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00:01 hey welcome back everybody i'm davis turner at mindspark learning and and representing msl

capital today and i'm the senior director of strategic programs so another clinic for us we're going to kind
of get into it and we're just going to get going so one thing that we do with msl capita is something that
we always want to focus on and really kind of always reiterate is we want you to take away what you
what you can from this right it's not saying this is this is the only way to do it we really want to challenge
your mindset in

00:31 the way that you're thinking not necessarily the way that you know you're going to change the
way that you're doing things or really be disruptive in that sense we want you to see what you can do
and implement right away in terms of success would a success look for you and what does success look
for your student athletes within your organization so take this with a grain of salt take this and and really
figure out how it best fits within your program and your organization and then tweak it to however you
see fit so by

00:57 all means we're just kind of giving you some bass based knowledge as we get through some of
this content so today we're going to be talking about traditional and non-traditional sports and
understanding the trends so you'll see a lot of different things come up you've seen a lot of different
things kind of rise in popularity over the last few months and years and we really need to be aware of
that as traditional sport participation is significantly dropping where can we see the benefit of non-

01:25 sports not only as kind of an avenue but as it helps traditional sports and evolve as as player
performance and looking into why people are leaving so as we first get started your first challenge i want
you to come up with a new game or sport using these materials you have dodge balls pylon codes tennis
balls and painters tape i want to hear what you come up with so take next three minutes and come up
with your brand new sport or game and and let the ideas flourish so after seeing some of those games
and looking

01:59 at you know some of the content that you guys came up with pretty creative and i think you
know we can always evolve right and we always take what we have and the reasons or resources that we
do have and really leverage them and i think that's as coaches that's what makes us so impactful is how
do we portray that within our student athletes how do we take them and allow them to do that as well
and give them that agency to do so so not necessarily only putting the onus on you but give them
something maybe it is a basketball and in

02:27 different things maybe it is a hockey puck maybe it is a soccer ball and have them be creative
with their own game because it's going to then elaborate on that creative experience for them and the
skills that they're developing and but it makes it more fun right it gives them that agency it gives them
that autonomy to say i'm going to do this to better improve myself and to better improve my confidence
and have fun with it because these sports are meant to have fun to be fun as well as you know
competitive and so how do we continue

02:55 that kind of pathway so on the screen you'll kind of notice this the dodgeball tournament as well
as you know the average joe's and the global gym i think pythons or cobras go we're sorry but that's
that's a reality we're in right now right as you see bleacher report just had this event not too long ago
and they offered it was a 250 000 dodgeball tournament and and that's who what the winner would
receive but it was almost like a mockery you know years back right when dodgeball was on the ocho on
espn and and so on

03:30 and but that's where these non-traditional sports have really risen and what we've really come
to focus on is it is different it is unique and it kind of allows those personalities to really to really flourish
and one thing that i found interesting is the million-dollar golf challenge too and a lot of them they call it
the match where we've had you know phil mickelson and tiger woods with tom brady charles barkley
peyton manning steph curry all these different athletes in different sports come together and and have
this kind of

04:02 charity event but also it's fun to watch because they're not necessarily you know athletes within
that sport and i think it's one of those things that you know you see on these forums every year or you
just kind of see as a joke where because the olympics are coming up people want to see a regular person
participate in an event right what would that look like and how would that regular person or that
average person compete against some of the world's top athletes and i always think it would be funny
but also give

04:30 people perspective of how athletic and how an amazing of an athlete these olympians are but it
gives us that idea of could that happen one day and it gives us that sense that these athletes are that
much more or more skilled or more talented or even just that much more athletic than the average
person and what we give credit for because a lot of times when we're you know watching an event we
like to criticize and we like to say that we would know and what to do a little bit better but not at the not
even giving

