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[11/06/2020, 00:39] Antonio: I feel lonely

I am sad

Without you

Things seem so bad

[18/07/2020, 18:33] Antonio: Always looking for something/someone new

Nothing but you

[19/07/2020, 16:01] Antonio: No matter what I'm going through

All I think abou it you

[19/07/2020, 16:12] Antonio: No matter what I do

[19/07/2020, 16:12] Antonio: All I think about is you

[19/07/2020, 16:27] Antonio: No matter what I try

[19/07/2020, 16:27] Antonio: You're always on my mind

[19/07/2020, 18:05] Antonio: No matter how hard I try*

[19/07/2020, 18:06] Antonio: No matter what I do

All I think about is you

No matter how hard I try

You're always on my mind

[19/07/2020, 18:10] Antonio: Doesn't matter what I do

All I think about is you

No matter how hard I try

You're always on my mind

[19/07/2020, 20:21] Antonio: I didn't wanna go away

But I couldn't stay

[19/07/2020, 20:26] Antonio: (Out/Thinking) of all the mistakes I made

(I'm sure/x)That was the worst up to this day

[19/07/2020, 20:27] Antonio: I shouldn't have let you go away

But I couldn't stay

[19/07/2020, 20:32] Antonio: Out of all my mistakes

The worst one was to hit the breaks

[19/07/2020, 20:45] Antonio: When I didn't want to

[19/07/2020, 20:47] Antonio: Verse

I shouldn't have let you go away

But I couldn't stay

Out of all my mistakes

The worst one was to hit the breaks

When I didn't want to


Doesn't matter what I do

All I think about is you

No matter how hard I try

You're always on my mind

[20/07/2020, 18:34] Antonio: Verse

I shouldn't have let you go away

But I couldn't stay

Out of all my mistakes

The worst one was to hit the brakes

When I didn't want to


Doesn't matter what I do

All I think about is you

No matter how hard I try

You're always on my mind

[22/07/2020, 18:48] Antonio: Verse (stable)

State what happened

Chorus (unstable)

The confusing thoughts and feelings

[24/07/2020, 14:29] Antonio: Verse (stable)

Shouldn't have left her (I know I shouldn't, that was a mistake)

Chorus (unstable)

What do I do? (I don't know, I am lost)

[24/07/2020, 21:47] Antonio: Verse (stable)

I lovee her, she made me feel like no one ever did, the good times

Chorus (unstable)

Why did I leave her? (She made me feel the best I ever did but I left her, I don't know)

[24/07/2020, 21:48] Antonio: Chorus (unstable)

I left her (why? It doesn't make sense, I question myself why, but I don't know, was I right? Was I

[24/07/2020, 22:16] Antonio: Should I love

But I know I'll have to leave

[24/07/2020, 22:16] Antonio: Unstable chorus

[24/07/2020, 23:27] Antonio: Move?

[24/07/2020, 23:32] Antonio: Atmosphere

[24/07/2020, 23:32] Antonio: And did

[24/07/2020, 23:34] Antonio: Assonance rhyme

[24/07/2020, 23:35] Antonio: Mind and night

Family rhyme

[24/07/2020, 23:36] Antonio: Signs and mind

[25/07/2020, 00:56] Antonio: Time and like

[25/07/2020, 00:56] Antonio: You don't know how it's like

Feel it everytime

[25/07/2020, 00:59] Antonio: Chorus (unstable)

Can't help but feel I can loose her, despite all the good things, I am afraid I'll never see(?) her anymore, I
love you but sometimes I feel like it would be better if I had never met her, the pain is terrible

[25/07/2020, 01:02] Antonio: When... end

But later on I feel it come back again

[25/07/2020, 10:22] Antonio: Hopr and love

[25/07/2020, 11:54] Antonio: Meaning and long

[25/07/2020, 15:05] Antonio: Verse

[25/07/2020, 15:06] Antonio: Chorus


How am I supposed to feel when I see your face?

[25/07/2020, 21:02] Antonio: Person and one

[26/07/2020, 15:44] Antonio: Patterns and modern

[27/07/2020, 19:26] Antonio: Chorus

My heart races when I hear your name

How am I supposed to feel when I see your face?

[28/07/2020, 17:25] Antonio: Chorus stays the same.

