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A is a

B is a digital camera

C is a

D is a

E is a DVD drive

1bi) ReadOnly Memory (ROM) chips are non-volatile memory that

generally contains instructions for "booting" the computer (i.e.
loading the operating system when the computer starts up).

1bii) RAM. RAM -- or dynamic RAM -- is temporary memory storage

that makes information immediately accessible to programs; RAM is
volatile memory, so stored data is cleared when the computer
powers off. Hard drive.
1biii) What is an arithmetic-logic unit (ALU)? An arithmetic-logic unit
is the part of a central processing unit that carries out arithmetic and
logic operations on the operands in computer instruction words.

1ci) Printers are the most used use to produce a hardcopy output
which is printed paper. When a document is created on a computer,
it is typically saved as a file on the computer's hard drive. This is
sometimes referred to as a soft copy.

1cii) Input device: usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device
is the conduit through which data and instructions enter a

1ciii) Which device is used for entering data by writing on a computer screen?
Keyboard. A keyboard is a human interface device which is represented as a layout
of buttons. Each button, or key, can be used to either input an alphanumeric
character to a computer, or to call upon a particular function of the computer. It acts
as the main text entry interface for most users.

1civ) A magnetic stripe card contains a magnetic stripe that stores

information. Unlike smart cards, magnetic stripe cards are passive
devices that contain no circuits. These cards are sometimes called
swipe cards: they are read when swiped through a card reader.

1cv) Primary storage in computer systems: Random Access

Random Access Memory, or RAM, is the primary storage of a
computer–the hardware where the operating system (OS),
application programs and data in current use are kept so they can
be quickly reached by the device's processor.

1cvi) A biometric device is based on a technology that can identify a person using their
unique facial characteristics, fingerprints, signatures, DNA,

Bar Reader scans a set of vertical bars of different width for

specific data.

2a) An em is a unit of measurement, relative to the size of the font;

therefore, in a typeface set at a font-size of 16px, one em is 16px.

2b) Page orientation is the way in which a rectangular page is

oriented for normal viewing. The two most common types of
orientation are portrait and landscape.
2c) The special margin that is placed at the top or edge to clear the
text from the fold in a page is called the. gutter.

2d) Orphan: A paragraph-opening line that appears by itself at the

bottom of a page or column, thus separated from the rest of the

3ai) What is the function of bullets in computer?

Alternatively called a bullet point, a bullet is an asterisk, black dot, circle, or another
mark found before the text. Bullet lists identify key items or denote significance when
order does not matter.
What are the functions of bulleting?
Bulleting: Bullets are used to avoid long, complicated sentences, to organize lists,
and to prioritize information. Bulleted information assists your audience in
remembering significant information. (Of all the various types of document design
techniques, bulleting is the most difficult to master.)


Functions of numbering

Use a numbered list to display complete sentences or paragraphs in a series (e.g., itemized
conclusions, steps in a procedure). Use a lettered list or bulleted list rather than a numbered
list if the items are phrases.

3aii) Backspace and Delete

 The Backspace key erases the text to the left of the insertion point one
character at a time.
 The Delete key erases the text to the right of the insertion point.

4a =sum(B4:H4) enter

4b =average(B4:H4) enter

Formula Description Result

=ROUND(-1.475, 2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places


5ai) database
Database defined. A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data,
typically stored electronically in a computer system.

5aii) a folder or box for holding loose papers together and in order for easy reference.

"a file of correspondence"

5aii) a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing
or some other permanent form.

A record is any document - in any format (paper or electronic, and yes even video) -
created or received by you or your department - that allows you to conduct business. The
value of a record is determined by content, not by format.

5aiv) field - A field is an area in a fixed or known location in a unit of data such as a record,
message header, or computer instruction that has a purpose and usually a fixed size.

What is a field in data?

Fields are the components that provide structure for a table. You can't have a table
without fields. For instance, you can create an empty table that has fields defined but
no rows (records). In databases, fields are used to maintain relationships between

5av)A primary key is a field or set of fields with values that are
unique throughout a table. Values of the key can be used to refer to
entire records, because each record has a different value for the
key. Each table can only have one primary key.
A primary key is a column -- or a group of columns -- in a table that uniquely identifies the
rows of data in that table. For example, in the table below, CustomerNo, which displays the
ID number assigned to different customers, is the primary key.
5avi) Aquery is a request for data or information from a database
table or combination of tables. In the context of queries in a
database, it can be either a select query or an action query.
5avii) A report is a database object that comes in handy when you
want to present the information in your database for any of the
following uses: Display or distribute a summary of data. Archive
snapshots of the data. Provide details about individual records.
A database report is a formatted presentation of data from a database that provides
structured information for decision-making. Database reports are specifically meant to
convey information in a way that is easy to understand by human beings. Database reports
can be generated by manual analysis or compiled by software.

5bi) Thehome icon, symbolized by a simple house with a door and chimney
drawing, is widely used on modern browsers and mobile devices, and usually
takes the user to its home page.

