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Challenges and Issues with ADHD Medication

A look at ADHD medication cannot is all-around with consideration for both cost,

consequential availability in the market and effects of its use. Therefore, when considering that it

is a multimodal approach with a combination of psychological interventions needed, it cannot be

viewed as a solution to the problem at hand hence becomes even more expensive for low-income

families (Martinez-Raga et al., 2017). The fact that it cannot be implemented alone points to an

almost redundant need especially when prioritization of income spending is necessary for the

family. As such, it can be ignored by this bracket of the population. At the same time, there are

often many organizations that assist when it comes to behavioral therapy without cost and within

that set up the potential for the communities to often feel like they could ignore the

pharmacotherapy interventions every once in a while, creating inconsistency with medication


There are also concerns over the safety profile especially when it comes to cardiovascular

safety. One key indicator is that the adverse effects of abuse often with easy availability due to

lack of education and poverty that could lead to the sale of the drugs, contextualization shows

that the short-acting stimulation is increasingly leading to QTc associated abnormalities

(Martinez-Raga et al., 2017). This is in addition to the fact that the medication is often short

lasting necessitating the carrying of medication to schools hence trust in patients to be

responsible (De Sousa & Kalra, 2012). The drug abuse facilitation by those suffering from

ADHD towards those who abuse the drug is catalyzed by the poor and inadequate transitioning

provided from the pediatric to the adolescent mental healthcare. The result creates an imbalance

in the coordination and thus a lack of proper education for the patients and continuity of care

(Martinez-Raga et al., 2017).


De Sousa, A., & Kalra, G. (2012). Drug therapy of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

current trends. Mens sana monographs, 10(1), 45–69.


Martinez-Raga, J., Ferreros, A., Knecht, C., de Alvaro, R., & Carabal, E. (2017). Attention-

deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use: factors involved in prescribing, safety

aspects and outcomes. Therapeutic advances in drug safety, 8(3), 87–99.

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