Verses tell the story: 1-what happened when I met her, probably talk about when and how; 2-the
relationship in itself; 3-after the breakup

[28/07/2020, 17:26] Antonio: 3 boxea

[30/07/2020, 21:09] Antonio: What am I gonna do now?

... that you are not around

[31/07/2020, 13:11] Antonio: One/close

[01/08/2020, 18:12] Antonio: Time/life

[01/08/2020, 18:13] Antonio: Light

[01/08/2020, 19:24] Antonio: Mine/try

[01/08/2020, 19:41] Antonio: Right/mine

[01/08/2020, 19:49] Antonio: .

... Have you ever been mine?

[01/08/2020, 19:49] Antonio: Myself/someone else

[01/08/2020, 20:12] Antonio: Cool/loose

[03/08/2020, 17:20] Antonio: Fight/mind

[03/08/2020, 17:21] Antonio: Verse

Past - not afraid of loosing you when you go away


Present - afraid you going away

[10/08/2020, 19:24] Antonio: Looking at your eyes

I don't know what to feel

I don't know if it's real

But I'm glad that you're mine

All I can say is 'I love you

It's so good to start anew'

[10/08/2020, 19:24] Antonio: ABBACC

[26/08/2020, 00:32] Antonio: Don't leave my life


I want you by my side

[13/09/2020, 04:13] Antonio: Moon/shade of blue

[03/11/2020, 00:31] Antonio: Fine night/finite

[09/11/2020, 02:22] Antonio: You are the sunlight to summer

You are the strings to the guitar

You are the Santa to Christmas

Life without you is meaningless

[22/11/2020, 17:59] Antonio: When the rain comes to knock in my window/...remind me of you(I wish it
could be you)

[28/11/2020, 16:59] Antonio: All it took was ome look, one gaze/It sent my to outer space

[28/11/2020, 17:17] Antonio: All it took was one look, one gaze/It sent me to outer space


Her look is so WOW/Makes my heart beat fast/

Words don't come(Can't think of anything), my head is a mess/What do I do? She's approaching me now

[12/12/2020, 04:53] Antonio: Butterfly man

Idea: metabolism of a butterfly represents the person; final phase is the winged and free one

[12/12/2020, 04:53] Antonio: Cocoon phase is introspective, suffering, isolation

[12/12/2020, 04:55] Antonio: Three stages of a lady

1 - young princess, determined, dreamer;

2 - at the peak, successful, 2015/16/17 T13

3 - grown woman, seasoned veteran, wise

I fell in love with each one of them, perhaps in a similar fashion everytime

[15/12/2020, 04:08] Antonio: All day/hearing your name

[17/12/2020, 03:07] Antonio: A few pounds in the street

Wherever they fly

They see it all from the sky

And I hope they give happiness to whomever they meet

[17/12/2020, 03:09] Antonio: Chorus to a song about a man that was walking down the street with
some money in his briefcase (?, maybe pocket), gets hit by a car, dies, and these are his last thoughts
(maybe an observation from the narrator).

[17/12/2020, 03:11] Antonio: No one knows where he's going, but he's going fast. He holds the briefcase

Money flies. Why did he carry all of it? He leaves no notes, no documents, just the money. Who is he?
What was he doing? Why?

[17/12/2020, 03:12] Antonio: Perhaps change the money to flowers. Who was he going to give that to?
A lover is left without her love.

[17/12/2020, 03:13] Antonio: Maybe use this and make this a thought about "how would my significant
other feel if I departed from life right now?"

[17/12/2020, 03:15] Antonio: If this is the case, put a line in the last verse of the last chorus saying
something like "but this is all in my head, time to go meet her"

[18/12/2020, 04:04] Antonio: Natural light/Coming from outside

[18/12/2020, 04:05] Antonio: Metaphor to a room, at night. I'm in my mind, thinking, contemplating the
ligth outside, the beautiful light (love).

[18/12/2020, 04:06] Antonio: Maybe metaphor to a light in the dark, a new hope, a bright future. While
the inside is dark.

[18/12/2020, 04:06] Antonio: Window is the only way for the light to enter, a symbol maybe.

[21/12/2020, 19:54] Antonio: 1(I'm dreaming, and I wake up) I'm in my room, getting ready. I think of
you, I want to see you, hear you. It's dark. I grab my phone to see your photos and videos.