A triangle-shaped arrow, pointing right. Commonly used as a symbol for play.

Play symbol symbolizes moving forward. Fast Forward symbol is thus moving forward more.
Rewind symbol is a backward play symbol, as it represents moving backward. The Pause
symbol indicates no movement either forward nor backward

6bi) Aslide master is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores
information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation,
including the background, color, fonts, effects, placeholder sizes,
and positioning. A slide show may be a presentation of images purely for their own
visual interest or artistic value, sometimes unaccompanied by description or text, or it may
be used to clarify or reinforce information, ideas, comments, solutions or suggestions which
are presented verbally.

The slide sorter lets you see your slides on the screen in a grid
that makes it easy to reorganize them, or organize them into
sections, just by dragging and dropping them where you want them.
The three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view are as follows:-We can see
the entire presentation. We can move slide from one place to another using click-drag
method. Also, we can rearrange the order of slides. We can insert, rename and delete
slides. Slide layouts contain formatting, positioning, and placeholder boxes for all of the
content that appears on a slide. Placeholders are the dotted-line containers on slide layouts
that hold such content as titles, body text, tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, pictures, clip art,
videos, and sounds.

6biii) Youcan view your slides in different ways to help you organise
and edit your presentation: Navigator view (the default): Displays
thumbnail images of each slide in the slide navigator on the left, and
a full view of the selected slide on the right.
What is the purpose of slide show view in presentation?

Use Slide Show view to deliver your presentation to your audience. Slide Show view
occupies the full computer screen, exactly the way your presentation will look on a
big screen when your audience sees it
6c) An animation is a special effect that applies to a single element
on a slide such as text, a shape, an image, and so on. A transition
is the special effect that occurs when you exit one slide and move
on to the next during a presentation.
What are animation and transition effects in a presentation?
On the Transitions tab, find the effect that you want in the Transition gallery. Select
Effect Options to specify how the transition occurs. If you want all slides in the
presentation to transition the same way, select Apply To All. to view the transition.

6d) Aslide is a single page of a presentation. Collectively, a group of

slides may be known as a slide deck.

7ai) a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a
single person or organization.

a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing links to each other and made
available online by an individual, company, or organization.

website refers to a central location with more than one web page or several web
pages. For example, Computer Hope is considered a website, which contains
thousands of different web pages, including the page you're reading now. In the
above URL example, the website is, and the web page is "url.

7aii) Definitions of web page. a document connected to the World Wide Web and viewable
by anyone connected to the internet who has a web browser. synonyms: webpage.

7aiii) A
browser is an application program that provides a way to look
at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web. This
includes Web pages, videos and images. A web browser is a type of software
that allows you to find and view websites on the Internet. Even if you didn't know it, you're
using a web browser right now to read this page! There are many different web browsers,
but some of the most common ones include Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.

7bWeb - Browser Types

 Internet Explorer.
 Google Chrome.
 Mozilla Firefox.
 Safari.
 Opera.
 Konqueror.
 Lynx.

7c What is the difference between chat and Email?

The most significant difference between chat and email is that chat is real-time
communication, while email is not. Chatting allows users to exchange messages in
real-time, while email requires users to send and receive messages at different

hat is the difference between Internet relay chat and instant messaging?

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a text-based chat system for instant messaging. IRC is
designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also
allows one-on-one communication via private messages as well as chat and data
transfer, including file sharing.

One is asynchronous, the other is synchronous. Or in simpler words, e-mail is not instant,
designed to hold until the receiver get to check it, the chat wont wait

7d)n intranet is a private network that is only accessible to members

of an organization. An intranet is internal and only accessible to
members of an organization. In contrast, the Internet is external and
can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection
Difference between Internet and Intranet
Internet Vs Intranet: Explore What is the Difference between
Internet and Intranet
With the advent of digital transformation, more and more organisations have welcomed
remote work and changing innovation. Organisations have developed going on to support
virtual work environments in an attempt to retain businesses. The internet and intranet have
created a niche during these times. They are terms that are similar-sounding but have distinct
meanings. Here, we have analysed the difference between Internet and Intranet.
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In this article, we have attempted to define and compare the two terms:

 Internet
 Intranet

What is an Internet?
A complete network of globally linked computers, the Internet also enables the users to
transfer information and communication. This makes use of the TCP/IP protocol suite while
communicating. Available in both wired and wireless mode, the internet also includes a wide
range of networks such as private, public, government, organisation, etc. It supports multiple
users and allows the transfer of a massive amount of data.

What is an Intranet?
A part of the network, but controlled and used by a private organisation, Intranet has
restrictions and can support only fewer users. Hence, only limited data can be shared over it.
Intranet is usually operated on a client/server platform. This enables the organisations to
share files, data, organise information, manage and share calendars, files, etc.

What is the Difference between Internet and Intranet?

A wide network of computers available for all is the internet, while the intranet is a network
of computers designed for a certain group of users. The internet is a public network, while an
intranet is a private network. Learn more about what is the difference between internet and
intranet, from the table below.