05:00 the same skill sets that some of these world-class athletes have but you're going to start seeing a
lot more of these events and not necessarily just in participation with traditional events right i think a lot
of these things that you saw outside of all-star games and you saw outside of these more traditional
events they were just to garner attention and to kind of bring in that realm they're going to have these
standalone events more often and i think that's the biggest thing is because there's so much
05:28 writing in terms of interactivity the the influencers that people want to see because it is unique
and new that's where people are going to really gravitate towards and so they even people from the
house of highlights gm he just said they're having so much more success putting on these individual
events with the demographics of a 13 to 24 year old right because they are able to to have that chat chat
and those comment features because that's where they're already at how do we continue to pursue and

05:57 things on social media because that's where you know a lot of our youth and the generation z is
kind of coming from so that kind of really brings in that next con concept of why are we seeing these
changes and and it really gets into these new trends and what's happening with with our world of sport
so a lot of it's demographic changes right gen z is really altering the way that we're taking in information
but also digesting and presenting and how media is kind of pushing out information as well as

06:31 sports so you'll see you know twitch channels that are dedicated to sports coverage you'll see
you know youtube channels that are dedicated and people are always live streaming around amazon
prime so a lot of this has to do with streaming a lot of this has to do with that interconnectivity that
social media does bring and it allows people to participate even in in common with one another and talk
and chat and share their opinions even without being an attendance of a of a game so as you can see on
the screen some of

07:03 these things that we're going to be covering today is how do we really cater to the next
generation and how do we really not necessarily change our sport but how can we continue that that
fun atmosphere i joined sports as a young athlete because it was fun it was entertaining it was fun to be
competitive but not when you know coaches yelled and not when coaches made it to an extreme that
winning was the only way to have fun and i think that's where we're trying to we've lost focus in the past

07:33 i wouldn't say decades but in the past few years as we've focused solely on winning being that
fun factor and not necessarily as self-improvement or athletic improvement and human development so
it's really changing the way that we're structuring things and coming out with a more holistic approach in
terms of how do i address what the the needs are for this athlete this human this person and really
building those relationships individually so i think one of the things that you may have seen in a previous
video is you

08:03 know we really talk about what gen z brings to the table right gen z is different than any other
generation different than millennials different from gen x and and not necessarily understanding and
understanding their personality or the relevancy and so you'll see kind of that big drop off in why people
aren't participating in team sports because they don't see their personalities shining they don't see
themselves as this identifier and a lot of us you know athletes we identify with the sports that we play
and that's a big part of us

08:35 and not necessarily is that our only part of our personality but it's a large part that influences us
influences how we see the world and our perspectives on things and how we communicate as as
teammates one quick kind of video that we're gonna look at is who is and who are gen z so we're gonna
watch this quick clip and then we'll kind of move on [Music] [Music] [Music]

10:25 so [Music] so [Music] so what you'll notice in that video is

11:32 how gen z is really changing not necessarily the sports world but the world that we see it now
right they they want to be entrepreneurs they want to know things they want to have them shine that
personality uniqueness and and really change for impact and i think that's where we're headed is how
are our organizations really focus on impact how are we lifting up those individuals within the
organization how are they creating that kind of social media presence but also doing it for the right
reasons and and

12:01 working with you and continuing that work not necessarily just as competition but working as
building that organization with you in that they have that entrepreneurial mindset what kind of
autonomy and agency are they allow not only within the team but within the organization as a whole
within the facilities within the conversation of that community and i think that's where as coaches and as
athletic directors and his administration is we need to leverage those voices we need to really
understand who we're serving and why

12:31 we're serving them before we take into consideration most of our choices right what is dictating
and how are we dictating their practices how are we dictating these and really best serving the i guess
that authentic view of these next generation student athlete so one of these really interesting pieces is
you know understanding what these trends look like right gen z is less likely to public identify as sports
fans which you know to me being a athlete and being a sports fan for most of my career it's kind of

