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Security gates use infernal technology and can be opened only with a password or physical contact

by authorized personnel (or a DC 18 Thieves’ Tools check).

Scourge Ooze Doors: Some vital compartments and passages on the fortress are protected with
“doors” formed from a thin layer of gray-black ooze. Known as a scourge ooze, devils can simply
walk through these oozes (with a slight popping sound). Mortal flesh, however, is scourged away,
dealing 10d6 damage.
Scourge oozes can be easily destroyed with holy water (simply melting away if splashed with such).
Demon-Detectors: These are unlikely to bother most PCs, but there are demon-detectors located
throughout Zariel’s fortress. These take the form of brass eyeballs protruding (sometimes
obtrusively, sometimes less so) from the walls. The eyeballs spin back and forth. Using magic, they
can detect demons in line of sight within 100 feet with a Passive Perception score of 25. If a demon
is detected, an alarm-type spell triggers alerts on the bridge.
Ioun Turrets: These technomantic constructions have 1d4+2 specialized ioun stones whirring
around their top. They are operated by a soul trapped within a soul coin which is placed in a slot at
the top of the turret. The souls can also speak through the turret and have a Passive Perception score
of 18. (Souls who serve well within a turret are given an opportunity to advance in the ranks of
The ioun stones cannot operate independently of the turret. Each ioun stone contains one stored
spell. These are usually offensive in nature (fireball, lightning bolt, finger of death, and power word
pain are quite common), although some may also be loaded with divinations useful for security
(zone of truth, detect evil and good, or true seeing, for example).

There are a few things to keep in mind as the PCs are exploring the flying fortress.
Announcements: There are frequent announcements that can be heard throughout the ship. They
include things like:
Summons for particular devils to go to various places. (“Signifier Yurtarth, report to the
abjuration generator.”)
Navigational announcements. (“Prepare for acceleration.”)
Personnel announcements, like shift changes, mess calls, or general quarters. These can include
obscure references like “condition omega” or “enact red protocol.”
Blaring alarm klaxons (if, for example, the PCs trigger an alert).
All verbal communication, of course, will be in Infernal.
Telepathic Communications: Are likely to be jammed by the Telepathy Station.
Teleportation: Is blocked by the Abjuration Generator.
Scrying: Is blocked by the Abjuration Generator.

ROOFTOP HATCH: Found on the Lookout Deck (see Locations, below).

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