[21/12/2020, 19:57] Antonio: I then remember we are not together, but it hurts so much, and I want
you back. I know you still think about me, you never forgot me. I get my clothes and everything else
ready to see you; I mess up when doing it (I'm so excited, I forgot to tie the shoe or the coat is just
hanging in my arms not worn or my clothes are all messed up, untidy).

[21/12/2020, 19:57] Antonio: I look out the window to take a breath of courage, and think of everything.
I'm inspired, full of resolve!

[21/12/2020, 19:58] Antonio: I can't wait to see you again

[21/12/2020, 20:01] Antonio: Maybe: I make my way to you, I run, the wind is in my hair, I almost trip
and fall; I can't wait to see your face again! I get to you, completely stunned, and I want to tell you
To make this chorus, make it unstable. On the last use of the chorus, give it a last line that makes it
stable and rhymes (it'll be what I'll say to her, like "hey, I messed up" or "hey, I love you"; Idk, must build
everything else).

[21/12/2020, 20:03] Antonio: Maybe use this idea to make a progression in the same or in another song.

3 moments: when I met you, and fell in love for the first time (maybe); in my dreams (I walk to her in my
dreams); now, after everything (perhaps it's over, but I'll mend it, I can't do it without her).

[21/12/2020, 20:07] Antonio: Maybe make so that the dream is followed right after by waking up, and
wanting to get to her, because I miss her.


Verse (dream)

Chorus (I'm so excited! I'm running to you, that's what I see first. My shoes are untied, my coat is
hanging, not worn as it should. I almost trip, but I won't stop until I see your face) - unstable

Verse (waking up, and making my way to her)

Chorus (same, but with a last line; ne finally saying something to her something, like the "I love you") -

[21/12/2020, 20:10] Antonio: Hair undone, and the wind is shaking it.

[28/12/2020, 04:38] Antonio: [...] stay away/keep thoughts of you at bay

[28/12/2020, 04:39] Antonio: To be in such harmony (or sintony)/But so out of touch

[28/12/2020, 04:40] Antonio: Maybe use this as a happy song. Stay away from me, you are too much on
my mind, I think I love you, but I don't know about it...

[30/12/2020, 22:04] Antonio: Man that works, almost a machine, in an office. He does nothing for
himself; he just works, and he crafted a routine just to allow him to work better.

[30/12/2020, 22:05] Antonio: One day, he wakes up at the exact time he does every day, and does all
the he usually does in the same order. He goes to work.

[30/12/2020, 22:06] Antonio: But that day is different. He realises that he can be free and do things for
himself. He walks out of the office, and has the day of his life.

[30/12/2020, 22:07] Antonio: Another idea: man that parties all day. His 9-5 is at night (parties from
9pm to 5am). One day he finds himself unsatisfied.

[31/12/2020, 21:37] Antonio: Is it a sin?/Because I'm only just seventeen

[01/01, 10:15] Antonio: Not song: vampire writing about his memories so far and about being a vampire
(how it's good: advantages, powers, all). He tries to sound very powerful and all, but, in reality, is
"pathetic" (some of the powers he says he has he actually can't use anymore because he forgot how; he
says he says how vamps earn money through and how they use it for corruption sometimes, but he
never did it, and he earns money with a very weird and normal business).

He wasn't originally a vamp, he was turned into one; he tells about how it started to change his life (but
it's a very small and comical thing)

[14/02, 00:32] Antonio: I told you baby

I'd be every time

By your side

[25/02, 03:08] Antonio: I can't endure this heartbreak

Such a never-ending headache

I toss and turn violently

But it all still comes back to me

[25/02, 03:09] Antonio: A1A2B1B2, but can be done as A1B1A2B2

[08/03, 03:13] Antonio: Song story: guy anxious to ask out a girl, asks her out, she accepts. Chorus is
when the guy sees the girl for the first time and in the date (how she's gorgeous, and makes him
nervous, out of words - can't speak, because he's stunned at her).

1st verse: getting ready to talk to her

2nd verse: heading to the date

[08/03, 03:13] Antonio: All is in a postive vibe

[08/03, 03:14] Antonio: Hey! Wanna go on a date with me?

(Use it, seems nice; use on the 1st verse)

[08/03, 03:16] Antonio: Hey! Wanna go on a date with me?

