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Reviewer Mid-Term

Unit: II. Bases and Policies of Special and Inclusive Education

A. Review of the Bases
1. Psychological bases
1.1. Piaget’s Cognitive Development
1.2. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
1.3. Lev Vygotsky’s Scaffolding
1.4. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning
2. Philosophical Bases
2.1 Inclusivity
2.2 Equality
3 Historical/Sociological
3.1 Convention on the Rights of the Child
3.3 EFA
3.4 K to 12 Inclusion Policy
4.1 The 1987 Phil. Constitution, Art XIV, Sec 1&2
4.2 RA 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act – including ALS and Learners with Special Needs
4.3 RA 8371 Indigenous People’s Right Act
4.4 PD 603
4.5 RA 7610 Special Protection Against Child Abuse and Exploitation
4.6 RA 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
4.7 RA 9442 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
4.8 RA 10665 Open High School System Act
4.9 RA 7277 Rehabilitation, and Integration of Disabled Persons in Mainstream Society

B. Principles, Policies, and Dimensions

1. Early Intervention
Unit 3: III. Typology of Learners with Special Needs
A. Learners with Intellectual Disability
1. Cerebral Palsy
2. Trisomy 21
B. Learners with Learning Disability
1. Dyslexia
2. Dysgraphia
3. Dyscalculia
C. Learners with Physical Disabilities
1. Visual Impairment
2. Hearing Impairment
3. Speech Impairment
4. Multiple physical Impairment
D. Learners who are Gifted and Talented
1. Visual Arts
2. Music
3. Intellectual Giftedness
4. Performing Arts
E. Learners with Socio-Emotional Disorder
1. Emotional Behavioral Disorder
2. Anxiety Attack
3. Depression
4. obsessive compulsive disorder
5. bipolar disorder
F. Learners with Chronic Illnesses 1. Asthma
2. Diabetes
3. Epilepsy
4. Allergy

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