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Learning Journal Unit -01:

Being the first week of the course , we were apprached with the different tasks required to be
submitted. I understood that have to write about synthax and semantics in the discussion forum
and also rate and provide feeback on other students posts, which I believe is a very intersting
method of learning as it allows students collaborate and share different methods of solving

The feedback that I have received has given me insight to other peopels opinion of my
understandning of the subject and also highlighted few areas where I can improve on my
presentation of the assignment.

In the programming assingment on the other hand , we were provided with clear instructions
to execute a set of code and provide the outcome. It is very interesting to see how desktop
applications are built from scratch and seeing the low level code behind the scenes.

Since this is the first week , I am sure like many of my peers I feel a sence of excitement and
energy to learn and indulge In the activities of the course , however I understand that learning is
a continous process and staying determined and disciplined is very important to be able to
accomplish a successful educational goal.

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