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01 Computer and Internet

Course Computer Network

Confidence Confident

Date @February 12, 2024

Last Edited @March 27, 2024 11:33 AM

by Irfan Musthofa

What is a Computer Network (Jaringan Komputer) ?

Interconnected devices, such as Personal Computers, Smartphones, Printers,
and any other devices. These devices are connected together using switches
and routers. These devices are hosts that can be clients or servers.

📌 These devices are called as a Host/End System. A host can be either

a Client or a Server.

What is a Client?
A Client is the host that makes requests to the server. We, users, are
considered as the Client that make requests to the web server for contents.
e.g. I use Safari/Chrome to open Therefore, I make a request as a
client-host to server-host for contents in Youtube.

What is a Server?
Server is a host that fulfills those requests and offers services to clients.
There are many types of servers. Biasanya di data centers.

The most widely used types of servers are as follows:

01 Computer and Internet 1

1. Web Server (Apache, nginx)

2. Database Server (Microsoft SQL, MySQL)

3. Email Server

4. Web Proxy Server

5. DNS Server

6. FTP Server

7. DHCP Server

8. Cloud Server

9. Application Server

10. etc.

Computer Network Components:

1. Hardware

2. Software

3. Network Medium

4. Networks Administrator

5. Policy

Hardware ini dibagi menjadi:

End Devices (Host): laptop sendiri, mobil, smartwatch, smart AC, etc.

Intermediary Devices: yang menyambungkan antar end devices. Router,

LAN Switch, Wireless Router, Access Point, Firewall, Proxy

Network/Transmission Media: Wired (Copper Wire kayak coaxial/twixsted-

pair dan Fiber Optic), Wireless

Jenis jaringan berdasarkan lingkup area:

01 Computer and Internet 2

01 Computer and Internet 3

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