13:08 unique in that sense that why what's going on that it's it's pushing people away right it's what's
happening to it that people aren't wanting to be connected to the sports world or really have that care
and i think it it really comes down to what's available to them right they have so many different
opportunities they're connected to socials or social media that's really understanding the idea of what
larger world is out there beyond sports you know growing up in in a world
13:38 that you can only watch sports on tv you didn't have espn highlights on on a regular basis or on
every single morning and you know if they want to know what's on the world in this world of sports you
just turn on espn sports center in the morning and you have you know 15 20 minutes of highlights there
boom you got it you don't have to watch the whole game but when those highlights weren't there what
did you do if the newspaper wasn't there in the morning how did you know who won the game last night
and so on so i think a

14:07 lot of it is because we're so connected to to the world around we can get updates and i think
companies like bleacher report barstool sports espn they're pushing these notifications out so you don't
even have to watch these games you can know what happens within the game almost immediately with
these notifications and and so it's we're treating that as this connected world and we're seeing it that
way so we can do other things and we're not necessarily sitting down taking two or three hours of our

14:36 lives to to enjoy this game one of the other things that we like to look at too is when we look at
these trends is the amount of avid fans we have right we have the increase of avid fans in in terms of
casual fans and not a fans but what does the avid fan look like and are they a fan of the sport a fan of the
team but you'll notice throughout a lot of these people are really identifying as individuals and finding
ways like the non-traditional sports to identify and say i'm more geared towards this the success

15:14 of this individual i see myself in that individual because not only are they following them on
social media and they get to see their kind of behind-the-scenes lifestyle but it's because that they feel
connected right they're able to say i connect with this person just like we did in our favorite tv shows you
can find that character or those favorite books that we have you can kind of personally connect to those
those stories and i think that's where the changes in with so many of our youth today you know

15:43 going into gaming and esports and it's being such a big part of our society that's why people are
following them on youtube they watch other people play video games and they watch how they interact
they watch how they connect to their competition and i think that's a huge driver of what's changing in
our world right we want to learn from the best we also want to know how they're putting their
personality on it those signature moves those signature things and that's why some of the more
successful athletes today

16:13 have that big following you know you think of steph curry he's doing so much for charitable work
and he's driving social purpose and connecting with his fans but he's also working as an entrepreneur
and building other programs up and and seeing what's good for the world around him there was just a
recent article today about you know female writing steph curry a letter and saying why weren't steph
curry's kind of edition of his shoes available for for girls because he she was looking for the girls section
16:44 only did steph curry read that letter from the fan he went out talked to under armour working
with under armour to come out with a girl's line and rather than just the smaller sizes for boys come on
with the girls line be the she also offered being the first one to receive you know steph curry's six as well
as lifting her up in you know some of this equity kind of centered work for some of the work that he was
doing in march so he's taking that step and really connecting with not only with his fans

17:15 but understanding that social purpose and his platform for that and allowing him to be creative
but also connecting the sports world to you know charitable work to social purpose and something that's
beyond sports and something that's more human-centered and giving his personality a little bit and
using that as a platform one of the cool things that i i really have seen recently is some of these statistics
that we talk about when we talk about gen z it's you know we we can put all the data but we really need
context right we really

17:46 want to understand when we give gen z these kind of statistics and this data to back that up we
still don't really understand the full picture of the story and so when we talk about you know this this
world of tech and social media it's because they've grown up with you know social media they've grown
up with technology you know you didn't have to sit and wait for aol to make those obnoxious noises
grow going through and signing on and connecting on you know instant messenger or whatever they
have everything

18:16 connected to their phone they have you know google at their fingertips so learning just takes
that much faster they can learn any sort of skill on youtube whether it be how to defend a three-point
shot you know from close rate whatever it is they're going to be able to increase that amount of learning
and that amount of kind of mental repetition within their kind of own personality if they really want to
find out more information they're going to and that's what we never had access for and i think that's
what we need to leverage

