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What is city?

City is a place which is within a high technology and more modern

lifestyle. Nowadays, teenagers more prefer live in city compare to village, because
city have more higher education level and advance medical equipment which is
village did not have it. The benefits of living in the city are more work opportunity,
better education and adequate facilities.

First, the benefits of living in city more work opportunity, compare to village in
city teenagers have offer more jobs and higher salary, this make people easily
looking for job and they can enjoy higher quality of lifestyle, example in city we
have designer, developer, engineer and translator etc. And in city the
environment of working places is more comfort compare to rural area.

Besides that, in city we have better education, example teaching tool is equipped
with technology, offers various educational mode and teach by professional
teacher. These let children have better learning facilities, make them more easier
to absorb the knowledge , and higher efficient learning ability. Compare to village,
in city children can go to school by bus or taxi, in country side children might have
to face with a longer journey to school, whether they walk to school or cycling
bicycle to school.

Furthermore, city have adequate facilities, example transport system, in city

transport fee is affordable for every single people living in city, taking a bus is only
cost for 50cents$ per station. The transport system in city is also more saving time
compare to rural area, in city we have a train which call ‘bullet train’, ‘bullet train’
is the fastest transport vehicle in the world, the world record of bullet train can be
up to 651km per hour, these let many people saving their time to taking a bus or

To sum up, in city, people can looking a job easier and faster. Instead of, in city,
children can have better education compare to village. In the city, also have
adequate facilities which make us more convenient and more saving time in
transport system. In my opinion the idea living in city, is a better choice compare
living in rural area, living in city can have higher salary payment in job and living in
city the environment of house is more modern and comfort. (380 words)

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