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The happiest profession

You might be thinking, 'What job can I do when I leave

school? Which one will bring me the most job satisfaction?
And what about where you'll work? Flexible hours, a good
relationship with colleagues and seeing fast results in your
work are also key factors to being happy at work. Professions
such as bankers, lawyers and accountants do bady in the
survey because they often work long hours, which can get
very stressful.
In contrast, the top jobs in the survey are hairdressers,
gardeners, plumbers and florists! Why? Because all four have
a high job satisfaction rating. Workers see very fast results
and their customers are usually happy with the outcome.
People who have set up their own business are also happier
because they have more choice about what work to do and

Talking about me in my future when I leave school. I would

like to work as a flight attendant and interpreter. Because if I
will work as a flight attendant I can visit different places in our
Continent, also Southern and Eastern America, and also city’s
all around the world. And I like this job just because I’m
obsessed with flight attendant women, when they wear their
uniforms they looks amazing . What about interpreter? I’m
interested in these jobs ‘cause I can translate different texts,
or books.I can do this job, especially when I study to earn
some salary for life. So this jobs give me motivation to learn

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