18:46 as coaches is say all right you have this opportunity to to take that next step all right here's your
homework here's what you can do here's some videos or here's some resources here's some work that
you can do beyond the the time that you spend on the court to talk beyond the time you spend on the
field to learn about this right it's not just studying playbooks but it's studying mechanics it's studying
techniques it's studying strategy and being able to do that and i think

19:11 we have to have that choice to give them and i think that's where a huge part that gen z wants
and this next generation of athlete they want to have choice in what they're learning they want to have
kind of that driver to help push them into what they need and and it can come from multiple mediums
and i think that's the the biggest aspect and even netflix is going that way right we're giving options and
opportunities on netflix to interact with even our tv shows so being able to to give these student athletes
options rather than

19:44 that top-down leadership and just saying this is how it's done this is how you need to do it if you
don't sit on the bench right that's not going to fly anymore that's not how we have a successful team it's
not how we make or have teamwork we need to create that culture of excellence that culture of change
that culture of success and it comes from all over we should become more of a flat organization or a flat
team in terms of who gets to speak up when and how and how often so being able to understand
yourself as a

20:13 coach and how you get feedback too and that's a huge element of what's going to be successful
for your team moving forward so with that known how can we change that perspective to help cater to
these new athletes and leverage their passion to enhance their success or participation in traditional
sports so understanding what gen z has done and what they are into and now using that to support our
idea for what traditional sports are and i think when we start talking about this it's we look at what's
relative we

20:44 look at what's connected we look at you know how traditional sports are becoming less popular
because there's a rise in non-traditional force because people are aware of it right these sports have
existed for a long time but we were never made aware of it because we never had that opportunity to
follow it or it wasn't accessible or there wasn't one of these you know necessarily a gym or pieces
around unless we were told about it explicitly from our parents or peers or whatever but now with the

21:11 with the you know youtube everywhere we're able to access all this information and learn about
it and say oh that really makes sense that's something that i would really like to do or challenge myself at
so being able to have access to be able to learn about new sports on a regular basis is really changing the
dynamic of why people are participating and what they're participating in so as we look through some of
these you know more alternative sports we have to think about how we're we're using

21:39 that and leveraging that right oftentimes when i consider myself a multi-sport athlete you
consider those top main sports you know you have soccer basketball hockey football and baseball and
oftentimes we we often forget there are so many other sports out there that if you thought about what
what's in the olympics right if you thought about what red bull is pushing out and those kind of sports if
you thought about what monster is pushing out these types of brands affiliate themselves with some of
these alternative sports because it allows for
22:10 that identity that uniqueness and and that's partially why they're they're so reputable in terms
of marketing right because they identify with that brand and say this is a red bull athlete you know one
of the things that we often talk about is how red bull has really changed the marketing game right it's it's
building it off that lifestyle and it didn't develop a new product or anything but it created like a new
product category and it's it understood that its main audience and knows how to build that

22:42 special content for them not only on that traditional front but the the digital front as well how
do you connect with this athlete and one of the things that we we often suggest even though we're not
affiliated with red bull is if you go to they have this wing finder piece and it really
understands where it's almost one of those personality tests but i think it's one of the more well
researched and more accurate pieces and it really finds where your strengths are and where your
weaknesses are it takes about 35 minutes

23:11 and we'll put that in the chat for you but at the same time it's it's something that it connects to
you with people that are like you on the red bull team right i may have not have ever surfed a day in my
life as much as i want to but living in colorado that's not really feasible right so i think the idea is how can
i connect with somebody that is a surfer how can i connect with somebody that is a paraglider or
something that's in the f1 racing circuit these are all ways that it does that based off of your personality
and i

23:41 think you learn so much more about not only yourself but how you connect with other athletes
and so that allows us to to bridge that gap to say oh i may not just fit in this mold of traditional athlete i
may be able to do this one day and i think that's where we see a lot of differences is when you when we
think multi-sport athlete we think of those five right and now when we think of multi-sport athlete it
could mean i play hockey in the winter i can also snowboard in the winter but in the summer maybe i'm
mountain biking maybe

