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Name of film --- CRUELLA

Type of film ----- Adventure, drama and crime film

Main character ---- Cruella or Stella Baronese Jonh, Hartie, Jasper and Harcie

Story------- Estella and her mother went to France, her mother visited someone, but something
happened, her Mather died.

Other notes----- the music, is great the song “call me Cruella “is the best song of the film

Actor----Enna Stole. Enna Thopson and Jall fry

Opinion ---- Cruella is a great and beautiful film.

------- Estella and her mother went to France, her mother visited someone, but something
happened, her Mather died.

Then Sella fled to France. She turned bad and met Jasper and Horace. They thieve and lived

Cruella began to work but she wanted to be a fashion designed.

Finally, she became a fashion designer and met the Baronesa, she learned a secret that
changed her life

Emma Stole as Cruella she is great actress the most exciting part of the film is when Cruella or
Stella, met the Baronese

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