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Multiple Chance:

1. An ancient memory aid device to record and document numbers, quantities, or even messages.

a. Tally Stick b. Slide Rule c. Abacus d. Pascaline

2. A mechanical calculator invented by Thomas de Colmar in 1820.

a. Jacquard Loom b. Pascaline c. Arithmometer d. Abacus

3. Mechanical device used to aid an individual in performing mathematical calculations.

a. Tally Sticks b. Napier’s Bones c. Abacus d. Scheutzian Calculation Engine

4. The first programmable computer.

a. Harvard Mark 1 b. Z1 c. ENAIC d. Atanasoff-Berry Computer

5. It was the first electronic digital computing device.

a. Slide Rule b. Pascaline c. Atanasoff-Berry Computer d. Z1

6. The First Commercial Computer. Designed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

a. UNIVAC 1 b. EDVAC c. Harvard Mark 1 d. Tabulating Machine

7. It was the first electronic general-purpose computer.

a. EDVAC b. UNIVAC 1 c. ENAIC d. Osborne 1

8. The First Portable Computer.

a. UNIVAC 1 b. Osborne 1 c. EDVAC d. ENAIC

9. The First Electro-Mechanical Computer.

a. Z1 b. Harvard Mark 1 c. EDVAC d. UNIVAC 1

10. Age is the earliest age of information technology.

a. Pre-mechanical b. Mechanical c. Electromechanical d. Electronic

11. Age is when we first start to see connections between our current technology and its ancestors.

a. Pre-mechanical b. Mechanical c. Electromechanical d. Electronic

12. Some technologies that resemble our modern-day technology.

a. Pre-mechanical b. Mechanical c. Electromechanical d. Electronic

13. Age is what we currently live in. It can be defined as the time between 1940 and right now.

a. Pre-mechanical b. Mechanical c. Electromechanical d. Electronic

14. First Humans Communicated only through speaking and picture drawings.

a. Papyrus b. Scrolls c. Petroglyph d. Phoenician

15. Invented the difference engine (1821) and analytical engine (1832). Father of modern computer.

a. Blaise Pascal b. Wilhelm Schickard c. Johann Gutenberg d. Charles Babbage

16. Conceived of his version of an Electromagnetic Telegraph

a. Morse Code b. Comptograph c. Punch Card d. Telephone and Radio

17. Invented the first adding and subtracting calculator.

a. Samuel Morse b. Alexander Graham Bell c. Dorr Felt d. Blaise Pascal

18. Developed the first working telephone.

a. Samuel Morse b. Alexander Graham Bell c. Dorr Felt d. Blaise Pascal

19. One of five generations of computer from 1965 to 1970.

a. 1st Gen b. 2nd Gen c. 3rd Gen d. 4th Gen e. 5th Gen

20. One of five generations of computer from 1946 to 1958.

a. 1st Gen b. 2nd Gen c. 3rd Gen d. 4th Gen e. 5th Gen

21. One of five generations of computer from Today to Future.

a. 1st Gen b. 2nd Gen c. 3rd Gen d. 4th Gen e. 5th Gen

22. One of five generations of computer from 1959 to 1964.

a. 1st Gen b. 2nd Gen c. 3rd Gen d. 4th Gen e. 5th Gen

23. One of five generations of computer from 1971 to Today.

a. 1st Gen b. 2nd Gen c. 3rd Gen d. 4th Gen e. 5th Gen

24. What year Stepped Reckoner was invented?

a. 1672 b. 1670 c. 1677 d. 1673

25. Who invented Napier’s Bones?

a. Lucas Napier b. Jhon Napier c. Douglas Napier d. John Napier

ACRONYMS: 2 points each

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