24:14 i'm hiking maybe i'm backpacking or mountaineering or doing any of those how are those
affecting my skills not only in each of those but as a well-rounded athlete and creating that success and
that kind of that pipeline for just more performance better human performance and not necessarily just
hockey skills or not necessarily just snowboarding skills or hiking skills it's all those are interconnected
they're all going to make me a better athlete no matter how much i do and no matter what sports i play

24:45 so as we move on kind of referred to this earlier is one of the things that we we talk about is rock
climbing or one of these things we talk about is sorry those individual sports in these alternative sports a
lot of it has to do with the individual thrill of it and i think sometimes when we say this person isn't cut
out for team sports it's not necessarily they're not a bad athlete they're using they're just not leveraging
what skills they do have so i think it's allowing those people that
25:16 may not be great at communication they may not know how to read different sides they may not
know basketball strategy but what can they do what can they do with that creativity that they do have
even though they are very very athletic it just has to be used or those skills have to be used differently
and i think one of the coolest things is rock climbing there right is you may not have that typical athlete
that's successful in those team sports but sometimes those the best climbers in the world are the ones
that are the least coordinated and

25:48 it makes zero sense because you're on a rock wall holding on for dear life but it's often true they
just know how to be flexible they know angles they know how to use their core and engage muscles at a
different way than what you would find in a traditional athlete so the one the one thing is we look at all
these athletes and sometimes they've tried them all and you know they get bored because they're not
engaged personally with it or they're not passionate about it so when we when we introduce new sports

26:17 it's not necessarily guided towards what do you care about what are you doing what do you like
and as parents i think this is where those questions lie a lot of times as they want what's best for their
child and this is where they're pushing it but as coaches we often don't think to ask those questions and i
think that's where we really need to say do you really enjoy this is this fun for you or is this something
that we're you know kind of pushing on you and expecting more from and i think you can have multiple

26:45 sport athletes we just have to be able to understand that it's okay to do multiple sports at once
than how they all translate and how they're all kind of helping this person become a better athlete
overall rather than just in this one skill just being able to open our minds to what's possible for the
success of these student athletes this is one of the quotes that you know i like to use especially when it
comes to alternative sports but i think it it speaks so well right it's even though it's about

27:15 ultimate frisbee it talks about strategy it talks about agility it talks about running stamina and
other skills that we often overlook because it doesn't translate into the x's and o's or it doesn't translate
into those when it comes to performance that's great right we want the confidence to be to be there
right confidence is key in all sports and we just need them to understand that what we're training for is
confidence we're training that body to to live up to its potential and to be

27:46 interested in what it's doing so as parents as coaches you want those children to have that
choice and you want them to to be able to say i want to do this or i want to do the because they're just
going to be that much more passionate and confident about it they are able to climb the top of a
mountain and really share their personality with everybody else and when people talk to athletes that
have that confidence it just exudes to them as well and it just bridges the gap between what an athlete
should look like from where a
28:19 lot of people are and it's not just about competition anymore it's not just about you know those
main factors it's it's about individuals giving that autonomy giving them that agency and lifting their
voice those personal voices up in those stories so one of the things that we like to talk about too is as
traditional athletes and as traditional sports they become a compliment to or non-traditional sports
become a complement to traditional sports so as we mentioned before rock climbing we often associate
with gymnastics right

28:50 you need strength you need endurance you need agility you need balance as well as a lot of
mental control and i think we just wrapped up with some of the um olympic trials for women's
gymnastics and men's gymnastics over the weekend you know it's really cool to see how meant the
mental capacity piece is a huge element of not only gymnastics but just all sports but what it can do to to
an athlete and can it can almost leverage them a spot on the the olympic team or not and i think it's just
what you can cope with what you can

