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Monistic point of view.

Nothing we see really exists. Suppose there are

two particles. If they combine and they separate again,
they can never be described the same way as before.


He was an astronomer, he predicted a glut of olives,

rented out all olive press and later rented them out at a
premium. The central idea behind Thales’ philosophy
was the presence of soul in all creatures, since science
was limited in those times, a sequence of action was
proved to be a basis on what to conclude next. Hence if
a magnet can pull some other metal then a magnet
also possess a soul. When this idea is extrapolated, we
also come to “God in every soul” philosophy.

Apart from this, he also mentions something called as

arche. The arche is understood as something
ubiquitous such as water. A Ubiquitous is something
present everywhere such as water.
1. Orgy –
2. Effacement – Erosion of something, derived from
the word efface which means erase from a surface.
3. Antiquity – Ancient History.
4. Heresies – Derived from the word heresy which
basically means blasphemy, Heresies means a
belief or opinion contrary to that of orthodox
religion especially Christianity.
5. Aberrations – A departure from what is normal,
can be used to depict a gradual shift in mood, or
pattern of behaviour of a certain thing or person.
6. Wanton – Used as an adjective, used to depict if
something is cruel. A deliberate action carried out
by one’s conscience and not under the influence of
7. Zealotry – Fanatic and uncompromising and
forceful pursuit of religion.

1. Imputation – Accusation,
2. Glut of something – Excessive supply of something.
3. Ubiquitous – More superlative of the above word.
Something which is present everywhere like water.
4. Grope – Look for something blindly.

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