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"Year of the Bicentennial, of the consolidation of our

Independence, and of the commemoration of the

heroic battles of Junín and Ayacucho"

Rodrigo David Flores Huamancondor

Teacher: Soplopuco Rivas de Rios Gina

Course: English
(AC-S01) Week 01 - Task: Assignment - How
much do you remember?

Link video:

Hello, everyone. My name is Rodrigo David Flores Huamancondor, and I'm

presenting my assignment for week 01, titled “How much do you remember?”.

I am currently in the 5th cycle of my Law degree; I live in Nuevo Chimbote. Last
semester, I continued my English classes using Zoom. The last cycle in English 3
was very enjoyable and beautiful, I had an excellent teacher. Every Saturday I
recorded my assignments to send them. We never went to university because it was
virtual, but I did go to support my classmate Stiven in a contest there was, and I had
known my teacher for a long time. During the course, we learned a lot about
grammar and vocabulary. Now, looking back, I can say with certainty that the
English III course was a transformative experience. Not only did I improve my
language skills, but I also gained self-confidence and developed a deeper
appreciation for the English language and its importance in the modern world.

Thank you for your time. See you.

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