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Based on the study, few recommendations are made for policy and decision-maker of e-
government. These recommendations are discussed below.
The government should provide auxiliary services for the successful implementation of e-
government which will also improve the employee job performance
Auxiliary services
Auxiliary services are additional services that are provided to make work easy. In the case of e-
government, the Government of Uttarakhand can provide employee complaints hotline number,
fast track online token complaint system, employee’s feedback and suggestion mechanism and
rewards for innovation. These auxiliary services will help the employee to overcome the
challenges faced in e-government adoption thereby improving their job performance. They will
also be beneficial for employees as they can utilise such services and complete the task without
any delay in work and efficacious delivery of service to the citizen. The details of auxiliary services
are discussed below:
Employee complaints hotline number
The employee complaint hotline is a critical part of an employer's efforts to address the technical
problem faced by them while working on the computer system. Hotline calls are received by
computer experts who routinely handle complaint intake. The government should start a hotline
complaint number for all the departments working on the e-district portal. This can work as an
instant solution to the problem. If employees facing any kind of congestion or problem while
working on the computer system, they can directly dial the hotline number to resolve the problem
with the given direction by the computer experts on the call. It will lead to a quick resolution of
issues, remove time lag and will motivate the employees to adopt e-governance.

Fast track online token complaint system

Fast track online token complaint system service can amplify the performance of an employee. If
employees face some technical issue on the computer system they can dial up the number and
generate a token number on which their problem be resolved on a first come first serve basis. This
roadmap will help the employee to deal with the system and their issue will be resolved at the
earliest. This system will generate belief in the system and the employees will feel connected with
the organization. They will be motivated and accept the novelty in regular office operations.
Employee’s feedback and suggestion mechanism
Employee feedback can be defined as a process of giving constructive suggestions to their
reporting managers. Feedback followed by the follow-up action can help employees and the e-
district portal office constantly get better by considering employees' suggestions. Employee
feedback is an integral part of the employee experience process and a mechanism that will
increasingly help employees get better at their job and for the e-district services to develop a fast
delivery of services to the citizen. This mechanism could make the employee feel being a part of
the job and also improve their performance due to getting recognized for their innovative idea or
Rewards for innovation
Employees want to do work that engages their interest and passion, but they must work to optimize
their compensation. While their hearts may be aligned to innovation activities, their minds and
wallets are focused on how they’ll eventually be evaluated and compensated. So their innovative
idea should be rewarded in cash or kind. The appreciation and recognition by the government will
motivate the employees to share innovative ideas and get involved in the process. Employees will
have healthy competition for which they will keep on improvising their work as well as their

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