29:24 deal with and how much pressure you're willing to put yourself under in order to to find success
and so rock climbing can definitely do that especially since it can be a life or death situation depending
on where you're at and where you're climbing and i think that's the whole thrill of it too and i think some
of those more extreme sports and more extreme athletes you find a lot of documentaries on it's because
they have that methyl capacity to do so they may not be the best runner they may not be

29:49 the most athletic you know tennis player but because they have that mental piece it's it's a game
changer in terms of the sports that they do encounter and play surfing and usually translates to can be
translated to golf and football right i think one of the coolest things is so adam scott being a pga tour
professional and and also a surfer he's definitely leveraged both to to his advantage right he said even in
multiple interviews he wouldn't be where he was at if it wasn't for surfing and i think

30:24 not only the upper body strength and the swimming and the coordination that goes along with
surfing but just the therapeutic nature of it getting out into the water and being able to kind of unwind
and release and i think he does the same thing with with golf right it's not necessarily always about
who's the strongest who's the most most athletic is going to win it's about who can withstand certain
pressure situations just like as we were talking about with gymnastics the other piece too is new orleans

30:51 state's quarterback drew brees he's been around for so long he's 41 year old he's just now
retiring but in the off season he's known to serve right he works out his legs and core in the surf because
when he's surfing he knows that he needs to be able to withstand hits in the regular season right so he's
trying to get balance he's trying to be able to understand his body when it comes to sometimes waves
being unpredictable and in having 300 pound linemen coming after you you need a
31:23 strong core as well as legs in order to avoid injury and that's why he's able to stand and stay in
the league as long as he has another one with is dance although the actual training of the two will differ
from from each other but coordination and balance and agility are the most important to hone in on
both right we need to make sure that our body is coordinated we time things we isolate certain muscles
and and isolate certain aspects for for not only jumping and dance but also track how can you isolate you
know steps

31:57 how can you isolate you know the inner part of your foot and where you're turning especially if
you're you know coming around a turn or you need that explosive agility piece on either a relay team or
a long jump in some of those kind of field events and i think a lot of it it can translate to gymnastics as
well but balance is key for both right you need to understand how you're going to develop the most
power in in terms of leaping in terms of jumping in terms of explosive footwork and timing all of

32:27 those things so i think dance definitely has that kind of feeling for both and definitely powerful
tool for for training ultimate frisbee we kind of mentioned before is kind of combining both soccer and
football in general not only with rules but kind of with the plays as well so you you need that athletic
endurance of moving from a whole complete soccer field back and forth constantly but there's also that
aerial pass catching and skills of football so being able to time defensively how to knock down a frisbee

32:57 or how to catch something on the run and being able to understand that spatial awareness and
where you're at where your defender is at and how you can then quickly strategize to reverse order and
who's got possession so it's definitely a combination of both but it's you know it's a unique combination i
think that's where we have those small area games that if we were to have soccer practice how can we
leverage ultimate frisbee to do some training that maybe isn't fun just doing the regular soccer drills all
the time

33:28 so being able to leverage both of these things to to enhance our athletic performance for the
student athletes as well one of the coolest ones that i that i notice too and unique connections with with
baseball is racquetball his racquetball requires speed agility footwork aerobic energy body control and
and being able to have that hand-eye coordination to hit the ball yes you need to wear goggles and you
need to wear the safety equipment is just as much as you do with you know helmet and baseball as well
as softball

33:56 think about when the ball comes back to you right you're immediately from offense to defense
to offense to defense and just being able to watch angles and how the ball reacts to different areas i
think it's a great offseason training or even just a priming mechanism for a lot of these athletes too so
being able to identify what they're doing and how they're applying some of these skills we have to be
explicit when it comes to that training so if we do take them to a racquetball court on an off day from

34:24 practice what are we doing and why are we intentionally doing that and being explicit so they
know exactly what they're training in that purpose and i think that's one of the things that this next
generation is also questioning is why do we participate why do we do this we have to be great at
explaining that right we're not going to just sit back and hope that they know and they can make those
connections just the same way we need salesmen to tell us all about the details of a car we need to be
able to tell them all the

