements over decision-making, and issues with profit distribution.


A. Space Requirement

Space Requirement
Description Estimated Area Total cost (Rs.)
(sq. ft)
Room for production and 300 20,000
Room for testing 100 10,000
Room for Office work 150 15,000
Total 45,000

B. Furniture and Fixtures

Furniture and Fixtures

Description Quantity Unit cost Total Cost
Office Tables 3 14,000 42,000
Office Chairs 3 7000 21,000
Lights 10 220 2200

Fans 6 2000 12,000

Office Storage 2-3 6000 12,000
Total 89200

C. Production Equipment

Production Equipment
Description Quantity Price
Sewing machines 2 50,000
Electronic components -- 28800
Sensors and detectors 25 15000
3D printer 1 110000
Quality control equipment -- 10,000
Fabric cutting machines 2 20,000
Heat press machines 2 50,000
Total 283,800

D. Office Equipment

Office Equipment
Description Quantity Price
Laptop 1 50,000

Internet Device 1 3000

Stationary 3000
Total 56,000

E. Human Resource Requirements

Human Resource Requirements

Description Quantity Cost
Project Manager 1 30,000
Electrical Engineer 1 25,000
Mechanical Engineer 1 20,000
Biomedical Engineer 1 20,000
Software Engineer 1 25,000
Data Scientist 1 22,000
Medical Expert 1 25,000
Total 167,000

F. Total Project Cost

Total Project Cost

Description Amount
Capital Cost
Furniture and Fixtures 89200
Office Equipment 56000
Human Resource Equipment 167000

Working Capital
Cash 50,000
Raw Material Inventory 283,800
Rent 45,000
Total Project Cost 691,000


A. Income Statement

Income Statement
Description 2024 2025 2026
Sales 160000 240000 320000
Raw Material 480000 720000 960000
Cost of goods sold 800000 1200000 1600000
Gross Profit 800000 1200000 1600000
Selling Expenses 160000 240000 320000
Advertising 8000 12000 16000
Salaries Expenses 320000 480000 640000
Rent Expenses 45000 50000 60000
Utility Expenses 80000 120000 160000
Supply Expenses 160000 240000 320000
Marketing Expenses 400000 600000 800000
Packaging Expenses 16000 24000 32000
Depreciation 24000 24000 24000
Amortization 8000 8000 5000

Total Operating 71200 106800 142000
Operating Profit 8800 13200 17600
Tax 50000 264000 352000
Net Profit 105600 140000 200000

B. Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flows Statement

Description 2023 2024 2025 2026
Opening Cash Balance - 50,000 250400 600530
Operating Activities
Net Profit - 105600 140000 200000
Add Depreciation - 24000 24000 24000
Add Amortization - 8000 8000 5000
Raw Material Inventory 480000 350000 240500 154000
Production Equipment 283,800 - - -
Pre-Operating Costs 71200 - - -
Pre-Paid Rent 45000 - - -
Cash Flows from Operating 880000 487600 412500 383000
Investing Activities
Cash used by Investing Activities 1560000 - 118500 580000
Cash used in Investing Activities 1560000 - 118500 580000
Financing Activities
Partnership Capital 300000 - - -
Cash Flows from Financing 300000 - - -

Ending Cash Balance 60000 546000 783000 884000

C. Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet
Description 2023 2024 2025 2026
Current Assets
Cash 50,000 250400 600530 715000
Inventory 480000 350000 240500 154000
Fixed Assets
Furniture and Fixtures 89200 75100 66000 53000
Pre-paid Rent 45000 45000 45000 45000
Production Equipment 283,800 90000 75000 66000
Office Equipment 56000 45000 36000 31000
Total Assets 914800 855,500 1,063,030 1064000
Liabilities and Owner's Equity
Accounts Payable 0 0 0 0
Capital Stock 300000 300000 300000 300000
Retained Earnings 0 356000 468000 551000
Total Equity and Liabilities 300000 656000 768000 851000

D. Break-even Sales

Breakeven Sale
Sales 7200000
Variable Cost 16,0000
Contribution Margin Ratio 0.65
Fixed Costs 35,0000
Breakeven sales 538,461

E. Breakeven Units

Breakeven Units
Sales Price per unit 10250
Variable Cost per unit 790
Contribution Margin per unit 980
Fixed Costs 12000
Breakeven units 12000

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