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In the grand tapestry of human knowledge, mathematics weaves the thread of precision.

Mathematics provides the scaffolding upon which the edifice of modern civilization stands. Warm
greetings to everyone, and welcome to the mathematics day Quiz Extravaganza. I, Vishesh along
with my co host ridhima will be guiding you today through this exciting journey of questions and
Before we dive into the quiz, let's meet our brilliant participants. All of you are requested to turn on
your mics one by one and introduce yourself to the crowd.

Fantastic! We have prepared for you, a total of three rounds. Let us first discuss the rules-
1. Raise your hands to answer the question.
2. For every right answer, 5 marks will be awarded
3. No negative marking in first two rounds.
3. After the second round, team with the lowest score will be eliminated.
4. For the rapid fire round, the team with the fastest answer will be considered-2 for every wrong
Also, if any team does not know the answer, the question will be passed to the audience.
Are you all excited? Great! Let's kick off with our first round. Best of luck to each of you!

After round 1- score annoucement.

Moving on to the second round, we now have mental ability questions. Are you all ready?
After round 2- score announcement
the team with the lowest score, _____ house is eliminated. Better luck next time guys!
Moving forward towards the last and the most thrilling round- the rapid fire. The team which first
presses the buzzer gets to answer the question. You are requested to keep in mind that this round
also contains negative marking, so please be extra careful while answering.

With this we come to the end of the quiz. Before announcing the results, a huge thanks to everyone
for being a great audience, and congratulations to all the participants for an incredible display of
Hopping to the most awaited moment, we have ___ house with ___ points as the winner of the quiz.
Can we have a huge round of applause for ___ house??

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