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NAME Gregory Tan Rui Ze


Description: What happened?

We went to the Jalan Besar Stadium to support our classmates/schoolmates participating in their
Tennis NSGs. There were a few classes that were selected, primarily classes that had students
going for that NSG. We prepared placards that spelled cheers to encourage our players to do their
best. After they scored their point, we cheered for them with joy and jubilee.

Feelings: What were you thinking and feeling?

When I first heard of the news, I was rather excited because I had never seen Caden play before,
and it was something that I was looking forward to. Since I have heard from the class that Caden is
No. 7 for tennis in his age group, it made me even more anticipative about watching the match.
During the event, as expected, Caden did very well, and you can basically say that he trashed his
opponent. I was taken aback by the precision of his shots and his ability to quickly assess different
situations and how to return the ball accordingly. I think that apart from the fact that we were out
in the hot sun, everyone enjoyed watching Caden. I even shared with my family members about it,
and they were amazed as well.

Evaluation: What was good and bad about the experience?

The main problem about this event is that we were out in the hot sun and the weather was rather
cruel to us. Because we went there to support Caden, we did not really do much individually, so
we did not face many setbacks.

Analysis: What sense can you make of the situation?

Like I said, I did not really participate because we only went there to support, and not to

Conclusion: What else could you have done?

I have to admit that for some parts of the match I was rather distracted and looked at my phone
occasionally, because the match was quite long. Hence, I hope that if I get the opportunity to go
for something like this again, I will pay more focus and attention towards it.

+Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Action plan: If it arose again, what would you do?
I will remind myself not to be so distracted, and that I came here to support my friend and not to
stare at my phone.

+Gibbs Reflective Cycle

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