I don't know what happened

I must have been crazy

[08/03, 03:18] Antonio: Cold/Alone rhyme

*this is not connected to the things above*

[10/03, 02:18] Antonio: If I went back in time

Would I leave things going on alright

Or would I try to change my younger self's mind?

[14/03, 08:53] Antonio: Stpry: regime toppler. A man that topples fasciste and corrupt gpvs insidde out

[14/03, 08:53] Antonio: He infiltrates and destroys the governments

[14/03, 08:55] Antonio: Initially born in a country with fascist/nazi ideals. He later realizes that there's a
lack of moral and violence runs rampant, which is suppirted by a mob conscience

[14/03, 08:56] Antonio: He ends up killing one of his friends to stop him from killing innocent people
(nazi things, right?)

[13/04, 20:42] Antonio: Society in which it's banned to wear gray and other similar colours. The reason is
that it evokes negative emotions, which is against the state policy.

After a long dark era, this new government brings hope, and, to reinforce the good image of it, it takes
measures to ban everything that evokes negativity.

Morals: *toxic positivity* and *pointless policies to make changes* (1)

[13/04, 20:44] Antonio: 1-some SJW and other crap that makes you stop having your habits just to
promote an agenda that is admirable, but the way it's being done doesn't do anything practical to
change things

[04/05, 14:26] Antonio: Society based on vertical urbanization. Classes divided into building heights:
richer citizens live in the highest (and bigger) floors (which have less pollution and rubbish, which are
concentrated on the floor/stree levels); poorer people have to go to the streets, where sanitary
conditions are terrible, to work and buy things. The higher floors are guarded by guards hired by the
richer people. Higher floors work from home or walk through tubes that connect the higher parts of the
buildings. Initial plan was for integration between rich and poor in the buildings (buildings made to get
everyone together). Higher parts have their own commerce and parks, gardens, etc.

[06/05, 16:08] Antonio: Motivação

Vilão: a justiça tratará a todos igualmente, mesmo nas condições piores;

Herói: mesmo que o mundi acabe, devemos manter a justiça e os princípios

[15/05, 19:49] Antonio: Punição para assasinato: proporcional a uma estimativa do tempo de vida que a
pessoa ainda tinha para viver.

Matar alguém com 20 anos que poderia viver até os 70 de acordo com estimativas (genéticas, estilo de
vida, tudo) condena o criminoso a 50 anos na cadeia.

Além do debate pela atribuição de culpa, uma vez condenado o réu, passa-se à determinação do tempo
de senteça ao argumentar o "tempo de vida que faltaria à vítima para viver"

[19/05, 03:26] Antonio: Learnings:

1 - start to feel things before the scene;

2 - embody what the objective is;

3 - the character is for the audience, so you must make sure you're passing them the right feeling
towards your character;

4 - base your performance on something (someone in a certain condition especially)

[27/05, 23:28] Antonio: I wanna make a mess out of your lipstick

[29/05, 03:40] Antonio: If all of those feelings are part of me

All of them in me shall be

For I am tired of living like this

Feeling something is amiss

[29/05, 03:41] Antonio: If all of those feelings are part of me

All of them inside of me shall be

For I am tired of living like this

Feeling something is always amiss

[29/05, 03:42] Antonio: If all of those feelings are part of me

All of them inside of me shall be

For I am fatigued of living like this

Feeling something is always amiss

[29/05, 03:44] Antonio: If all of those feelings are part of me

All of them inside of me shall be

For I am fatigued of living like this

Feeling something is inebitably amiss

[29/05, 03:45] Antonio: *******

[29/05, 03:49] Antonio: Come, come with me

Somewhere only the moon can see

I want to make a mess out of your lipstick

[29/05, 03:54] Antonio: I want to have you in my arms

Red all over the place

Nowhere will we discriminate

In our crazy nights

[29/05, 03:54] Antonio: 2 more verses needed

[29/05, 03:57] Antonio: I want to have you in my arms

Red all over the place

Nowhere will we discriminate

In our crazy nights

Turn the lights down low

Leave only the candles on

[29/05, 04:02] Antonio: All the time you took to prepare will be wasted

Because late at night I'll take you to a place

Where we can mess it all up

And show the true meaning of love

[29/05, 04:04] Antonio: All the time you took to prepare will be wasted

I'll take you to a place

Where we can mess it all up

Late at night

And show the true meaning of love

[29/05, 04:05] Antonio: ***

[29/05, 04:06] Antonio: Such a waste

To get all dressed up

If later

I'm going to show you my love

[29/05, 04:07] Antonio: Such a waste

To get all dressed up

If later I'm going to show you my love

[29/05, 04:09] Antonio: ***

[29/05, 04:13] Antonio: 2 am, I'm sitting on my bed

Waiting for you to text me Asking "are you there"

