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1 Production Process

Choose your

Take your own picture

using a remote control

Once you’re done!

You have a time to
select your photos

Sit down, Relax, and

Leave the printing to

Reservation and Booking:

- book an appointment via our booking site, we also accept walk in.


- Be at the studio 10 minutes before your slot. If you are walk in wait for
your turn.
- Choose your package and then get ready for the shoot.
- Staff will give an instruction.

Shooting Session:

- Use a remote to take photos of yourself

- You can use different props/ accessories inside the studio
- See yourself through a tv screen

- Check your photos after your shoot

- You are given a time to select photos for your printed copy
- After the staff will prepare your photo for printing

2.2 Fixed Capital

Items Amount
Fixed assets
Camera Equipment & Gears ₱ 55, 000.00
Computer and Printer 27,000.00
Imaging Enhancement Software 1,500.00
Furniture & Fixtures 5,000.00
Total Fixed Assets ₱ 88, 000.00
Other Assets
Licenses & Permits ₱ 2,000.00
Office Supplies 2,000.00
Cash on Hand 15,000.00
Total Other Assets ₱ 19, 000.00
Total Assets ₱107, 000.00

A total of ₱107,000.00 is needed to acquire the listed items. A large portion of the amount
(81%) will be spent to purchase equipment, furniture & fixtures and software. Meanwhile, the
remaining amount will be invested into different assets that will contribute to the success of
Morii Dreamscape Studio’s operations. The distribution is being presented using the pie chart
as shown below.
The Co-owner of Morii Dreamscape Studio will provide the amount of ₱25,000.00 each as their
own investment. The total combined amount will be sufficient the cover the expenses to build
the business including the ₱15,000.00 cash that will be on hand for petty expenses.

Fixed capital in a self-shoot studio business refers to the long-term assets required for operations.
This includes the physical studio space, which may require initial costs for upgrades or
alterations to meet photography requirements, such as lighting installations and backdrop setups.
Furthermore, fixed capital includes photography equipment such as cameras, lenses, and
lighting, all of which are required for high-quality image capture. Fixed capital includes
computer systems equipped with editing software, administrative and client area furnishings and
fixtures, props and set materials, security systems, and studio management software. While these
assets require considerable initial investments, they serve as the backbone of the studio's
operations, allowing it to deliver professional services, attract clients, and earn money in the long

2.3 Life of Fixed Capital

The life of fixed capital in a self-shoot studio business relates to how long the assets
contribute to the studio's operations and generate value. Fixed capital assets in a self-shoot studio
often last several years. For example, the actual studio space, once constructed and equipped
with the essential fixtures and equipment, can serve the company for many years if properly
maintained. Photography equipment, such as cameras, lenses, and lighting, normally has a usable
life of several years, though they may need to be upgraded or replaced on occasion to keep up
with technological breakthroughs or changing client expectations. Similarly, furniture, props, and
set materials can last for a long time with careful care. Investments in developing a website,
branding, and marketing materials may last longer, especially if they are regularly revised and
changed to reflect the changing demands of the business and its target market. Regular
maintenance, periodic renovations, and strategic planning are critical for extending the life and
value of the studio's fixed capital assets.

2.4 Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance and repairs in a self-shoot studio business are important activities that
maintain the functionality, safety, and overall appearance of the studio's physical space,
equipment, and other assets. This includes a variety of tasks, like routine maintenance to prevent
problems and ensure equipment runs smoothly, as well as repairs to handle any damage or
malfunctions that may arise over time.

Equipment Maintenance

Morii Dreamscape will conduct regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance of

the cameras, lighting equipment and computers. The regular maintenance includes cleaning the
lenses, checking for wear and tear, calibrating equipment, and replacing faulty parts as needed.
To avoid unplanned malfunctions, scheduled maintenance procedures including computer
software updates, studio light bulb replacements and camera sensor cleaning should be carried
out on a regular basis.

Backdrop and Set Maintenance

At Morii Dreamscape, backdrops and sets may require periodic cleaning, repair and
replacement to keep them looking fresh and appealing for client use. Rotating and updating
backdrops and set periodically can provide clients with fresh options and keep the studio
environment dynamic and versatile.

Furniture and Fixtures

For the studio furniture and fixtures, such as workstations, seating areas and storage units
should be inspected regularly for signs of wear and damage.

Safety and Security

Regular inspections of safety equipment, such as fire extinguisher, smoke detectors are
crucial to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

2.5 Sources of Equipment

Purchasing new equipment from authorized stores or manufacturers is a usual choice, as

it provides access to the latest technology and warranties for security assurance. For example,
buying a brand-new camera and tripods in “CANON PHILIPPINES” will guarantee the quality
and performance. The studio light, you can order in Lazada and Shopee. The background
seamless paper backdrops can be purchased from photography stores or online retailers. They
also come in a variety of colors and sizes.

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