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22/10/23, 23:06 Quiz: Week 10 - Task - Where do you get cereal?

Week 10 - Task - Where do you get cereal?

Started: Oct 22 at 11:04pm

Quiz Instructions
Hello! It’s time to do the task of this week. Read the instructions carefully and do the activity. Keep in
mind you have to do this homework during week 10.

1. Lesson outcome:

Through this activity, students test their reading comprehension skills by choosing the correct

2. Instructions

Read the text about Sara attentively. Then, choose the correct answer for each statement.

Attend the workshops and reinforce and practice the topics of the week to do the task. You
can register at Portal del Estudiante or UTP+ : Refuerzo Académico.

Read the text about Sara attentively. Then, choose the correct answer for each

Online shopping

My name is Sara, and I love shopping online. I prefer to shop through

cell phone apps, but sometimes I use my computer. Phone apps are
easy to use and are convenient because I can even do my shopping
from bed and I can shop 24/7! I’m not the only one buying things
online. My mother and brothers like shopping online too, but my father
hates it.

I love shopping so much that I buy everything I need from home. I get
food, and materials. But I still prefer getting clothes from a real store
not online so I can try them on to be sure they fit me fine.

Nowadays, everybody needs to use phone apps to buy things faster

and to keep social distance because of the pandemic. My friends are
comfortable with buying things online too because they think that going 1/5
22/10/23, 23:06 Quiz: Week 10 - Task - Where do you get cereal?

to a mall can be dangerous. Most of them buy goods and electronics

at Plaza Vea supermarket. They say prices are the cheapest in town.

In my case, I buy things like sugar, rice, lentils, potatoes, sweet

potatoes, bread, toast, milk, yogurt, cereal, bottled water and flour. I
also buy detergent, soap and bleach. Well, I have to admit that I love
buying snacks like cookies and bars of chocolate. They’re so tasty! To
be prepared for my classes, I like to buy lots of notebooks, pens,
pencils, erasers, sharpeners and post-its.
(Text from the web Test English)

Question 1 2 pts

What is Sara’s favorite way of shopping?

On her laptop.

On her computer.

On her phone.

In a shop.

Question 2 2 pts

Sara loves shopping online because…

She can buy things the whole day.

She buys when she is eating in bed.

She finds discounts.

She likes to spend a lot of time buying online. 2/5
22/10/23, 23:06 Quiz: Week 10 - Task - Where do you get cereal?

Question 3 2 pts

Sara’s friends feel ____________ about buying things online.





Question 4 2 pts

Why does Sara think online shopping is convenient?

It's fast.

It's dangerous.

It's expensive.

It's good quality.

Question 5 2 pts

Who doesn’t like buying things online?

Sara's mother.

Sara's father.

Sara's brothers.

Sara's family.

Question 6 2 pts 3/5
22/10/23, 23:06 Quiz: Week 10 - Task - Where do you get cereal?

Why does Sara not like buying clothes online?

Because she needs more money.

Because she’s fat.

Because clothes are too expensive.

Because she likes to try on clothes.

Question 7 2 pts

Who says that prices are the cheapest at Plaza Vea supermarket?

Sara's family.

Sara's friends.


Sara's mother.

Question 8 2 pts

Sara doesn’t buy_________________

pens, rice and cookies.

flour, detergent and water.

chicken, tomatoes and butter.

lentils, milk and chocolate.

Question 9 2 pts

People prefer to use phone apps…. 4/5
22/10/23, 23:06 Quiz: Week 10 - Task - Where do you get cereal?

to keep closer to other people.

to get a variety of products.

to avoid social contact.

to talk to other people.

Question 10 2 pts

What does “tasty” mean?





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