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Holly McQueen

Student Engagement Project Spring 2021

Step 1: Choose one health/physical education class to engage. You must receive
your supervisor’s approval of your topic before proceeding to Step 2. Approval
should be given prior to January 29th. Done

Step 2: Collect Data o Video a minimum of 3 classes for 30 minutes each o You
may have to get media permission slips from your students in order to film. Get
these out early! Done

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3
Step 3: Diagnose the problem through video analysis o What is the problem? o
Create a graphic that represents your collection of data that supports your
engagement problem
The problem is that Ms. Tuell’s Class lacks personal responsibility and
accountability in class. Students do a good job of listening to instructions but have
a hard time following individual instructions and focusing on themselves. Whether
that is being distracted by another student or worrying about what another student
is doing, they are always worried and bothered. By focusing on personal
responsibility and accountability will allow students to be responsible and focused
on themselves and their actions.

2- Full Responsibility & Accountability
4- Some Responsibility & Accountability
8- Little to no Responsibility & Accountability
3- No Responsibility & Accountability
Step 4: Solve the problem o Find a strategy that addresses your problem o Define it
o Find a theory that supports your strategy o Hypothesize: What do you think will
happen by using this strategy?

Based on the results of the pre-intervention, I have come up with a strategy that addresses
students' lack of personal responsibility and accountability. My strategy is using the sports
education model created by Siedentop in 1994. This model gives students small jobs each class like
being an equipment manager, Trainer, Coach and Captain. The equipment managers are
responsible for reorganizing equipment and cleaning it up when needed. Mostly their job will be
needed when we restart a round of one of the games we play. The Trainers are in charge of leading
the warmup and correcting poor form during the warmup. The Coach is responsible for managing
their team during the game and giving feedback. The Captains are the ones who are leading the
group during the activities and organizing the strategy for the game.

The theory that supports this strategy is the personal and social responsibility model (TPSR) by Don
Hellison where it was designed to help students learn to be responsible by giving them increasing
amounts of responsibility and being responsible for their own actions. Specifically, Level 3 of this
theory focuses on self-direction where students are able to set goals for achieving tasks.

While using this theory and strategy, I can tell students will be excited to have jobs because it will
make them feel more important and engaged during class. It could go really great with everyone
doing their own part, but it can be chaotic if personalities are clashing. I can also praise students for
being responsible by acknowledging them in class so that students who may not be doing the right
thing, can look at those who are being praised.

Step 5: Intervention o Use the strategy in your class for a minimum of 2 weeks

Step 6: Collect Data o Video a minimum of 3 classes for 30 minutes each Done

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Step 7: Results o Create an after graphic showing your data collected once the
intervention was practiced

Post Graphic
5- Full Responsibility & Accountability
7- Some Responsibility & Accountability
4- Little to no Responsibility & Accountability
1- No Responsibility & Accountability

Step 8: Reflection: Answer the following questions in essay form in a Word

document o Regarding solving the problem, you identified with your intervention;
Were you successful? Unsuccessful? Indifferent? Why/why not? o Did you
hypothesize the outcome? o What impact did your intervention have on your
students? Be specific. What behavioral changes did you see? Performance
changes? Motivational changes? o Why is this influence important to you? o How
can this information be used to guide your future teachings? o What areas of
growth did you experience in regard to the CAPS standards through this project?
Identify 2-3 CAPS standards. Give examples of how this occurred. o How has your
experience with the Student Engagement Project shaped your professional growth
and self-confidence as a teacher? o How has your experience with the Student
Engagement Project affected your personal growth and overall self-esteem?
Reflection on the Student Engagement Project

I think I was somewhat successful. Students were excited to have a role in

class and did a decent job of filling that role. Obviously if I had the whole year to

do this type of project, I would have seen a day and night experience, but I am

satisfied with what I got from them. I saw that students were more motivated to

participate because they had to execute their job. Performance wise, they all do a

pretty good job of participating but there are a few times where students sit

themselves out. During the activities I had, no students wanted to sit out so that is

definitely an improvement. I think it’s important to give students a purpose in class

because they may need that feeling of feeling important if they aren’t getting the

attention they need at home.

I really enjoyed doing the sports education model with them because usually

most elementary classes have jobs in the classroom, but they don’t. So, I was glad

to give them the experience of personal responsibility and accountability because

this a. life skill that is needed outside of school. This project helped me discover

how I can tailor the sports education model to different grade levels and class. I

thought it was going to be nearly impossible because we don’t do like team sports

like at the high school level where you can assign sports jobs easier, but I tailored
it to my students/ lessons, so it ended up working well for me. It makes me feel

like trying new things in the classroom isn’t as hard as it sounds. It’s all about trial

and error to figure out what works for each class. It has definitely built my

confidence with being bolder to try new things.

Two areas that I improved on based off of the CAPS assessment would be

Positive learning environment and professional knowledge. I always had a

somewhat positive and safe environment but when a student was off task or not

doing the right thing, I would usually call them out or address the whole class in a

negative way. I have found that positive reinforcement has worked along with

giving them roles in the class because they love to help me with anything. With

professional knowledge, I have made connections to previous knowledge and

given more cues and references to current events that has made students have a

deeper and better understand of the material that I teach. Sometimes it’s easy to get

into talking about the lesson and just say what you have to say but it’s important

that students can understand what you are saying by relating it to content or ideas

that they already know about. I have really been improving in this aspect and

asking higher order questions that get students thinking instead of me giving them

the content and answers.

Step 9: Digital Poster o Choose one platform to create a digital poster for Steps 1-
7: Canva, Adobe Spark or Sway o Upload your videos to YouTube unlisted

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