Difference between Internet and Intranet


Simultaneously link computers on Owned by local or private organisations /

different network / global network companies

Support multiple users Users are limited

Unsafe, not protected Protected and secured

It’s a public network with more A private network and traffic is less
Can transfer unlimited data Can transfer only limited data

Can be widely accessed and used Company or organisation employees or admin

with access to login details can only use this

More data or information can be Data or information accessible over intranet will
accessed or availed be limited and specific to the company records or

7e) An intranet makes communications between management and

staff more effective. Managers can ensure their employees have
access to the latest company, customer and competitor information
how and when they want it, while staff can pass upwards any
issues or comments they may have.

Five reasons why your company needs an

Microsoft 365 Team
February 22, 2019

By Sam Marshall, Microsoft Guest Author

If you’re part of a growing organization, you may be finding that things that were once
easy when everyone was in the same office have now become frustrating.

As people are more spread out, working from home or split over multiple floors, updates
and news get harder to co-ordinate. People get missed off email lists and start to
complain they can never find the right document. These are all signs that you need an

You can think of an intranet as being like a private website. It acts as the go-to place for
news, information and sharing. The five big reasons to get an intranet are:

1) Communicating efficiently. Email lists can only go so far before people complain
about too many messages, or an important announcement gets overlooked because it
was pushed down by trivial updates. An intranet lets you take back control because you
can make the headline news stick at the top of the page.

Those administrative updates about car parking and IT upgrades won’t go away, but you
can keep them to the side-lines and free inboxes from those too.

2) Collaborating effectively. If you’re still using shared drives and email attachments to
work together on documents, you’ve probably experienced the moment when
somebody spent all night making updates to the wrong version.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Most modern intranets give you a place where multiple
people can work on the same file and always have the latest version.

Even better, they provide a space for discussion, so everyone can see the comments and
agree what needs to be done.

Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Forms

3) Make information easy to find. Your intranet can be the home of all your trusted
information. You can make sure there’s only one copy and that everyone has access to
the latest policies, procedures and product information. Not only does this save time, but
it can be vital for compliance where you need to know current processes are being

4) Reduce risk. People just want to get the job done. If they’ve used a neat tool in their
personal lives they may well start to use it for work too. But consumer-grade tools for
sharing files or group discussions represent a risk to your security. What if people leave
the company for a job with a competitor and still have access to those files? You could
just block the services, but much better to offer an intranet as a properly-managed

5) Cut administration costs. How much time gets lost to inefficient administration?
Repeat calls to find out if a request has been fulfilled? Emails asking to update HR
records? An intranet gives an easy way to put forms online, making it easier to get things
right first time round.

Setting up an intranet can be quick and inexpensive. See my other article to learn how
to choose the right intranet software for your business.

7f) How to make a working e commerce website?
How to Build an Ecommerce Website Step-by-Step
1. Select your perfect ecommerce platform.
2. Purchase a domain name.
3. Find a developer.
4. Pick your ecommerce theme.
5. Customize your ecommerce template.
6. Add your products.
7. Set up payment options.
8. Sort out your shipping settings.
More items...

What are the advantages of e-commerce to an organization?

Understanding the advantages of ecommerce
 Faster buying process.
 Store and product listing creation.
 Cost reduction.
 Affordable advertising and marketing.
 Flexibility for customers.
 No reach limitations.
 Product and price comparison.
 Faster response to buyer/market demands.

8ai) website

8b) organisations

8ci) Hypertext Markup Language

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a markup language for
the web that defines the structure of web pages.24 Aug,2021

8cii) File Transfer Protocol

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used for
the transfer of files from one host to another over a TCP-based
network, such as the Internet.
8ciii) World Wide Web (WWW)
8d) padlock (or lock) icon displayed in a web browser indicates a
secure communication channel between the browser and the server
on which the website is hosted. It signifies that the connection to the
website is encrypted using HTTPS and has an SSL/TLS certificate

11a) Impact printers generally utilize hammers, pins, or wheels to

hit against an inked ribbon to print on paper. Non-impact printers
use a spray of ink, laser, or heat and pressure to execute their
printing operation. The print quality of impact printers is lower.

A soft copy could be text files, images and videos. A hard copy, on
the other hand, is defined as a physical object like a printed
document or a file stored on a thumb drive. A digital version of a
document or file is a soft copy of that document.

11c) Batchprocessing systems are characterized by their greater

degree of flexibility in operations and rapid response to evolving
market conditions. Real time processing, on the contrary, happens
immediately; as soon as a transaction takes place, it is processed.

Difference Between Batch Processing and Real Time ...

Difference Between › Technology

8d)File conversion: It is the process of converting a file from one

format to another format. Files are converted using software like
Adobe Premiere, etc. File compression: It is the process of making
the file smaller in size (in terms of resolution). Files are compressed
using software like ScriptPNG, WinZip, etc.
8e) Sequential access increases interaction cost: the user has to
inspect all the items that precede the item of interest in a list. With
direct access, the user can focus on the element of interest without
explicitly processing the items that come before it in the list.

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