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TOPIC: Art events are only for the ones who are passioned about

arts of creative activities. Do you agree or disagree with that


It is argued that art events are only for those who have a big
passion about arts of creative activities, anh I mostly agree with this
notion. These art events assist innovative persons seize a chance of
making connection with like-minded individuals who have many interests
in common. On taking part in these art events, creative people get-
together with well-known artists, experts, skilled architect and learn loads
of interesting knowledge from them to put them into practice so that their
works of art become better and better. On the contrary, those not
passioned about creativity of activities and attending art events
experience a mixed feeling. They seem to be low-spirited, pretty
secluded and have no sense of belongness . Furthermore, joining
worshops pave the way for potential careers and opportunities in their
chosen field. Take my older sister for an example, she had a huge passion
about activities related to craft, art, just name to a few. Whenever there
were some free workshops or recruitment as a volunteer for company,
she all participated enthusiasticly and put most her passion and
enthusiasm to totally complete them. Thanks to these activities, she
leanred alot novel ideas, gripping working experience and now she is
taking over her own office, which specializedly train for those taking
fancy in creative activities like her. To sum up, art events are really good
chances and suit gifted individuals to the ground .

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