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Overview of Work Psychology

Human behaviour in the workplace is the focus of work psychology. Work psychology is crucial in
building selection processes, creating job profiles, and assessing candidates to match the appropriate
individuals with the right roles (Bagarello et al., 2018). Human resource professionals can improve
employee engagement and output by drawing on psychological theories of motivation to design
incentive programmes and rewards. Psychological principles are used to create effective performance
evaluation procedures, feedback networks, and objective-setting routines in the workplace (Lacerenza
et al., 2018). It facilitates the integration of organisational and individual aims.

Application of Motivation Theory

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, two groups of workplace characteristics—hygiene factors

and motivators—influence an employee's level of contentment and drive on the job (Sirgy and Lee,

Human resources professionals can implement Herzberg's theory by focusing on the drivers of employee
engagement to reduce employee turnover. Offering training and promotion prospects, highlighting and
praising exceptional performance, and letting workers have a voice in important business decisions are
all ways to show appreciation for staff.

Reduce absenteeism by investing in making employees' jobs more rewarding. Giving workers more
leeway and responsibility, praising their efforts, and fostering their professional and personal
development are all examples of how this might be done.

Job Satisfaction Model

According to theories on what makes a job rewarding or dissatisfying for an employee, these variables
all play a part in determining whether or not an employee is content in their position. Job satisfaction
can be thought of as a multi-faceted concept.

Identity Sources of Dissatisfaction: In order to identify the root causes of employee discontent, these
evaluations must delve deeply into job design, working circumstances, and interpersonal interactions
(Parker and Grote, 2022).

Tailored Interventions: HR can tailor interventions to specific needs based on the data gathered (Johari
et al., 2018).

Enhancing Work Life Balance: Improving Work-Life Balance is important in the context of absenteeism
because it helps explain why some workers are reluctant to show up for work. Models of job satisfaction
highlight the value of a healthy work-life balance (Parker and Grote, 2022).
The Importance of Work Psychology

The field of work psychology is increasingly recognised for its significance in today's offices (Obrenovic et
al., 2020).

Human resources managers can learn from this data what factors contribute to employee satisfaction
and engagement, as well as what causes discontent and disengagement (Kašpárková et al., 2018).

Second, when applied to the issue of absenteeism, work psychology can help identify the underlying
emotional and mental causes of employees' frequent absences. Human resources can then create more
effective interventions to boost attendance and morale by addressing underlying issues such as stress at
work, lack of time off, or dissatisfaction with current position (Trougakos et al., 2020; Lacerenza et al.,

Approaches to Labour Turnover

1. Targeted retention programmes such as Mentorship programmes, training and advancement

opportunities, and rewards and recognition programmes can be developed with the help of workplace
psychology (Bagarello et al., 2018).

2. Feedback analysis and departure interviews are useful tools for learning why employees are leaving a
company (Obrenovic et al., 2020).

3. Using principles from work psychology, jobs can be redesigned to be more fulfilling for employees.
Implementing flexible work arrangements that meet employees' desires for work-life balance can be
aided by drawing on insights from work psychology

Approaches to Absenteeism

1. Better balancing work and family life can be achieved through the introduction of programmes like
flexible work hours, telecommuting opportunities, and family-friendly regulations (Trougakos et al.,

2. access to resources that help them manage stress and mental health issues.

3. Offering opportunities for skill development and career growth can make employment more engaging
and gratifying.
4. Employees that are invested in their work are less likely to call out sick, leading to higher attendance

Evaluation of Psychological Methods

Stay interviews, 360-degree feedback, and psychometric exams are just a few of the tools that may be
used to better understand what drives employees, what they hope to achieve in their careers, and how
satisfied they are in their current roles (Parker and Grote, 2022).

These strategies will be useful in addressing the problems faced by the client.

Psychological Tools and Techniques

Human resources decisions can be greatly aided by a thorough understanding of and skillful application
of psychological tools and strategies for forecasting employee behaviour in the workplace.

Some examples of such instruments are:

Psychometric Assessments: Tests evaluating a candidate's personality, emotional intelligence, and

cognitive ability are examples of psychometric assessments (Obrenovic et al., 2020).

Employee Surveys: Surveys of workers' attitudes and experiences on the job can reveal important
information about what drives them and where the company might make improvements (Lacerenza et
al., 2018).

Behavioural Interviews: Human resources can learn a lot about a candidate's character and potential
from conducting in-depth, structured interviews that are grounded in psychological principles.


Organisational success is possible thanks to the contributions of work psychology to problem solving in
human resources and the informing of HR strategies and policies. By connecting HR practises with
psychological principles, organisations may create a workplace where people flourish, contributing to
organisational success, long-term sustainability, and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business

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