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4/16/24, 2:06 AM Pakistan’s Geographical Location: A Curse Or A Blessing – OpEd – Eurasia Review

Monday, April 15, 2024





Land controlled by Pakistan shown in dark green; land claimed but

not controlled shown in light green. Credit: Wikipedia Commons

UN Chief Says
Pakistan’s Geographical ‘Step Back From
The Brink,’ To
Location: A Curse Or A Blessing Avert Full-Scale
– OpEd Middle East
 July 25, 2022  1 Comment Conflict
 April 15, 2024  0
By Saima Afzal
The people of the Middle
Geography has shaped geopolitics for centuries and it has East are facing a real
danger of a devastating
remained one of the most influential factors contributing to any
full-scale conflict,
state’s standing in the world relevance index. A state does not António Guterres said on
only rely on its geography, its economy. natural resources and 1/5
4/16/24, 2:06 AM Pakistan’s Geographical Location: A Curse Or A Blessing – OpEd – Eurasia Review

population also contribute their part. Pakistan has a unique Navig

geostrategic position and shares its border with four states ating
India, Afghanistan, China, and Iran. Pakistan lies in a region that The
can easily be regarded as the most complicated for regional ral
and global geopolitics. An unfriendly India sitting on the East Relationship Between
presents an existential threat, a porous and most difficult Indonesia-The
Philippines For 2024 And
border with landlocked Afghanistan on the West, and an
Beyond – OpEd
occasional issue-ridden border with Iran.  April 15, 2024  0

Since its birth, Pakistan has continuously faced an existential

threat from India forcing Pakistan to spend on its security
impacting national resources and making sometimes un- da
natural alliances. With three major wars with India and Bill:
numerous skirmishes/ armed escalations, the breakup of East Stopp
ing The Boats Or Setting
Pakistan into Bangladesh as a result of the Indian conspiracy A Precedent – Analysis
proved the initial perception of existential threat a harsh  April 15, 2024  0
reality. Despite being blessed with natural resources, all the
terrains, intelligent and hardworking manpower, enterprising The
youth, and religiously influenced society, Pakistan has not been Hazar
ds Of
able to take off the way it was expected or deserved. All the ‘Color
positives and strengths that Pakistan enjoyed have been blind
exploited in one form or another and transformed into a Equality’ – Analysis
April 15, 2024 0
weakness by hostile states in varying time frames. This effort  

was supplemented by poor global media perception.

Geo-strategically, Pakistan is considered a gateway to Central PATIAL RC on Historic

Asia that connects the emerging power China to the Muslim Tibetan Buddhist
world like Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Monastery Being
Iran, and other states through the Arabian Sea. However, Moved To Make Way
For Dam – Analysis
Pakistan’s social landscape started to turn sour after the April 14, 2024
Russian invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Afghan jihad brought Eco-Colonialism by
in militancy and madrassa culture giving rise to religious/ ethnic China have no place
and sectarian frictions. Imperils of Pakistan’s rise are included a for religion and
complex geostrategic environment, weak economy, governance heritage especially of
challenges, dynastic politics, energy shortages, religious and the Tibetans and
ethnic segregation, extremism and intolerance in segments, Muslims. China is
known for…
and climate change. Unfortunately, military takeovers and
mediocre civil leadership, mostly due to external factors denied Daud Shah on
the consistency and stability the nation needed for progression. Pakistan: Why Judicial
The complex geopolitical milieu surrounding Pakistan has Impasse Again? Does
made it a critical piece of mosaic in regional and global Pakistan Need A New 2/5
4/16/24, 2:06 AM Pakistan’s Geographical Location: A Curse Or A Blessing – OpEd – Eurasia Review

interests, thus prone to the conspiracy by each external party Social Contract? –
furthering individuals and policies favoring them. OpEd
April 12, 2024

The existing challenge for Pakistan is to manage balancing ties How better it would
between US/West and China/Russian camps. Off and on almost have been both for the
all Pakistani leadership clearly stated that it would not ally with country and public If
the concerned had
any camp. Though, Pakistan’s geostrategic position has
taken your advice
brought it closer to China, since it provides the quickest trading earnesely‫…۔‬
route via the Arabian Sea. China’s rise as an economic and
regional giant is a reality. The China-Pakistan Economic raj on ‘Where Are Your
Jews And Hindus?’ –
Corridor (CPEC) is a flagship project of the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI), and the CPEC project has the potential to open April 12, 2024
new avenues of socio-economic development and employment Hindu as a whole must
opportunities not only for Pakistan but also for the region. realise the peril they
However, CPEC development brings with it an unwanted are in and take
hostility cum interest of the West and US while energizing collective measures to
Indian plans against a nuclear Pakistan. Middle Eastern nations safeguard and
maintain their…
also prefer to maintain certain clout over Pakistan, historically
using religious funding as a tool. PATIAL RC on NATO
Cranks Up False-Flag
Despite all negatives, Pakistan has shown extreme resilience
Mode – OpEd
and potential par excellence. From producing world-level April 11, 2024
sportsmen, economic geniuses, noble winners scientists, NATO at 75 has only
doctors, diplomats, and artists, maintaining one of the best- served as a war
armed forces, war aces to becoming the only Muslim nuclear- machine and
armed nation is by no means feats to be brushed away. facilitated US
hegemony. NATO’s
Pakistan has been also actively contributing to international
involvement has been
efforts for strengthening global norms on arms control, non- eastward
proliferation, and disarmament and follows the latest expansionism…
international standards on export controls, nuclear safety, and
security at the national level. It is also the largest contributor of Rob Markham on
troops to the UN assisting in its mandate of global peace; so far NATO Cranks Up
False-Flag Mode –
more than 200,000 Pakistani soldiers have participated in 60
missions in 28 countries. Being Pakistan is not easy, not many April 10, 2024
nations in the world have the will to survive in such a hostile, Absolute bullocks!
complex, and fluid canvas which is mostly triggered externally. Finian, do you work for
Pakistan has successfully defeated terrorism and restored the Kremlin? There are
peace in the country; the country paid price in blood and many complex and
treasure; however, it depicts Pakistan’s resilience and multi-faceted issues
regarding this war.
commitment to peace. The geographical location, hence, has
played its role, both as a curse and as a blessing, at times, but 3/5
4/16/24, 2:06 AM Pakistan’s Geographical Location: A Curse Or A Blessing – OpEd – Eurasia Review

despite that, Pakistan needs to redefine its stance and focused

more on its nation-building.

* The writer is an Islamabad Analyst and her expertise is South

Asia, Indo-Pacific and security and can be contacted

One thought on “Pakistan’s Geographical

Location: A Curse Or A Blessing – OpEd”
 Cemal
 July 26, 2022 at 6:37 am
 Permalink

The factor of geographical location is meaningless unless the

nation and its leader realise its importance. Even today, CPEC is
good initiative but still maximum benefit is for Chinese
companies. Pakistan may continue to suffer unless it is
understood that “ “The society that separates its scholars from
its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its
fighting by fools.” — Thucydides.

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