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Name: Date:

Section: Subject:

As a continuation of our discussion and to assess your understanding of the topic Research,
please proceed as follows:
1. Take the time to carefully read each question to ensure clarity.
2. Express your thoughts concisely and clearly in the provided space.
3. Employ your knowledge of the subject matter along with critical thinking skills to
provide insightful responses.
4. Answer on a 1 whole sheet of paper.
5. Do not copy & paste from the internet.

1. Define Research:
a) Write down your understanding of what research means.

2. Purpose of Research:
Why do you think research is important? List at least three reasons.

3. Types of Research:
Identify and briefly describe 2 different types of research methods.

4. Research Process:
a) List the steps involved in conducting research.
b) Explain why each step is important in the research process.

5. Research Questions:
a) Write down three questions you could use to guide your research on a topic of interest.
b) Are these questions broad or narrow? Why is this distinction important in research?

6. Sources of Information:
List at least five different sources you can use for research. Explain why each source is
reliable or unreliable.

7. Evaluating Information:
How do you determine if information found during research is credible and trustworthy?
Provide at least three criteria.

8. Ethics in Research:
Why is it important to conduct research ethically? Provide an example of an ethical issue that
researchers might encounter.

9. Research Skills:
What skills do you think are important for conducting effective research? Choose three and
explain why they are essential.

10. Reflection:
Reflect on a time when you conducted research for a project or assignment. What did you
learn from the experience? How could you improve your research process in the future?

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