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Vocabulary Words

t l er s

are bony, branching growths on heads of male deer,

elk, or moose
g i ne d
im a

made a picture or idea of something in your mind

u a ge s
la ng

are the different kinds of human speech, spoken or

a t o r
na rr

is the person who narrates, or tells, the story or tale

r h e a d

over the head, above

o k e d

pushed with force against someone or something

Today is Monday, April 15, 2022
Vocabulary Words/ Lesson 13
1.antlers:are bony, branching growths on heads
of male deer, elk, or moose.
2.imagined:made a picture or idea of something
in your mind.
3.languages:are the different kinds of human
speech, spoken or written
4.narrator:is the person who narrates, or tells, the
story or tale
5.overhead: over the head, above
6. poked: pushed with force against someone or

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