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English IV

(AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - A job interview

Professor’s name: Luciano Carlos Andres Scattolon Huapaya


katerin Raime Levita

Galves Zabaleta
Codigo: U20219217 Jennifer Katherine
Quequezana Uscamayta
Codigo: U22103899


Entrevistador: Guillerma
Postulante1: Jennifer
Postulante 2: Katerin

G: Good morning girls, I'm Guillerma Galvez, the Manager of the KFC store, well
let's get started. Tell me what position you are applying for.
J: Good morning, my name is Jennifer, I am here for the position of Marketing

K: Good morning, my name is Katerin, and I am here for the position of assistant.

G: well, how do you consider yourself for this position?

J: I consider myself a responsible and capable person, who seeks to find the
method in which I can help make better decisions and thus be able to increase
income for the benefit of the company so that it can be successful.

K: In my case I consider myself an efficient person, sociable, I can When I work

under pressure, I have to be communicative, to be able to give them my support
and resolve their doubts.

G: Girls, can you work on weekends?

J: Yes, of course, I have availability for that time.

K: I can't for study reasons.

G: What differentiates you from other candidates?

J: I think what sets me apart from others is the discipline they impose on me. and
my professional achievements.

K: In me you will find a person who has extensive experience and a great desire
to learn.

G: I understand, they have excellent skills and a lot of confidence in answering

the questions, it was a pleasure to meet them, they will be calling you during the
week, thank you for coming to the interview.

J: I'll see you soon

K: see you later

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