[19/06, 03:49] Antonio: [...] bridge

And I can't stop thinking about

All of those memories

Of you and me

The pictures and the songs

[19/06, 03:54] Antonio: This is about a heartbreak, and what happens after. How things, that once were
part of the love, now are just memories; how did such pictures, songs, moments and time spent
together lead to this? Why is it that what once had meaning is now a ghost town? "We cling to those
memories, we live in the past, hoping one day it'll come to pass"(maybe use thise).

This illustrates the 2014 incidents, where all that was related to F and 2013 became something strange;
why did all that was built upon such beatiful things exist if it wasn't meant to be? Why create a
happiness that will have an ending both bitter and meaningless?

[19/06, 03:58] Antonio: Songs, places, pictures, all of it became a way to keep linked to what happened;
I cherished it. :Still, it was a decadent , damaged pillar: the only hope to something that was falling apart
but, sooner or later, the crumbling would start"(maybe use this somewhere).

[19/06, 04:02] Antonio: But the unthinkable happened later! All that was tied so closely to the past love,
now, became something new! It was linked to the new feelings! It still reminds me of the past, but it's
now related to the present and to the future of this new love!

[24/06, 22:00] Antonio: Fiend, friend, trend, send mend; ran, care, stand, stare, glare; lair, there,
anywhere; stretch; quench, stentch; notch; rock, destroyed, more; door, bigger; rigged, witch; stitch,
niche, mustache; that, blast; quest, stress, mess;

[25/06, 03:58] Antonio: I'm sorry I tried to kiss you

Forgive me for last night

For all that I did to you

And everything that I said

I wasn't thinking straight back then

[25/06, 04:00] Antonio: 2 possibilities

[25/06, 04:01] Antonio: 1-tried to kiss the girl that night, but it was because I was confused and lonely
after losing the one I had been with for a long time

[25/06, 04:02] Antonio: 2-I tried to take it too fast, and ruined it; I should've waited a bit more to go in
for the kiss, maybe a day or more.

[27/06, 01:19] Antonio: Idea: when you commit a crime, you will be judged according to the laws, but,
depending on your "contributions to society", you can have a less severe penalty, maybe even get free
of any, or get an even harsher one. This becomes the new law, and big capitalists end up being freed of
any penalty because they "contribute to society", which creates a dystopic and corrupt society, and
those that don't work for any reason end up getting very severe penalties because they "wouldn't be
contributing to society".
This is a metaphor to how it works today, where the rich get free and the poor get condemned,
sometimes even for something unfair.

[27/06, 23:48] Antonio: Too much/Never enough

[30/06, 16:25] Antonio: Idea: time machines are real. Governments use them to change the past by
making policies on the past (they send someone back in time to do something they didn't, and doing so
changes the future). These policies are subject to judicial action to determine if such policies were
effective, or if they should be undone.

But how do they know if the policies were effective or not (and if they were adequate, respected rights
and everything else that is part of the Rule of Law)? The time traveler is sent back in time with
documents about the policies and the actions that will be taken, and documents saying how things were
in that future (that now doesn't exist); because of that, these measures are very uncommon due to all
the implications (messing up the past, having to study in detail the present to determine if the new
future created will be good enough, etc.).

If the courts determine the measures taken were "wrong"(inefficient or against the Rule of Law), they
send back someone to undo the changes (they send someone with official documents and orders for the
first time traveler not to do what he was there to do).

[20/07, 12:19] Antonio: Band name: Loki-feit (Loki + counterfeit).

Sounds similar to low key fake

[23/07, 15:24] Antonio: Modern day feudalism

People start to die because of some diseases and wars erupt (maybe due to the spread of the diseases,
like the covid 19 thing with everyone pointing fingers at each other). The population drops drastically
because of it, and technology goes back to a rudimentary state, preserving only a few things due to the
knowledge of the survivors and some blueprints found during the modern feudalism era.

