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Note: Remember when I mentioned that the reference in Fiendish Codex II to Zariel

being tortured by abishai on behalf of their master could erroneously lead one to
believe that she was being fed to Tiamat? I’m fairly certain that’s exactly what
happened here.


I’d be curious to know if Descent Into Avernus was already in development at the time this book
was published. (And, if so, how much influence it had on the text.) In any case, this is the book that
retcons the entire history of Zariel being the original Lord of Avernus.
Long, long ago, during the Trial of Asmodeus, Zariel got into a brawl with her fellow angels,
demanding to give testimony to Asmodeus’ crimes.
We are also told that Zariel is Asmodeus’ “most recent recruit.” Zariel grew obsessed with the
Blood War and believed that the hosts of Mount Celestia could descend upon Avernus and wipe out
both the devils and the demons of the Blood War.
“Accompanied by a mob of mortal followers, she cut a swath through a legion of devils before their
numbers overwhelmed her. A delegation of bone devils dispatched to the site by Asmodeus
recovered her unconscious form beneath a small mountain of her slaughtered enemies. After
allowing her to recover in the depths of Nessus, Asmodeus installed her on Avernus as his champion
and new lord of that layer.”

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