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Question 1:
1) What is the primary objective of environmental planning?
A) Maximizing profit for developers
B) Minimizing environmental regulations
C)Promoting sustainability and resilience
D) Ignoring community input
E)None of the above

Question 2:
Which principle emphasizes the fair and inclusive access to resources and opportunities
for all members of society?
A) Equity
B) Exclusion
D) Exploitation
E)None of the above

Question 3:
What is a key component of effective community engagement in urban planning?
A) Limited transparency
B) Top-down decision-making
C)Meaningful participation
D) Ignoring local stakeholders
E)None of the above

Question 4:
Which term refers to the process of evaluating the potential environmental, social, and
economic impacts of proposed projects?
A) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
B) Environmental Disturbance Report (EDR)
C)Environmental Compliance Document (ECD)
D) Environmental Planning Analysis (EPA)
E)None of the above
Question 5:
What is a fundamental characteristic of sustainable urban development?
A) Overuse of natural resources
B) Increased pollution levels
C)Inequitable distribution of resources
D) Integration of economic, social, and environmental considerations
E)None of the above

Question 6:
Which principle of environmental planning emphasizes the importance of balancing
social, economic, and environmental considerations to meet the needs of current and
future generations?
A) Sustainability
B) Exclusion
D) Elitism
E)None of the above

Question 7:
What term describes the systematic process of allocating land for different uses, such
as residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational purposes?
A) Zoning
B) Gentrification
D) Displacement
E)None of the above

Question 8:
Which factor is NOT typically considered in environmental planning assessments?
A) Economic impacts
B) Social impacts
C)Environmental impacts
D) Political impacts
E)None of the above

Question 9:
What is the primary goal of green infrastructure in urban planning?
A) Maximizing profits for developers
B) Increasing pollution levels
C)Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services
D) Excluding certain communities
E)None of the above
Question 10:
Which term refers to the process of adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate
change on urban and regional environments?
A) Climate Adaptation
B) Climate Denial
C)Climate Displacement
D) Climate Exclusion
E)None of the above

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