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In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year

between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this.

Nowadays, besides the knowledge learned in school, the experience in life is equally
important. It is true that many countries today encourage young people to go to work or
travel during the gap year. This trend would create certain benefits but there will also be
some drawbacks.
On the one hand, I believe that gap year is the best time for students to work or travel
because of some undeniable advantages. Firstly, I believe that when young people go to
work, they can learn the value of money. It is crucial as they can realize how hard it is to
earn money. I used to work at a coffee shop eight hours a day. When I receive a salary
from my own efforts, I feel very appreciative of that money. Secondly, when we travel or
work, it helps to improve many skills. School is a place to teach we knowledge, but
practical skills we need to cultivate in life. For example, Vy who is my friend in the US,
she spent her gap year traveling alone in Asian countries. She has learned to plan her own
trips, manage money, and take care of herself.
On the other hand, the trend is disadvantages to some extent. The main shortcoming is
that traveling might lead to unneeded money expenses. The money budget of traveling
could be used instead to pay college fees later on. For example, traveling needs ten
million VND for a three-day and two-night trip, with that money you can pay tuition fees
for a school year. In addition, when young people get used to working life and making
their own money, they tend not to go back to school. My brother did not go on to college
because he was able to earn his own living by the age of nineteen.
In conclusion, it seems to me that there are many advantages for students to work or
travel in their gap year, although this also has some notable disadvantages. I suggest
young people should have a budget for each trip and be strict with themselves.

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