Due to the violence, death and everything (like high crime rate due to the states being financially
destroyed after the wars), people migrate to other areas where they are protected and where land is
fertile (feudalism with no guns or shit like that, just plain and simple feudalism with some technology
and knowledge), thus creating the system of the feudalism. Many of these lands are made where big
farms were and other very fertile areas (Centro Oeste, Brazil; Oeste Paulista, Brazil; Belts, US; Fertile
Crescent [Nile, Tigres, Eufrates, Chinese rivers, Indian rivers]; there are other smaller fiefs in less fertile
areas like feudalism.

I can't stress enough that this is feudalism with a bit more knowledge and technology, no dystopia, just
rural areas like feudalism.

[23/07, 15:31] Antonio: Same problems happen, like wars against fiefs, abuse of power from some of
the lords, unsafe roads, not much contact with the outside, inheritance, etc.

But there can be added some new technologies, like tv, farming machines and techniques, radio, etc. No
guns, nukes and shit like that. Education is not seen as strictly religious, it's seen as a desirable thing
since it can help develop the fiefs and all, but it's rare due to the lost of many books, pieces of
information and a wider scale of study (national level).
[23/07, 15:43] Antonio: Unsure about religions, but some racism and xenophobia is going to be there
(it's feudalism, duh).

Some fiefs end up becoming very rich and powerful. They are usually the ones where land is very fertile,
or where big farms where technological advances where preserved (machines, tools ans blueprints), or
cities that have higher levels of education (books, first settlers were very educated, universities, maybe
even contact with some technologies such as internet, radio, tv¹). Since there were commercial cities in
feudalism, maybe there can be cities with specialists and highly educated individuals that help other
fiefs and get paid back by the lords.

Metal and other resources will be taken from scraps found in abandoned places that once where cities,
for example, and nearby places and sold by merchants; these can be bought as commodities or as a
research tool for reverse engineering and study.


1-maybe have the silicon valley be very developed in terms of it due to the concentration of computers
and such productions and servers, while also having some technology about farming (modern
agriculture in California today) and everything (California is very developed in terms of technology, like
solar panels).

[23/07, 16:04] Antonio: This is all about teaching how people should be careful with diseases and not be
polarised idiots that end up creating unnecessary wars. It's also supposed to teach a bit about feudalism
as it was. Also, since there will be technological development, due to the fact that fossil fuel is scarce,
people develop a society around renewable energy (solar panels, wind turbines, etc.).

[23/07, 16:06] Antonio: I was thinking about having this society also evolve to "modern day levels" and
develop societal roles and social institutions, forms of government and all based on what was part of the

[23/07, 19:24] Antonio: Idea about the bubble that separates us (me and my so) from the rest of the
world, where we live in our own tempo as if almost dettached from reality, just mere bystanders
watching the world with little or no impact over us.

[23/07, 19:31] Antonio: Everything out there is chaos, dark, warlike, grey, screams...

I think about her and I seem to get out of reality for a moment, but only when I'm thinking about her; all
seems fine in those moments when she's on my mind.

When I stop thinking about her, it comes back. I need to meet her. I see her in front of me in that chaotic
"war zone" and everything fades away, it all becomes peripheral vision and muffled sounds.

I run to her and she runs towards me. Time has stopped or nothing else around us exists anymore.
When I reach her and give her a hug, the bubble separates us even further as if it's all a simulation. I look
into her eyes and it all just stops; I go for the kiss, closing my eyes, and we are just floating in space,
soaring in the skies.
The warzone, the chaos, the screams, everything disappears and gives place to a beautiful sunshine with
birds chirping and singing, the sky gets that blue and pink-ish tone.

[23/07, 19:32] Antonio: Metaphor to how things are bad without her and/or how she conforts me when
all is bad. Maybe even say that she's the reason to live.

[23/07, 19:36] Antonio: Maybe do a storyline like this:

Verse - everything is bad, dark, chaotic, warzone like, but when I think about her

Chorus - bubble and how it all seems so good, outside of that dark reality, a stark contrast

Verse - it all goesn away when I stop thinking about her, the chaos comes back, I need to see her

Bridge - part where I see her and bubble starts, I run to her and hug her and lean for the kiss

Chorus (?) (slightly changed in the end) - same as last chorus, but maybe insert something in the end to
give it a closure, like maybe talk about the blue pink sky

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