34:54 details of why we should participate in this activity or why we should do this to help them
perform better one of the things too that we we mentioned earlier is that multi-sport athlete right we
think about not necessarily alternative sports but we often overlook the these multi-sport athletes and
how they can complement one another and a lot of times we'll see our athletes do these and and not
necessarily this is the only way to do it but ones that will definitely help in both and i think that's it's
powerful to have

35:26 a multi-sport athlete just because they're able to understand the offensive the strategies of of
both and come in with different perspectives not necessarily just specializing in one skill i do have a clinic
coming up called multi-sport or single sport athletes so we'll definitely we'll go more into that in depth
later on but but just identifying what's beneficial and what's not beneficial in terms of training for for
each one of the coolest aspects about you know today is with this next generation

36:00 being so encapsulated by esports and some of these non-traditional sports is oftentimes we
have to break down that myth of how esports does mentally help these athletes right you have student
athletes who you think just go home and play video games but it may be to their benefit right and and
even though we say all right you should stop get up off the couch there's definitely limits for it and i
totally agree with that but at the same time we have to understand what they may be going back to so if
they're a soccer player and

36:33 they want to go play fifa by all means go for it right they're learning not only that strategy and
learning how to pass but they're learning systems in which they're doing reps without actually physically
doing it so they're mentally understanding how to attack a different system when you know because
artificial intelligence has advanced so much they know how to kind of exploit it and being able to do that
as a high overview and having those kind of coach mentalities drafting players that fit into their system
37:01 talking how to communicate with this player where do you want them where do you expect
them to be when you're making a cross when you're making this type of thing leveraging esports and
video games like madden the sports games and fiba are all great but there's also benefits to some of
those competitive games that we see like league of legends and those things because the
communication is huge in terms of team success or even individual success so it's not just on your skill
alone it's how you communicate and play as a

37:33 team so communication not only helps with traditional sports but in esports and that's i think a
lot of esports teams now are realizing that is is a huge benefactor to to their training is how they can
learn from traditional sports in terms of training not only the physical wellness the nutrition and that but
communication what does communication look like why do esports teams need coaches what is the
coach actually doing how is it implementing strategy how is it kind of breaking down different strategies
from the opposing

38:05 team and identifying patterns and so on so a lot of this translates from esports to traditional
sports and we have to just give it the credit it deserves when it comes to that mental training and we're
going to go a little bit into it as as we learn right because you know when we gamify certain things it just
makes it that much more fun right we want to gamify practices we want to have small area games we
want to be able to do this but this is exactly what these students athletes are doing when they go home
as well

38:36 so this is kind of what we you know kind of coined is convergence right we we're a deeply
connected world and and how do we converge traditional sports with with esports and so i think when
we talk about how not only does it connect with education but it connects with traditional sports and
industry as well when it comes to streaming when it comes to marketing when it comes to branding it's
all there just as much as it is anywhere else or any other traditional world or traditional sport so when
we think about what that means

39:09 is there's madden 2020 challenges right noah who is a 13 year old he won a madden
competition and won over a million dollars in in prizes right so these student athletes can make you
know prize money that's well beyond our our imagination just by playing these video games but he's
able to compete against multiple professional athletes in in in this and so you you'll see juju smith
schuster you'll see you know darius slay you'll see all these different athletes kind of challenge other
people on online and

39:42 connect with their fans in that light as well but also in non-sport games you know you'll see um
oh i'm gonna forget who it is but they had even a concert even in fortnite right they had a live concert for
was it travis scott i think it was travis scott travis scott was able to perform in a fortnight game and so
people could watch virtually and participate even in a concert you'll have you know tournaments for
different racing games and different things so on with professional athletes on the regular basis but

