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NAME: __________________________________ SECTION: _________________ DATE: _________________

Activity 1. Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis

Directions: Put a check mark (√) in the appropriate column to tell whether the characteristics and roles describe
mitosis or meiosis or both.
Characteristics and Roles Mitosis Meiosis Both
1. Produces body cells
2. Ensures genetic stability
3. Divides the parent cell once
4. Divides the parent cell twice
5. Produces four daughter cells
6. Gives way to genetic diversity
7. Produces gametes or sex cells
8. Produces daughter cells with same number of chromosomes like the mother cell
9. Aids in the repair of genetic defects
10. Associated with sexual reproduction
11. Associated with asexual reproduction
12. Produces two identical daughter cells
13. Occurs in the gonads (testes and ovaries)
14. Produces diploid or haploid daughter cells
15. Helps in the repair of damaged cells/tissues

Activity 2. Label me.

Directions: Use the correct word from the word bank to tell the correct stages of cell division shown below. Each
word should be used only once. (Hint: Notice the traces of synapsis and crossing over in the chromosomes during

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