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Cross border
Corporate governance advice
Strong insurance practice: focus on M&A for insurance clients
“ the really interesting part of our job is is often we find ourselves sitting in the middle of a
transaction needing to call on our colleagues in the finance team or the funds team or the
tax team to provide input from the various specialist areas”
Collaborative culture:

Applying to Debevoise:
-non rolling basis
-recruit for vac scheme
-virtual open days in February and/or March 21
-approx. 85 candidates admitted
-introduction to the firm and networking opportunity, ending with a short interview

Vacation Scheme:
-apps open until January 3rd
-only recruit for TC from vac scheme intake
-assigned a mentor during vac scheme
-involvement in team and individual projects, social events

-recruits 2 yrs in advance
-2.1, 144 UCAS points
-seats: mandatory arbitration/litigation
-overseas Secondment: opportunity to work in Hong Kong and Moscow offices
-sit with associate supervisor in each seat
-small intake, holistic training
-mini MBA with Columbia Business School NY for 2nd yr associates

-tend to approach clients from

a firm perspective where a lot
of law firms have sort of a
model where individual
partners own individual client
the Debevoise model is
very much about finding as
many touch points as we have
within the firm with the client
and being able to build on that
which is great because it gives
you the opportunity starting
from very early on your career
is a training aid to have
exposure to a number of
lawyers not not only sort of in
London in different practise
groups but also sort of in other offices in the same practise group as you or in other offices in other
practise group
-never had done anything that was just purely a UK matter everything that They do is hugely -
international - when I started as a trainee through to today I ended up working with about a third of
these clients over the course of my career so far —– John Rife partner

-negotiating with the best there is spread all around the world but that that sort of globalised view
and the ability to practise law in a globalised way is for me a pretty remarkable
- clients that have been clients of the firm for a very long time = testament to one of your
idea points about our ability to build and develop relationships with clients that last for
generations of individuals within the clients themselves. newer clients on the list here but
managed to create very longstanding relationships with some of the very key clients as well

- You get a lot of exposure
- In terms of training: two elements so on the job learning- part of a small team, get
more responsibilities, you’re expected to pick up things but supervisors always there
to answer any questions and trainees from other intakes
- -other training programmes

- Deal currently working on At the moment it's led by partner and just one other
associate= really big advantage, in terms of visibility because of the small teams you
do get very involved in invisible matters

- -get quite a lot of exposure and not just doing admin

- trainee intake= only nine trainees a year => you get to know the team that you're
working with the group as a whole in terms of client contact you do get to interact
with clients and talking about things and you often get us two in transactional
system board meetings and things like that so you get quite a lot of exposure to
client exposure you might not look at other bigger firms

Proper category:
Debevoise is a white-shoe new York firm, global firm with strong NY roots.
has been expanded globally
-there are law firms with 800 offices 40,000 wires all over the world and Devevoise has no
aspirations to be ever be a law firm like that
-very actually conservative in terms of our geographic footprint and where we are we we've
been for a long time we've been in Europe in London for 30 years, in Paris for 35 or 40 years
and so the firm tends to established offices in places where we could build on our existing
strengths but in a conservative way and
-want to be the best that the things that we're good at but we don't want to be providing
you know German employment advice on plastic bases in Germany or anything like that like
well we don't have aspirations to be able to do everything within the proper just want to
build on the things that we we can do well but I think I mean it is a white shoe firm

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