40:16 creating pipelines for traditional sports to merge with you know esports is huge to not only
create the larger fan base but also understanding game concepts and kind of how that that kind of
translates even gordon hayward is a big proponent right there's now an nba 2k league so most of these
teams are affiliated with nba teams because they want to create their own like farm systems for esports
and and i think gordon hayward hit a point on the head is it takes a lot of mental focus and anticipation
right we need to be able to

40:50 identify certain patterns as athletes before they actually happen so then we can kind of get a
step up on the competition and what way to better understand strategy and what better way to
anticipate certain things happening than just getting those repetitions in with with esports and video
games and so on is that's huge i think you know we we see it all over not only in nba and madden but
even in the nhl and in mlb we're getting to a point in our our technology and the accessibility that it's
everywhere and it's something that

41:24 we really need to start leveraging as coaches as a learning tool and say all right as much as we
don't want to your homework tonight is to go play an hour of this you know we also have to be
respectful and kind of you know do do we know that they have access to this or they do we know that
you know they're they're able to have some sort of connection to it if not there are definitely other ways
but most everybody has the ability to watch youtube or they have a library or they have you know
certain coaches that

41:53 we can talk through with you know what resources we can provide them but at the same time
there's so much learning that happens outside of the core outside of the rink outside of the field that we
really just need to address especially with this new generation that's always connected always wanting
to be part of the next next thing and so we we talk about that idea of convergence with esports and pro
sports and and how that's really emerging in a it's an emerging field but it's also a merging field and

42:23 being able to understand player development as well as their connection to the bigger picture
and the bigger kind of community that serves them so i think one of the things that i talked about a little
bit earlier too in a previous video is how do we connect with and how do we stay relevant to this next
generation right we talked a little bit about committing to understanding what non-traditional sports
help out traditional sports and how you can leverage one another but we really need to find something
that's innovative something
42:54 that's changing how do we introduce the latest technology you know student athletes today
want to know what's emerging so then they can be on top of it they can not play catch-up right it's it's
something that's instantaneous we want that instant feedback and that's why instagram and social
media has become so successful is because everything is so quick and so fast you know tik tok videos
have certain time limits on how much they can like record because people only have that short amount

43:24 attention span so being able to adjust our own traditional practices to to cater this next
generation and and figure out what's best serving them and how to best serve them and i think that's
where we have to take it out upon ourselves as coaches as athletic directors and program managers to
really think about what are we doing to really best serve this not for everybody to fit into our mold it's
how do we break the mold and fit our program into what these student athletes need for this next
generation to be successful and

43:58 be healthy and find that kind of community that they can lean on so as we move forward making
sure that we we really focus on you know that teamwork that active learning the gamification of things
to understand that it's all relative and community-based it's relationships it's something that we have to
drive and continue to drive is understanding who we serve and not necessarily saying this is how it's
done this is how it's always done we really need to adjust our teaching techniques our coaching

44:29 techniques to better suit the next generation so again i want to thank you guys we definitely
have some clinics coming up look at the there's some three options on the screen that you know are just
our most recent clinics but we will be providing a longer term summer and fall schedule here soon i do
want to take a second and promote our collab coming up it is focused on uplifting females in sport this
collab is a six month long engagement but it is really looking at our organizational structures and how to
find more equity

45:01 and in terms of design and preparation for the next generation of student athletes and student
athlete leadership and even coaches and how do we create that succession plan and how do we uplift
females within that leadership role so one of the things that i want to point out it is not only for for
females and leadership roles and female coaches but it is also for males to to become an ally to help
females learn that they can be leaders as well within your systems because a lot of this stuff and a lot of
this work that

45:30 we'll we'll be doing focuses on disrupting the entire ecosystem again thank you guys for joining
we're msl capital my name is davis turner and please if you need anything you shoot me an email just at
davis we're we're here to serve you and let's start the conversation let's keep let's keep
talking let's make sure that we meet you where you need to be and how we can best serve you so if you
you have a request or anything that we would like us to cover please shoot me a line like
46:00 take care guys thanks

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